
Showing posts with the label privilege

My Top Ten Weaknesses

Or: Why you shouldn't listen to anything I have to say. I think it will be funny for future Josh to read this and comment on how accurate he thinks this list is. I shall attempt to think of the biggest character attributes that hold me back from my goals. Things that keep me from clearly and accurately assessing reality in all its facets and making sound judgments about life. I hope this list is more than just a clown car of humility, but also a tool for recognizing blind spots and avoiding disastrous blunders. It can also be used in retrospect to interpret my past mistakes or even successes. As often these sorts of weaknesses can be double-edged swords, bringing about positive things as well as fumbling about, accidentally dismembering us. But these, I think, are mostly the single edge sword verity: only detrimental to me and those I love. You may notice I'm not listing things like my biases. I tried to exclude weaknesses that I think all humans have, otherwise I...