Arabian sea

Arabian sea

May 29, 2009

Visit from Grandpa and Grandma Cobb

Grandpa and Grandma Cobb came to visit us for one night this last week. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed their visit. They stopped by on their way home from Niagara Falls, and we were just really glad to have them.

Grandpa Cobb was really excited to see we had a trampoline. As you can see he really enjoyed himself. . . for a short while at least!! It's more of a work out than one would think.

So then Grandma Cobb gave it a try. She did a great job and Evan was able to teach her some of the best ways to jump. It was great fun to watch!!

Thanks for visiting with us. We hope to see you again soon!!

Memorial Day

So, for Memorial day we stayed at home and worked, worked, worked. Josh got a lot of outside chores done including, cleaning out the puppy house, weed wacking, getting some rocks out of the garden, and other such things. He worked very hard. About half way through the day Evan came running out of the house with his tools in hand and his safety goggles on. He then declared that he needed to cut down this HUGE maple tree. The following photos are of him and his brother working hard to cut down the tree. They were very funny and cute.

May 25, 2009

Rain, Hail, and Josh

So, we had a great storm the other day. It down poured really, really hard. Then it turned to hail. Fairly large pieces. Josh decided he needed to save his bike, so he went out to put it away and got soaking wet. He came in laughing saying "that was so fun!" So, I made him go back out so we could get a picture of him soaking wet in the hail!!

May 19, 2009


Here is the long awaited picture of our twin peanuts!! Aren't they just soooo very cute!! We are very excited. They are due on Dec. 18th, 2009, but will most likely come the end of Nov., beginning of Dec. We shall see!!!

May 10, 2009

Farming Dandelions

See the next post below for an explanation of the whole "farming dandelions" thing!!

Mother's Day

Once every few years, Josh does something I didn't see coming. This was one of those years. I went to Idaho for a few days to my Grandpa Sagers funeral (it was probably one of the best/well done funeral I've been too). While I was gone Josh came up with the idea to put together this collage of him and the kids "farming dandelions". The story behind this is: I love dandelions. Ok, not really, it is a weed, however, when a child gives a dandelion to his mother he gives it with more love than someone who buys a thousand roses. I remember giving dandelions to my mother, who of course just loved them (I didn't know it was a weed for a VERY long time), and now that I am a mother and I recieve these precious little flowers, it warms my heart and brings a huge smile to my childs eyes when I so happily accept this so called "weed". I think for now, I'll disagree and call the dandelion the most precious of all "flowers"!!

This is the collage that Josh put together of a few of the picts. All of the picts. or a good handful of them are in the previous blog. It was a great surprise for me.