Showing posts with label Malifaux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malifaux. Show all posts

Monday, 14 February 2011

Be My Valentine

One of Seamus' Rotten Belles. This one is a bit far gone but it is St Valantine's day.

Remember, the beauty of a lady is proportional to the amount of booze consumed by the beholder.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Malifaux - first time player

I played my first game of Malifaux this week. It has a very unusual system, a collectivble card game mated to a miniatures game. It is completely diceless. The rule book is great fun to read but a nightmare to find a rule, which does not help the learning process.

We played two to a side, one to move the miniatures and one to read the rules. Each piece has a unique mix of abilities and 'trigger' responses, as do some weapons. It is an intricate resource based game. You can only handle a few models per side. I enjoyed the game and got the feel of a game turn. More, when I understand the game better.

My team's army, Archanists.

Our opponents launch an attack.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Pegasus Hobbys River

I am putting together some terrain pieces for an industrial wasteland setting for Malifaux and 40K. Pegasus Hobbies do a plastic painted river set for a reasonable price with two long, two short and two curved sections. The painting is a bit token and toy soldier-ish, with bright blue and white water. I toned it down with a series of Citadel washes to give a toxic, polluted canal effect.


Monday, 2 August 2010

Rotten Belle - Malifaux Resurrectionist

I spent most of the day cleaning out the garage so we have a safe environment for our three legged bunn to practice walking. However, I did take an hour's break to eat lunch and paint the first of my Rotten Belles for Seamus the Mad Hatter's gang.

I am rather pleased with it - OK, I am not an artist but, for me, this ain't a bad paint job.

I hope to do another one tomorrow.


Friday, 30 July 2010

Seamus finished!

The Mad Hatter with the maniac grin is finished and ready to create chaos in Malifaux. His left wrist joint was a nightmare and I ended up cementing his case to his leg and filling the wrist with green stuff. It is not clear why he is wearing traditional riding to hounds, fox hunting clothes, except for the Doc Martins bovver boots. The base insert is resin from Iron Halo who do the great Deus ex Machina steampunk inserts. I decided to use their evil marsh inserts for Seamus. Iron Halo hail from the far Antipodes, the colonies 'down under' in New Zealand. A fair place but a long way from London. You can find Iron Halo's address on the sidebar, lower right.

A better look at Seamus' 'tails'.

I have run out of cash having spent around £2K on materials for my bedroom redecoration programme so I am placing some stuff on eBay. First up is a metal chaos space marine lord.

And a Fokker Eindecker assembled for Wing of War.

Finally, rabbit has had a foreleg amputated and is doing well. He demanded food and drink when he came round and kicked the vet when we collected him. He is not keen on nthe vet, who is also antipodean from the strange land of Oz.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Seamus the Mad Hatter

It has been a dodgy few days. A fox smashed through our garden gate from the lower garden in mid afternoon to attack rabbit. My wife chased him off but rabbit has smashed his foot getting away. Xrays show it is untreatable so he has to have a foreleg amputated. The vet has warned me that brer fox will come back for another try. I certainly hope so. I have a pitchfork ready to greet him appropriately.

We are having a whole series of fox attacks on people as well as pets in our cities since the idiot Blair passed fox protection laws to appease animal rights wierdos. They have lost their fear of people. Mind you, my wife had no problem terrifying one but she terrifies me when roused so I am not all that astonished.

Anyway, I have almost finished Seamus the Mad Hatter from Malifaux. He is a barking mad resurrectionist who has a bevy of dead belles (watch this space). I decided to cloak him in green as he is obviously Irish. Seamus is Malifaux' worst criminal. He needs the last layers added, including a wet effect on the marsh.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

New Malifaux Insets

Another pic of new Malifaux inserts. These are for their bayou boys.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Latest Malifaux Figures

This pic has been circulating around Twitter for a while. It shows the new Peacekeeper miniature from Wyrd, and one of the new base inserts.

Sigh, what can I say? More money down the pan.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Minos Smart Max Diorama- Little Shop of Horrors

I love the Smart Max Figures. If only they weren't such an odd size. They do make wonderful dioaramas.

This one is by Minos.

Anyway you can find a fascinating series of photos showing how it was made here:

Minos has a site here:

With an English translator, which is useful if, like me, your French language skills are limited to 'official French'.

The site has more of his work such as this great Malifaux model

Well worth a visit. The Guy is a genius. Are the French modellors overtaking us Anglo-Saxons - Discuss?


Saturday, 9 January 2010

Steampunk Exterminator

I was looking through steampunk sites for ideas on painting my Malifaux models when I came across Alex Holden's journal.

He built this.

What can I say but that I am loving it.

Alex's site address is given below:

Monday, 21 December 2009

President Ramos of the Mineworkers & Steamfitters Union

President Ramos of the Mineworkers & Steamfitters Union and his Creations.

All the components are Wyrd Miniatures' Malifaux range. This is a playable small Malifaux army. The Union is a front for the Arcanist crime network.

I was trying for a gloomy Victorian look, hence the gaslight and the blue reflection on Ramos' coat from the magic fire over his hand. This is the first time that I have tried this sort of directional lighting.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Guild Witchhunters

This is a Guild witchhunter team led by Sonnia Criid (master). It includes Samael Hopkins (cost 8 soulstones) and three expendable Witchling animated bodies (cost 4 soulstones each). This is a small but perfectly playable Malifaux army and costs less than £20. That makes Malifaux a great 'additional' game as it costs little to buy into. A large force would have two masters and, say, sixteen other models.

It has snowed in southern England. This is something of a rare event so I have included a piccy taken from my front door.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Guild Witchlings

'Witches' captured by the Guild's Witchhunters tend to disappear. Some are reaminated by Sonia Criid, leader of the Witchhunters, as Witchlings. These are the Witchunters' expendable footsoldiers.

The base inserts are also sourced from Wyrd Miniatures. As you can see, I am still learning how to use layering. :)

The swords were painted in Citadel light gold and then covered with a mixture of gloss varnish and yellow acrylic. Citadel green wash was dribbled into the cracks.


Friday, 11 December 2009

Ramos & Hopkins, Malifaux

Hopefully, some better pics. We are close to the shortest day of the year in Northern Europe and the sun barely creeps over the horizon. So there is not a lot of light.

Ramos is the President of the Miners & Steamfitters Union, a front for the Arcanist organised crime syndicate.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Samael Hopkins, Guild Witchhunter

Hopkins is the best hunter in the Guild's Witchhunter taskforce led by Sonia Crid. The Guild are the policemen in Malifaux, although perhaps security guards are a better term as they are uninterested in justice. Their remit is to ensure the steady flow of soulstones to Earth.

Apologies for the poor quality of the pic - I had to use artificial light.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Steamborg: Executioner Class

I have been very taken by Wyrd Miniatures Malifaux range. This is a Steamborg manufactured by the Miners and Steamfitters Union, which serves as a front for an organised crime network called the Arcanists. Malifaux is a sort of Steampunk-WildWest-Victoriana. More about the game in a later post. The models are great.