Showing posts with label Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stuff. Show all posts

Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Times a Charm

The auto show was this past weekend and I may have gone 3 times. I figure it is cheaper to get my new car smell fix this way rather then buying a new car. Although now I have about 10 more cars to add to my list...You win some you lose some.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12 Cars of Christmas

Instead of a partridge in a pear tree or 5 golden rings, I would be happy if Santa left any of these beauties under my tree.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ugly Love

One of my favorite things about winter is that I can finally break out the sweaters. But I am not talking about just any normal sweater. No, I am talking about the ugly sweater. You know the ones I am talking about, the one that was given to you by a distant relative who you hardly know or that you picked up at a second hand store for an Ugly Sweater Party. Yes, I have a strange attraction to the ugly sweater. I blame the Scandinavian blood in me because I would totally wear this:

Or this:

I have worn this on multiple occasions:

And this year I might have bought this beauty:

I can't help it I love the ugly sweater.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Giving Back Never Looked So Good

I am lucky enough to work for a company that believes in giving back to the community. Every year we take half a day and go help out at the Utah Food Bank. Normally we get to sort some of the food that has been donated. This year we got to do something a little different, we got to unload 3 giant pallets of frozen french fries. It may sound easy but these little fries started taking a toll a little after the 200th bag or so. Oh well, at least it was for a good cause. Plus I think I can pull off this hairnet. No?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Junk in the Trunk

First a disclaimer. Don't try this at home. I am a professional. You should not put yourself or anyone else into any trunk. EVER. In the rare event that you do find yourself in a trunk please know that all US cars must have an emergency release handle. Most of these handles glow in the dark. Like I said, I am a professional.

This week's CornerView is all about our own personal style. As you can see by the jeans and hoodie I am not very stylish. That's were the Dodge Charger comes in, it is one sexy beast. If I were in the market for a new car it would be at the top of my short list. How does this work for this weeks CornerView theme you ask? Technically the Charger is wearing me but I think that is close enough. For more CornerView's click here.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Das Auto Show

Tomorrow the tradition continues. I can't remember the last time I didn't go to the Utah International Auto Expo and that's just the way I like it! Although this year my brother, my usual partner in crime is AWOL. He will be missed, especially by the folks at Land Rover whose vehicles he seems to be slightly allergic to.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Going Up?

As of tomorrow (Jan. 4th, Happy B-Day Becky!) the world officially has a new tallest skyscraper, The Burj Dubai. I have been to the top of two of the previous record holders (Empire State Building and Sears Tower) and can only imagine what the view at the top of this super structure must look like. Perhaps one day I will be able to see it with my own eyes.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

So Long 2009!

As you can see this was the last day of my 2009 Page-A-Day calendar. It seems a fitting end to what has been a roller coaster of a year. I for one am very much looking forward to 2010! I wish you all a very Happy and Safe New Year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas WishList: Autos

Do you ever wish for a gifts you know you will never get? I do. Really I find nothing wrong with wishing for things. Now if only I could do something about the hard work and discipline it takes to make those wishes reality...perhaps someday. For now I am content to wish and wait for my lottery winnings. Once I have cashed in my winning ticket, I fear that I would buy enough cars to fill an airplane hanger. Here in no particular order is my automotive wish list this year:

Jaguar XFR

Lancia Delta

Dodge Challenger

Jeep Grand Cherokee

Ford Taurus SHO

Cadillac SRX

Vote for the car that would earn a spot under your tree in the poll on the right.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

LED it Snow, LED it Snow, LED it Snow

The other day my brother bought some new LED Christmas lights to put up at my parents house to replace the icicle lights that had seen better days. While I would love to say that I am all behind these earth saving diodes, I just can't do it. First off is the look. Are they plastic, crystal, glass, a lollipop? I just don't think they look very festive-y and that is when they are turned off. Then comes the light part of these lights. When you turn them on the effect doesn't have that same Christmas Vacation effect that I have come to expect from Holiday light displays. The lights just look dull and somehow off color. How are you ever going to "out do" the neighbors? You would have to use about 5 times the amount of LED lights to equal the same show quality as one strand of old fashioned lights and at that point would you really be using less energy. I just don't get why these lights seem to be this years must have, new cool thing. Am I missing something? Tell me how you feel by voting in the poll to the right. There is one kind of LED that I can get behind though...this.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photo Shuffle #2

