Showing posts with label Mini Samplers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mini Samplers. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

S is for Sheep

I really enjoyed working on this one!!! I think it is really cute!!! The little sheep is adorable. I had to backstitch it, although it wasn't originally on the pattern, since I am stitching these on White aida instead of the called for beige linen. But I think it came out adorable anyway.
The colors int he border are actually a bit more bright than they appear here, so I also enjoyed working with the color pallett on this one as well, purples and sea greens, yummy!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Better do this now, I don't know when I'll get the chance to again....

I really need to post photos of my July smalls!! I never even got around to doing my August ones, but I will, don't worry! However, I figure I better do this now, because we are expecting a typhoon to hit tonight, and so we may loose power for who knows how long, so wanted to post these while I can.

Here's my monthly checkered block:

And here are my alphabet blocks:

I am thinking that with this storm on the way I may find myself with plenty of time to do some stitching, if we loose power. Can't play on the computer! So, I may get caught up on these smalls afterall.

Well, I am off to make sure we have everything in our typhoon kit,(water, non perishable foods, batteries, etc.) and get everything off our balcony so nothing goes blowing around once the winds kick up to 65 miles or higher) an hour!

Happy stitching!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

J and K and a "sorta kinda mini finish"

Yay! It only took me half the month, but I finished these two little buggers! The things I can do when I deem to turn off my computer!! It boggles the mind!! I also did this:
Yes! that is a finish on page #1 of Howling at the Moon! I can FINALLY scratch it off my goals list! I think it's been on the last two months lists, and I finally sat down and did it!!
So, that is all for today. The sun has finally decided to show up and grace us with it's presence, so yesterday me and some girls went to the beach. It was nice! We are supposed to go again today, but I have been having headaches like crazy lately and another one hit last night when I got home from our outting, and it's lingered into this morning. I think I am gonna just stay home and relax, let my eyes rest a little. Maybe...after all there is reading and stitching to be done! I have no time for headaches! Ugh! Ok, going to go lay down now and relax, and maybe in a bit I will be able to do something productive!

Monday, May 17, 2010

For lack of a better title I present to you letters H and I!!

I will also be sharing photos of K and J here soon! I was able to finish K this weekend and am going to try to finish letter J tonight. I am almost finished with it. And then I will be done with my monthly smalls, and can move on and work on Howling at the Moon and The Abbey, and my lamb piece.
Well we are now on day 5 in a row of rain, which makes things seem dark and dreary, and makes me feel sleepy and just sorta blah...So not much reading has taken place, but I have made a lot of progress on my stitching, so that is good. I sure wish it would stop raining though.
I have been trying to hit up alot more blogs and leave comments like crazy. You all are so creative and inspiring!! Plus it is fun to give encouragement.
Well I think I am off to try to get some reading in while the hubs watches a movie that I don't want to watch, and then maybe I will try to finish letter J tonight as well.
Hope you all have a wonderful day or evening, and I will post photos of K and J soon!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"J", "K", and May

Ok, I know I need to share photos of H and I still, and I will, the photo is on my camera as I type, but for now I am going to show off my laziness for the month!

Normally, by this time of the month (No! Not THAT time!) I just mean half way through the month, I have already finished what I consider my monthly smalls (two letters and a month block) However, the month is halfway gone, or will be tomorrow, and This is as far as I have gotten with my monthly smalls:

Not soo bad on the May checkered block, that is a finish you see there, which occured only this morning. "K" You can see has the entire border finished and a small start on the letters within, and "J"....well, I pulled threads for it JUST this morning, other than that....nothing!

See? I kinda have a system, I like to have these smalls out of the way within the first 10 days of the month, or at least by half way through, thus leaving a few weeks to focus on the larger projects I am working on, like "Howling at the moon", "The Abbey", and my Lamb series.

So, my goal for this weekend is to finish J and K, I am hoping I can do it, though it is promising to be wet and rainy most the weekend, which is good stitching weather, so I think I may get them finished! I will let you know how it goes!

