Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts

Monday, 19 July 2021

Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders

 The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos Dwarf army.

The box art made them look very hobgoblimy, rather like the latest models from GW so at £25 for 15, I thought it was worth a punt.

Inside, are five identical sprues of three wolf models that are fixed assembly: you will have the same wolf five times. This is okay but one of them has that Lord-of-The-Rings look of landing on one front paw. I guess its supposed to look dynamic but five lined up looks like a wolf formation dancing team. Fortunately, with a bit of filing one can reposition the wolf backwards into the horizontal with a rear paw on the ground.

The Goblins come five to a sprue, hence the rather unusual number of models in the box - factorials and all that. There is an excellent range of build choices. One can choose five armed with slittas, spears, bows and shields or one can be holding a standard. Similarly, there's a generous mix of heads.

The wolf sculpts, in particular, are crude - about the same standard as the old plastic GW wolf riders. The goblins are a bit better but you will need filler, especially on the indentation line where the wolf halves join together.

This image shows how the simple 7 piece models fit together. You will notice that the goblin has a wide seat suitable for a cavalry saddle but the wolf has a sharp 'V' back without anywhere to sit the rider. Worse, the rear tunic on the goblin catches the raised buttocks of the wolf suspending the rider and tipping him forwards so he contemplates the ground.

This is fixable by filing down the wolf's buttocks and carving a notch in the rear of the goblin tunic. But it does make me wonder if the wolves and goblins were not originally intended to be sold together when they were sculpted, also explaining the odd five riders per sprue but three rides.

Be careful to tilt the goblins' heads as far back as possible so they look forwards rather than down.

The first photo at the top of the page shows a small scout/skirmish detachment of five shootahs. I intend to make the next ten into light battle cavalry with stickahs and shields.

The Oathmark models come with square bases so I bought a load of 36 lasercut oval bases for the princely sum of a fiver including postage off EBay.

This photo gives an idea of scale. On the left are a GW dwarf and one of the new hobgoblins. On the right, a Russian Alternative Chaos Dwarf.

Here we have two recent GW goblin plastic models and I think Oathmark's offering does make an excellent hobgoblin. The Spider Riders are also not great models and sell for £20 for ten so fifteen wold riders for £25 is very competitive.

Finally, the Oathmark model against an old GW plastic wolf rider. The former really does look hobgobliny. As an aside, why why GW wolf riders left handed?

I have to say I vastly prefer the Oathmark range to the old GW one.

I showed these finished models to a friend who thought that they were perfectly fine and that I was being picky, but I do feel one shouldn't have to file down models to make them fit together.

So to sum up

Production - unimpressive but okay with a bit of effort.

Flexibility - excellent

Value for money - unbeatable

Suitability as Hobgoblin Cavalry in Chaos Dwarf Armies - high

You can get better resin models from sources like the Russian Alternative but at a price.

If you want inexpensive, plastic, Hobgoblin Cavalry to put on the table alongside GW's new infantry models then these are the go-to choice.

Thursday, 31 December 2020

Warcry Catacombs Buildings

 The Warcry Catacombs set is one of the best value boxes currently available from GeeDubya.

Alongside the two warbands, one gets a ton of terrain. These are the buildings included. The smaller scatter terrain is used for Catacomb scenarios while the larger buildings are designed for above ground scenarios.

Of course, this is also very useful Age of Sigmar terrain.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Review: Warcry Catacombs - the gibbets



The amount of scenery in the Catacombs set is stunning and I am slowly working through it. As well as 'boardgame' type scenery for the Catacomb boards, one gets a wodge of above ground Sigma ruins stuff. 

Sigma scenery has been a bit yuk in the past requiring copious amount of filler but this went together fine and looks terrific with loads of detail.

More, much more, to come.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Review; Warcry Catacombs Scions of the Flame


Scions of the Flame Warband

Scions are a Chaos cult from the Realm of Fire. They hunt magnavores and salamanders, eating their flaming hearts in ceremonies more 'orrible than a Church of England jumble sale. They worship the fire and channel flames through their living tissue. They yearn to join the forces of the Everchosen to take part in the Great Final Flaming Apocolypse that will consume the Realms. They also collect for the Aqshy Orphans Benevolent Fund.

The models are much more chunky that the Shadowstalker Set also found in the Catacombs box so they are easier to put together and will, I surmise, be more robust for gaming.