Congrats to Becky who won 10 Bonus Points in the last Photo Shuffle for using a line from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. You will be glad to know that you only need 10 Billion points to be able to redeem them for a prize!

In honor of today being the first day of December, today's Photo Shuffle will be the 12th photo from last years Christmas Album. 10 more Bonus Points will be awarded to the best caption.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Sky is Falling

If you were awake in Utah after midnight on Wednesday you might have seen this, if you were asleep like me you can see it here:

Video Courtesy of

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CornerView Shopping: South Salt Lake County, UT

Shopping...I don't really care for it. If I have to go shopping I like to make it a quick painless trip. There are a few exceptions to this rule and I tend to go to these exceptions almost every weekend. So since this week's corner view is shopping I thought I would take you with me on my weekend shopping trip. This trip took me all over the south end of the Salt Lake Valley to the cities of Murray, Taylorsville, and ending back home in Cottonwood Heights. Here we go...
First up Best Buy. It has electronics and movies, I mean what else does one need?

Next Stop Harmon's, a local grocery store chain that I love. The service and selection can't be beat.

Then it's off to Target because its Target and you won't find me at Wal-Mart.

Then its off to Costco to pick up a few larger items. Buying in bulk = Less shopping!!

At the end of the weekend it's back to Target, this one right up the street from my house. This is why I should always take a shopping list!

Make sure to check out (check out, shopping, get it? Well I laughed anyway!) the other Corner View shoppers.

jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie,esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,caitlin, joyce, ani, couturecoucou, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t.,jeannette, outi, schanett, ritva, dongdong, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, ruth, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, jenna, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, mon, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, amy, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, virgina, april

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One Last Post

Due to a complete lack of interest, this will be my last post. It's a tough economy out there and not even blogs are safe from cuts. Thanks to the 3 people, or so, who have commented on my posts over the last year. I hope you have enjoyed the randomness that was this blog. I know I had fun doing it; but since I see, or talk to, those of you who comment on a regular basis it will just be easier to fill you on my latest adventures, stories, complaints, etc. in person. Thanks again to you faithful MisterE readers!! Here is one last picture for the road...

...Oh and just for the fun of it please leave a comment on what your favorite post has been during the blogs run. -MisterE

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bittersuite Life

Yesterday me, the twinages, and the parents got to go to the Jazz game. We we lucky enough to use the suite my Mom's work has. (This will most likely be the last time we have access to the suite for reasons that I won't get into here. Cough, low blow company that will rename nameless, cough!) Anyway, it was a good game versus the Houston Rockets and the Jazz overcame a large 1st quarter deficit to win; 9 straight!!. Here are some of the highlights from the evening.

Dan doing his best slam dunk impersonation

Jeff and I looking a little sloshed

The game begins

The Suite Life will be missed you can't beat these seats

The Jazz Dancers whose names all seemed to end in I

The Jazz Bear tempting the Ref

The end got a little to close as the Rockets pulled within 3 points in the last 3 minutes

I think this one explains itself

Monday, January 19, 2009

Utah Auto Expo

Did I go to the Utah Auto Expo this weekend? Do you even have to ask. Did I go twice? Yes, yes I did. Every year this show gets the new car bug out of my system, which if you really know me is a good thing or I would have a new car every three months. I just love the smell of new cars and that smell alone seems to calm the bug every year. So it is a good thing, here are some highlights from this years show:

And if I had any desire to get a new car after all these this sticker price put an end to that (look at the bottom of the sticker!):