Arabian sea

Arabian sea

May 19, 2009


Here is the long awaited picture of our twin peanuts!! Aren't they just soooo very cute!! We are very excited. They are due on Dec. 18th, 2009, but will most likely come the end of Nov., beginning of Dec. We shall see!!!


debbie said...

Jennie! This is so crazy! Congratulations! I guess the Lord knows what he's doing. said...

Oh there are my cuties....we have to wait til july to know? Yes god knows what he is mom moxcey

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness! When did you find out it was twins? I have about a million questions I want to ask!! Oh how I miss good times in the quad.

Julia and Aaron said...

Twins! That's very exciting! Congratulations you guys!

ami said...

congrats- wow! i have never seen an ultrasound of twins before. well i guess you are going to have your hands full in a few months. good luck and look forward to seeing more pics- love ami

Nicky said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting!

Allison said...

How awesome!!! Do twins run in your family? How lucky to get two for the price of one pregnancy!!! Keep updating us!!!

Tiffany Cramer said...

Twins! That is big news. I wish you the best pregnancy EVER and that you will be cool, comfortable, and emotionally stable through the next few months! :) Keep the updates coming.