Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Get ReAL

A few weeks back I went to my first MLS game at Rio Tinto Stadium. ReAL Salt Lake scored within the first 2 minutes and didn't look back during their game with the LA Galaxy. I learned that soccer fans are nuts some in a good way and others not so much. I would love to see an NBA game where streamers are thrown on the court, it would make things a little more interesting. It was still fun and I would go to another game but I think I would wait until it is a little warmer and not raining. I guess I am a fair weather fan! The good news is the ReAL extended their home winning streak by beating the Galaxy 4-1. GOOOOOOOAL!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Memories

With the 2010 Vancouver Olympics in full force, I am reminded of when my little corner of the world hosted the Winter Games in 2002. The Salt Lake 2002 games were a blast. I had the opportunity to go to hockey game (Ukraine vs. Belarus) and to go Downtown during the height of the games. As you can see from above Downtown was all dressed up for its world debut and bustling with excitement. It was just fun to be down there and take it all in. The best part of the games is of course the competition that it brings but the excitement of the games is something that I will always remember. Go World!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snowsuit Up

This week's CornerView is all about souvenirs that can be found in our home cities. Since I live between Big and Little Cottonwood canyons it was a no brainer on the souvenir that would be taken home...a trail map of one of the 4 ski resorts that call the canyons home. I have included one resort from each canyon (Solitude in Big Cottonwood, Alta in Little Cottonwood) to wet your appetite for fresh powder. When you hit the bottom of the mountain be sure to head over to Jane's for more souvenirs from around the globe.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kicked Kickball

Oh Kickball, the great childhood sport. When I was young we played kickball all the time at school. For those of you who don't know, kickball is a combination of soccer and baseball. And really just a good time all around, I even have a chipped tooth from taking a face plant on the asphalt while playing in the 4th grade. Which brings me to last weekend, when a game of kickball broke out at a family dinner, so I had to play wearing sandals withstanding. That might not have been the brightest idea and I should have taken a hint from the first popped ball, but no I kept playing. And then when covering first base I took a toddler to the foot (remember the sandals?) and my toe took the brunt of D's solid base running skills. Well more like my toenail took the brunt of his sneaker, as it snapped in half. Moral of the story wear real shoes when playing kickball, you will get injured, how much is up to you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Love Means Nothing..

...Nothing equals my tennis skills. The past few weeks me and few people from work have been playing tennis after work. It has been really fun and a great way to exercise without even knowing it. Now if only my serve would improve.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sink or Swim

I just got back from the rec center where I attempted to teach my little brother proper swimming techniques. This was easier said then done. You see us 3 older kids all had swimming lessons at a very young age. The twins on the other hand never did. What that means is that while I was trying to teach Dan a better way to swim freestyle he would instinctively pull his whole head and neck out of the water after every stroke. Not only did this slow him down but sent him all over the lane. Perhaps I am not a very good teacher since I told him it was like watching a dog swim. But he did his best and I am convinced that one day he will learn to keep his head in the water. Until then I will be clutching the wall of the pool in laughter while he attempts to mimic a dog lost at sea! He did improve his backstroke so the whole night wasn't a total loss and we both realized that swimming kicks your butt and makes you want to eat a ton of food. Nothing wrong with that!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bittersuite Life

Yesterday me, the twinages, and the parents got to go to the Jazz game. We we lucky enough to use the suite my Mom's work has. (This will most likely be the last time we have access to the suite for reasons that I won't get into here. Cough, low blow company that will rename nameless, cough!) Anyway, it was a good game versus the Houston Rockets and the Jazz overcame a large 1st quarter deficit to win; 9 straight!!. Here are some of the highlights from the evening.

Dan doing his best slam dunk impersonation

Jeff and I looking a little sloshed

The game begins

The Suite Life will be missed you can't beat these seats

The Jazz Dancers whose names all seemed to end in I

The Jazz Bear tempting the Ref

The end got a little to close as the Rockets pulled within 3 points in the last 3 minutes

I think this one explains itself

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Let the Games Begin

The Olympics have started. To help you decide what to watch and let you know when things are on I have added a Widget to the bottom of my page. Go Team USA!!