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Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Mother's Day Tribute

A heartfelt thanks to one of the superMUMs I've known . . . thank you so much, Ate Lena !

"God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers."
--> Jewish proverb

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Passing on this wonderful tribute to all superMUMs!

Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G


desperateblogger said...

hey sheng! tnx for the compliments. you're a super mom too.. very brave in leaving all that is familiar to you to start a family in far-away Riga.

happy mother's day!!

Nancy Janiola said...

hi sheng..thank you so much for the comment..the author of the video was so glad to hear from you, all...

till next hop.. happy weekend!TC!

Nova said...

Another fruitful celebration for mother's like you.. wishing this celebration is another remarkable one.. happy mother's day...