As part of my daily ritual, I started visiting blogs. As I go along, there were a number of blogs that I can't get in to. It says the IE can't open the site. I thought it was just for certain blogs; but as I hop from my list, there were quite a lot of them. Like Ate Lena, Twinks, Michelle, etc, etc. Although I can get in to some with more than 1 blog, but not to all of them. There must be something wrong with my server.
I tried to visit you all, but I don't know why my IE can't get in. I'll try to use the laptop later, maybe that will work. Hoping that will work.
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Incomplete Blog-Hop
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thanks Mabelle!
I just want to thank a very thoughtful lady, MaBelle; for doing a post about me on her site!
You can check it out HERE.
It was so sweet of her to blog about my new look!
So this one is for you, my dear MaBelle!
I do appreciate the thought! >wink!<
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Friday, July 4, 2008
I Lost My List!
Here I go again! I lost all of your links! I'm trying to painstakingly put it one by one and I lost it! Urgh!
I am going through the ones from the tag board and linking them. So please do leave me a message with the links of all your blogs so I can put them up. Thanks!
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
My New Look!!!
Hey there, my loving friends! Do you like my new look? It's very gorgeous, isn't it? Like me! LOL!
So here's a big shout-out to the lady with a very dashing smile . . .
Thank you so so much, dear Carlota . . . for letting me experience your creative mind and magical hands! Thank you for taking time doing this. I know you're a very busy person, yet you made time for me! I do appreciate it . . . a lot!
Of course I'd also like to say;
. . . to all of you, once again! I got a new and awesome look because of your votes!
I love it! Hope you do too! I know the dashing lady made this extra special for me!
I'm still working on the blogroll so please bear with me.
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I Won And I Thank You!
. . . for all your support during Carlota's contest! Thanks again, Dashing Smiles for letting me be a part of it!
I won and it was because of you guys! Winning it was so impossible without your thoughtful votes! Thank you for giving in to my pangungulit to vote for me! Thank you for those kind words and for being there!
I deeply, deeply appreciate your support and will forever be grateful for it!
I just couldn't thank you enough! Winning it was a great anniversary present from all of you!
Have a blessed Sunday and God bless!
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Monday, June 23, 2008
I Need Your Support!
This pretty lady, and one of the most creative bloggers I know, Carlota, included me in her contest to win a customized layout!
So if you could spend just a weeny bit of your time, please do vote for me in her site.
That's right, please go to Carlota's site and click my name.
Hoping for your support and thanking you in advance!
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Something Wrong Again!!!
I don't know what the heck is going on with my blog . . . I can't see the posts!!! All I can view are the ones on the right side where the list of the posts, tag board and the blogroll are. I can only view one post at a time as I click the title of each post.
Arrgghhhhh!!!! It's been like this for 2 days now and I don't know what to do! I've checked the settings and layout but it's still blank. And I'm getting impatient with this!
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What's Wrong?
I don't know what is wrong with the fonts here . . . They all of a sudden became bold! Though my entires yesterday and today were fine. I tried to fix it on the settings but it wasn't on bold! I really don't know what the heck happened here! Argh!
I changed the font because the boldness is over powering.
Everything is bold!
I hate it!
Dunno what to do . . .
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G
Monday, December 17, 2007
What does one put on the first blog? Hhmmm . . .
I've been reading blogs for quite some time now. It's fun 'coz I learn new things about everything. It's also a way to pass up time when I've got nothing else to do. Technology indeed has come a looong way!
I used to have a journal when I was a kid. It has been my silent best friend for years. Whenever I've got something that I just couldn't let anybody know, it was my journal who I turn to. I had it till college, stopped for a while, then had one again during my working years. I stopped it totally when I entered the wonderful world of motherhood!
I sadly burned my journals because of my constant change of residence. I placed them all at my cabinet in our family home. But since I can't bring those with me I decided to just turn it to ashes! Thinking back now, I don't know why I did it! I guess I was just afraid back then that somebody might read it!
It's nice reminiscing the past. Makes me remember my adventures, stupidity, crazy love life and heartaches, friends and the "past me". The "past me" which made me the "me" that I am today!
Gorgeously . . .
Mrs. G