Michigan held its Democratic primary on Tuesday. The outcome was good for President Biden. He got about 81% of the vote and all (or nearly all) of the available delegates. It puts him one step closer to getting the nomination.
About 13% of the primary voters (mostly young voters and Muslims) voted uncommitted. They did that as a protest because they are unhappy with how President Biden is handling the war in Gaza. They want the present to force a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
I have no problem with those who voted for uncommitted. They have the right to protest and the right to vote as they please. And they are right that cease-fire is badly needed in Gaza. Thousands of innocent Gaza residents have been killed (many of them children), and more are dying every day. They also aren't getting the food, shelter, and medical care they need.
But they are wrong if they think President Biden could force a cease-fire. All he can do is try to pressure both sides to come to an agreement about a cease-fire. He is doing that, but so far, both sides are refusing to agree. Currently, Biden is trying to arrange a temporary cease-fire (in the hope it could develop into a permanent one) and the release of hostages. He is also pressuring Israel to allow more aid to the residents of Gaza. And he has said a two-state solution is needed and Jewish West Bank settlements are illegal.
At least some of the uncommitted voters are saying if President Biden doesn't do what they want (force a cease-fire), they will also refuse to vote for him in November. It is there right to vote as they please or not vote at all -- but that would be a huge mistake.
Michigan is a state that Biden won by a small margin, and withholding their votes could give Donald Trump the edge he needs to carry the state in November. It could also give him the electoral college majority (like in 2016).
That would be disastrous for the people of Gaza. Trump is a Muslin-hater (and even tried to deny Muslims entry into the U.S. during his first term). He is also a big fan of Netanyahu. Trump would fully support Netanyahu's genocidal war on Gaza. Trump also supports the West Bank settlements and does not support a two-state solution.
Another term for Trump would be terrible for the Palestinians of Gaza (and the West Bank). If the uncommitted voters were really trying to help the residents of Gaza, then refusing to vote in November would be a very stupid move!