
Showing posts with the label Bible

The Bible* as Myth

Preamble: I’m very aware that the past dozen or so theological posts I’ve made have been treading the same ground over and over. And over. These themes and ideas are being bounced around my skull, and their implications carefully examined. I’m a naturally careful person. Which in a lot of ways makes me boring. But that’s ok, as my goal with this blog is not to entertain. My goal is real-time testimony. And right now I’m testifying to a slow, methodical process of examination. I really only expect this to be interesting to Future Josh. I expressed an idea about why so many myths are similar here: I’m exploring something else here. George MacDonald’s Mythmaking I started C.S. Lewis’ anthology of George MacDonald this morning. Half way through the preface I ran into this idea which encapsulates the spirit, or posture towards the Bible* that I have developed over the past year or so. Though Lew...