Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hiking Lost

No, this is not a post about getting lost while hiking. Although that has been know to happen from time to time. Instead this is about all the hikes I haven't gone on this year. It seems there was a perfect trifecta of excuses not to go at any given time and I often gave into any number of them. So I am asking you to help be re-find my lost hiking mojo, be it by suggesting a hike, nagging me to go on a hike or anything else you can think of. Thanks in advance.


Bonnie said...

I second the motion. I have absolutely NO desire to go hiking (aside from the lack of energy) but I feel that my summer is sadly slipping away and I NEED to get out in nature again. Let's find an easy one... a really easy one... and get back in the saddle again.

caitlin said...

I know! Last year we were awesome. I think we caught a good groove. And now here it is August, and I have gone on minimal hikes. It's just so hard when I only have weekends to get stuff done. And here I am going on a major hike in a little over a month! Let's get back in the saddle!