They also paint up really well.

The Brazen Lord

The Brazen Lord, on the left is the leader of the warband. The figure on the right is the Warband Champion. Naturally he has a double-handed flaming battle axe for keeping discipline in the band by judicious decapitations - as you do.

Both superb models.

Character Models

On the left is an Immolater. This is a Scion who is so pious that he has burst into eternal flames - all the better for a bit o' burnin'.

The centre figure is a Fireborn: these are the Warband warrior class.

The right hand figure is an Inferno priest, the warband's spiritual advisor. This is the only figure that I'm a bit iffy about. I'm not sure I like the staff and the flame squirting sideways out of his sword seems to me more amusing that threatening. 

Sword Fodder

Another Fireborn, on the left, propels two Scion Initiates into combat. If nothing else they might blunt their opponents weapons....with their skulls.

In conclusion, a superb set of fantasy minis. I think they have utility outside of warcry, possibly as cultists, maybe even in 40K as a Witch Fire Cult.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

When Dead Cthulhu Dreams

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!

"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." HP Lovecraft

As dead Cthulhu dreams, his avatars may be summoned from the depths of sacred places - like this tainted well.

Do NOT drink the water. It will NOT protect against Coronavirus: well, it will but you would be better off with the virus.

Cthulhu is "A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind." HP Lovecraft.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die."  Abdul Alhazred

Inexpensive models from Reaper Bones Collection, nominally 25 mm.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Review Splintered Fang Warband, Warcry

The Splintered Fang

Warcry has become one of my favourite GW games. A great advantage is that all a new player actually needs is a warband and the rulebook.

My long time opponent, Shaun M, gave me some Warcry Bands for my birthday last year and I have used the lockdown to paint them.

I used mostly contrast paints, notably the turquoise and orange.

Go Left

The Splintered Fang are vaguely Atlantis-Hoplite-Gladiator looking troops whose main gig is their poisoned blades. They are snake people.

The models are excellent, as are all the Warcry bands. These are more durable than some of the others: Warcry bands can be a bit fragile.

I can see them appealing to anyone wanting an ancient-fantasy skirmish group.

No, Right

The only disappointment is that ridiculous snake model with a half doz tiny snakes on. I mean how frightening is that? Why not a decent sized serpent?

Nevertheless, great kit and good value for £30 including Warcry cards.

Oh and you can also use these as a chaos unit in Age of Sigmar.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Nighthaunt Banshees


The lockdown continues and I am so bored I have taken to weeding the drive.

Meanwhile, the latest output from the sausage factory.

Still Wooohhh!

As an experiment these were entirely painted with contrast paints except for matt white.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Warlords of Erehwon - Hunt for the Golden Fleece

Jason and the Spelling Errors

Jason himself, four units of hoplites and, of course, an avatar of Athena. All you can cram into a Penteconter raiding party.

The hoplites are plastic, Victrix?, and Athena is a collectors' model from a Gods of Greece range.

King of Colchis

The King and his Bodyguard are Wargames Foundry metal models, the three units of men-from-the-earth are Warlord Games plastics, and the Hydra is from Reaper Bones.

Two cheap, simple armies of six units each that I can play around with and get a feel for the Erehwon system.

Hmmm, the name hasn't got anything to do with Sam Butler's Nowhere.....or Erewhon....would it, Rick?

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Oathsworn Miniatures: Wind in the Willows Band

Wind in the Willows Band - Ready To Free Toad Hall

Oathsworn Miniatures were new to me but my wife spotted their stand at Salute and was charmed by their anthropomorphic woodland animals.

Back home I ordered a set of figures with the aim of making a warband for Thud & Blunder.

The miniatures are not cheap to are beautifully sculpted with almost no flash or mould lines. The largest - Badger - is resin while the smaller models are metal.

Very easy models to paint, with lots of folds and sharp, well-delineated edges.

Mr Badger

Badger equips himself with a stout stick and a brace of pistols.

The Water Rat

Ratty has pulled out his old East India Merchant Marine uniform, with harness to carry a pistol and cutlass.

The Mole

Moley is still hopeful on appealing to the Stoats & Weasels better nature by reading them uplifting passages from The Good Book - but still carries a pistol and knife, just in case.