Here is an upclose and personal look at my May block:
Ok, pretend this one is cropped! I cropped it in the edits thingy but apparently it didn't save the cropped one to my computer! Gah! Oh well! And! Notice! I actually did the back stitch all the way around the block this time! A thin line of pink all around the inner squar there! I still haven't pulled out April and done that yet, I guess I better before I do any finishing with this project! I think of allt he monthly checkered squares I've done, this one is my favorite, the colors on here don't do that flower justice! It is SO vibrant and beautiful! And totally pops against that black and white background!
Well, I'm off to get some work on on my letters now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Todays post brought to you by the letters F and G, and by the number 9...

Here are some really bad photos of letters F and G from the Mini Alphabet Sampler Book by Rainbow Gallery, and I just realized that I didn't finish letter F....didn't fill in the squares on each corner....oops....Just pretend it is, ok? lol
I love these little guys, so quick and easy!!
So, here is a's been rattling around in my head making all sorts of racket as it tumbles about up there. Ok, here's the thing, I dearly want to post more, but I feel weird posting the same project 5 times a month to show progress. Although when I think about it, I love to see other people's progress photos. But I guess last October, when I was ripping off finishes right and left I just got used to posting finishes, and not so much progress photos. So, I need to share progress on "Howling at the Moon" (which I thought I'd done last month for some reason, but apparently did not.) And "The Abbey" and "I'm not Sleepy".
So, what are your thoughts? Does it matter if I share progress photos of the same project 50 times? Are people gonna get tired of seeing the same project? I guess if I just share weekly progress, not like every stitch I make, it won't be so bad....I need to figure out a posting schedule, I'm thinking three times a week, each day share another project....I'm probably making this more complicated than it needs to be, but I just don't want to bore my wonderful readers who take time out of their busy schedules to drop in and see what I'm up to, with the same stuff everytime!
And I DO appreciate and want to thank every one who do drop in to read my drivel and leave me lovely comments!! I do enjoy reading all your blogs and I just want my blog to be worthy of your time.
I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend, whether or not you celebrate the holiday or not. We had a pretty good weekend, hanging out with lovely friends and fellowshipping with others.
Til next time! Have a stitchy day!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Two new finishes!!!

Well happy Windsday, as Winnie the Pooh would say!! it is so blustery and windy here it is driving my allergies crazy and ugh! I hate the wind!
anyway, I had two new finishes to share, so here they are! My snowman, finally done!!! I plan on starting the next one in this "series" it is a mitten and has a snowman on it as well. The background is a light blue color, though. It is really adorable, the only thing is, with this little guy with the dark blue back ground I had the navy blue fabric to stitch him on, where as I don't have the light blue for the next one, so the entire background for it will be stitched in. They are charted to have the background color stitched in but I cheated with this one, and used the dark blue fabbie since I had it. So the next one will probably take me a long while to finish to put in all that background color! yikes!

And here is my finished letter C for my Erica Micheals freebie mini samplers. I totally changed up the colors on this one, because I am not using the called for threads on these, i am substituting with DMC, so I am sorta doing my own thing. plus this one had little flags stitched in on the castle, but I ommitted them.
So, now it onto letter D for this series. I have also been working a bit on The Abbey, but not enough to share a progress photo yet. So, maybe in my next post.
I hope you all have a very stitchy week/weekend, and thank you for all the lovely comments! I love them. I am trying ot get around to your blogs and leave notes here and there, it is so hard to find the time, I am sorry! I probably have over 900 feeds right now in my google reader. But I will get there, I promise!! I usually just read the posts and move on, but I do try to stop in and say hi, and oooh and aaaah over your work!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some WIP's to share

I have been really lazy when it comes to blogs, not leaving comments when I read others, and of course blogging here.
So, I am trying to be better about that!

