Arabian sea

Arabian sea

May 29, 2009

Visit from Grandpa and Grandma Cobb

Grandpa and Grandma Cobb came to visit us for one night this last week. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed their visit. They stopped by on their way home from Niagara Falls, and we were just really glad to have them.

Grandpa Cobb was really excited to see we had a trampoline. As you can see he really enjoyed himself. . . for a short while at least!! It's more of a work out than one would think.

So then Grandma Cobb gave it a try. She did a great job and Evan was able to teach her some of the best ways to jump. It was great fun to watch!!

Thanks for visiting with us. We hope to see you again soon!!

1 comment:

Dad/GrampaCobb/Len said...

Thank You so much for having us over. It was a great way to add to our Niagara Falls honeymoon. Julie and I reaily had a wonderful time visiting you two and the grandchildren. We hope to see you again soon. Love Gramdma & Grandpa Cobb