And then there's Otter who had also been a seafaring animal in his wilder days - but not in either the Royal Navy or the Merchant Marine.

Mr Toad

Toad's experiences with Motor Cars has caused him to eschew all modern conveniences. His latest enthusiasm is to imitate his ancient druid ancestors.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Kings of War - Dwarves v Spidergrots

Some while back I played a game of KoW against well known author, competition gamer and man about town - Dr Simon Elliott - in his war bunker.

Can't remember who won now but I know it was close.

You always get a good game with Mantic's Kings of War.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Arcworlde Undead Pirates of the Black Coast

These great Arcworlde models were a Xmas present from my long term opponent Shaun and I got Andy Singleton of Volley Fire Painting Services to do a 'standard wargame' job of painting them for me in exchange for a Sea Lion Invasion Barge.

I must say, I am deeply impressed with the results.

The eyes really make the models.

Mind you, I painted the bases and looking at these photos the edges need another coat!

Some swamp thingies: note the way Andy has used eye colour to link the beasts to the pirates.

And a swarm of rats. Wherever there are undead pirates there must always be a swarm of undead rats. It's traditional, like mummies and scorpions.

Shaun bought the models from Rochester Games, Models and Railways who carry the full Arcworlde range.

Arcworlde are roughly 1:48 in scale.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Reaper Bones, Varghulf Courtier Substitute

I fancied adding a Varghulf Courtier to my Flesh Eater Courts Army. Now the GW model is very nice but too rich for me at £20 for a single model.

In this situation, I often turn to Reaper Bones and discovered this gargoyle model for £7, which I felt fitted the style of the army well - and fitted my wallet even better


I added some 'fur' on the back using Milliput and a modelling needle to bulk out the model and more closely mimic the style of the GW mini.

The RB fig is slightly smaller than a Crypt Flayer but not ridiculously so.

It's a nice mini and I'm pleased with it.

It came yesterday so I did a fast paint job last night so it would be ready to take on Dr Simon E's  bloody Lizards after lunch.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Age of Sigmar: Flesh-Eater Courts Starter Set Review

Abhorrant Ghoul King On Terrorgheist

My first reaction to AoS was decidedly negative because of the terrible launch decisions but I started wheeling out some of my old fantasy armies, when the General's Handbook came out and I could build a fair army to play an opponent,  and discovered the game was great fun.

But I had no intention of buying any new models, none whatsoever ye ken, under no circumstances, and then I wandered into my flgs and saw the starter set and the models were Oooooooh and the price was reasonable and.........

 Abhorrant Ghoul King On Terrorgheist

Centre piece of the army is a monster kit, that can be assembled as a giant undead bat or dragon. I chose the bat and used it as a mount for my Ghoul King.

Abhorrant Ghoul King On Terrorgheist

The paving on the base is scratch-built from plastic card, fish-tank gravel and sand. I wanted to give a ruined ancient city look to match the fluff in the Battletome, that I also sorta bought (but second hand on ebay - honest).

Crypt Flayers

One also gets the bits for three 'small monsters' that can be assembled to give a variety of running or flying characters of 'heavy' troops. I chose to build them as Crypt Flayers.

Crypt Ghouls And Crypt Ghast

Finally, you get some cannon fodder, ten crypt ghouls let by a Crypt Ghast or you can upgrade the ghast to an independent character, the Crypt Ghast Courtier.

Against The Seraphon

The box contents are a playable army of around 600 pts or so, depending what options you choose to build.

You are short of ordinary foot, so I use 20 Oldhammer Zombies as ghouls to pad out the army. These are crummy models - too big for the stands so they stand shoulder to shoulder in a ranked army more like Guardsmen than Zombies - but fine as fillers for my Court.

Crypt Flayers Kill A Lizard Monster

So what did I learn about the army in its first tryout against Seraphon.


You have some highly mobile units that can be across the battlefield in a flash of wings.
Your units hit hard on the attack.

Crummy armour save, you need to use your unit's advantages to take out the opposition before they wear you down

I also learnt a few things about AoS
We already have 'codex-creep': (i) 'new' armies like Seraphon and Courts are much tougher than old armies like Slaves to Darkness and (ii) winning the initiative can have a sizable impact on the balance of the game.

So there we are and, of course, I shall not buy any more.

No really, I can give this up whenever  want....