I thought I would share a few photos of the two main projects I have been putting most my time into lately, My snowman, and mini sampler alphabet letter C. The snowman still has quite a ways to go until a finish, but letter C is almost finished, just have to finish the castle, then it is onto letter D!

I have actually made a few goals concerning my stitching for the year. I have decided to

1) finish two of the alphabet samplers a month
2) Finish one stocking/mitten a month
3) finish 1 page of the Abbey a month

Let me explain the stocking/mittens. The snowman piece I am working on is a tiny little stocking, and with it is 5 other pieces with cute little snowmen on them as well, 3 are mittens 3 are stockings I want to finish the entire set of 6, by finishing one a month. So, we shall see if that actually happens, but that is my goal.

Also I think I may be stretching it a bit by adding one page of The Abbey a month, but hey a girl can dream, right? It will at least help keep me focused and continuing with the stitching, I hope!

Here is mr. snowman, he is starting to look a bit cozier with his little sweater on, although it has holes in it! I have some fill in to do! But i think he is coming along nicely. For such a small little chump, he is sure taking a long time. I'm thinking that dark blue fabric may be slowing me down, if that makes any sence! I hate working on dark fabbies, it is hard to see the holes to put the needle through, and wih my Christmas tree up, it cuts back on my lighting, but that should be remedied today, as I am taking that stupid thing down today, then I shall sit nicely and comfortably in my easy chair and stitch the day away.

i made some changes to the little sampler, changed a bunch of the colors because I think the original wasn't done on white fabric, but mine is, so all the little C's were to be done in white but they wouldn't show up well on mine, if at all, so I thought I'd make them in varying colors of the ocean, blues and greens, I like how it is coming out. I should see a finish on that one very soon, today maybe even!

I hope you all have a very stitchy weekend!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Well I am super excited as hubby comes home today! I was not able to finish my November Piece as I had hoped last night but I am VERY close! I have the entire word "November" complete and two more leaves done, now I just have one more leaf and the corn on the left side, and a few little stitches in the corner of the border, and I'm done...I'm sure that will be finished before hubby gets home today!

Then I am thinking that I will work on "Dare to Dream" or "The Abbey".

You know? Last night I was looking at the piece of Fabric I have all the little monthly's on, and I was thinking "You know? All these stitches that make up all these little pieces put together would certainly make quite a bit of progress in a larger piece. What if instead of stitching these tiny things, I had spent the time and energy on one of my BAP then one of them would certainly have quite a bit more work in on it." I was thinking that even when I work on my big pieces they seem to go so SLOW, because they are so big, I guess, but these small ones stitch up SO fast and there is such instant gratification. I am just one of those people who like to see results NOW! So when I sit and stitch on a huge project for a long time and I hardly see any results it is frustrating to me.
Sorry I sorta went off on a little tangent there. Anyone else out there feel this way?
Anyway, I wanted to post this photo of my Mini Sampler Letter A by Erica Micheal's. I finished it quite awhile ago, but my fussy scanner was acting up again, so I couldn't show a photo then. You know what? I just noticed? There are supposed to be little algerians eyelets in the corners...I forgot to put two in, on the top! I guess this one is still a work in progress! ooops!
Anyway, I enjoyed working on this one. I have the B one almost finished, I have one more B to finish stitching, then it is onto C.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! Can you believe I have posted Five times in four days?! Amazing! I really slowed down with my posting, this year, which is pobably because of school and what not, but still. I am going to try to post more for the rest of the year! I have "end of the semester-itis" it's kinda like senior-itis, where your motivation just flies out the window, and you just want the semester to be done ad over with. And in just one month and one week, it will all be over! Can I make it?! I am not sure I am gonna take classes next semester, however, I probably will take at least one, because Hubby found out yesterday he leaves for overseas again in March, so I will need something to fill those hours. So, once again fairly soon I shall be bachlorett-ing it up again, for a much longer time than these past 8 days.
Ok, this is a long rambly post, so I'm outta here!