The Vickers Universal Carrier, or Bren Gun Carrier, was the most widely manufactured armoured vehicle of WWII, around 113,000 being built in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Production started in 1934 and ceased in 1960. They were used as gun tractors, weapon carriers (Bren guns, Vickers heavy MGs, Mortors), and infantry fighting vehicles (including a flamethrower and two pounder antitank gun versions).
They were used by British and Commonwelath armies and by the Red Army. The Germans also
used a bunch captured at Dunkirk, valuing the carriers' flexibility and reliability. They mounted a 37mm anti-tank gun on some and also triple tube panzerschreck launchers, producing the world's first anti-tank missile vehicle.

This model is a Tamiya 1:48 with Warlord Games metal crew figures. It is painted as a vehicle of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry, the regiment in which my father fought at Anzio.

Incidentally, I fitted Warlord figures to bring the crew into style with my Warlord infantry. It is interesting to compare a Tamiya 1:48 figure with a Warlord 28mm (nominally 1:56).