Tuesday, October 25, 2022
New Poll Has Abbott Leading O'Rourke By Only 2 Points
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Poll Of Likely Voters Gives Abbott A Big Lead In Texas
This chart reflects the results of the Texas Politics Project at University of Texas Poll -- done between October 7th and 17th of 883 likely Texas voters, with a 3.3 point margin of error.
The poll only considers likely voters (those voting in every election the last 2-3 years). With a large turnout (containing many new voters and random voters) the result could be very different.
Friday, July 15, 2022
New Poll Has O'Rourke Trailing Abbott By Only 5 Points
These charts are from the University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs / YouGov Poll -- done between June 27th and July 7th of 1,169 registered Texas voters, with a 2.9 point margin of error.
Thursday, July 07, 2022
O'Rourke Is Within 6 Points Of Abbott In Texas
The chart above reflects the results of the recent University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll -- done between June 16th and 24th of a sample of 1,200 registered voters in Texas, with a 2.89 point margin of error.
Wednesday, April 06, 2022
Texas Lyceum Poll Shows A Close Race For Texas Governor
The chart above reflects to results of a recent Texas Lyceum Poll -- done between March 11th and 20th of a statewide sample of 1,000 Texas adults, with a 2.83 point margin of error.
It shows the race for the governor of Texas is very close between Republican Greg Abbott (42%) and Democrat Beto O'Rourke (40%). That two point difference is within the poll's margin of error.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
New Poll Has Beto Trailing By 10 Points In Texas
The chart above is from the University of Texas / Texas Politics Project Poll -- done between January 28th and February 7th of a statewide sample of 1,200 registered Texas voters, with a 2.83 point margin of error.
It shows Beto O'Rourke trailing Greg Abbott by 10 points (37% to 47%) in the governor race.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Recent Poll Shows O'Rourke / Abbott In Virtual Dead Heat
The charts above are from the Rice University / Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Poll -- done between October 14th and 27th of a sample of 1,402 registered voters in Texas. It shows Democrat Beto O'Rourke trailing Republican Governor Greg Abbott by only 1 point. I didn't see any margin of error, but it has to be more than 1 point, meaning the poll has the two in a virtual dead heat.
Wednesday, November 03, 2021
New Poll Has Abbott & O'Rourke In A Dead Heat In Texas
The charts above are from the new Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Poll -- done between October 14th and 27th of a statewide sample of 1,402 registered Texas voters, with a 2.6 point margin of error.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Texans Not Yet Enamored With Any Candidate For Governor
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Elizabeth Warren Takes The Lead In Delegate-Rich California
The chart above is from the UC Berkley Institute of Governmental Studies Poll -- done between September 13th and 18th of 2,272 registered voters in California likely to vote in the state's Democratic primary. The margin of error is 3 points.
In the last few days, I have posted polls that show Elizabeth Warren has taken the lead in Iowa and New Hampshire. Now this poll shows she has done the same in California. California is also an early state for 2020 -- voting on March 3rd with a bevy of other states.
Warren has the support of 29% of California Democrats/Leaners, while Biden has 22% and Sanders has 19%. They are followed by Harris with 8%, Buttigieg with 6%, and O'Rourke with 3%.
Warren has gained 11 points since this same poll was done in June. Biden has neither gained nor lost support, and Sanders has gained 2 points. The biggest losers are Harris (who has lost 5 points) and Buttigieg (who has lost 4 points). O'Rourke has neither gained nor lost points.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Favorable And Unfavorable Ratings Of Leading Candidates
These charts reflect the results of the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between August 17th and 20th of a national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,111 registered voters). The margin of error for adults is 2.6 points, and for registered voters is 3 points.
The survey did not ask who the respondents would support or who they would vote for. They just asked about likability -- whether they have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the candidates.
Donald Trump had the highest unfavorable ratings -- 52% among adults and 54% among registered voters. He also had the highest favorable rating among adults.
Elizabeth Warren had the highest favorable rating among registered voters at 45%, and she was the only candidate that did not score higher on unfavorability than favorability. She was even on both with adults (39%), and had a 3 point edge among registered voters (45% to 42%).
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Beto Is WRONG - The Nominee Must Support All Democrats
During a house party in Lebanon (New Hampshire), Beto was asked if he would support every candidate of the Democratic Party. His answer was extremely disappointing. He refused to pledge to support every Democratic candidate, saying:
"I can't take a pledge to support every single Democrat in the country. I need to know about them first, right? Would you want me to make a blanket commitment about people I know nothing about, who I've never met?"
That is unacceptable. The answer to his question is YES, I want you to make a blanket commitment to support every Democrat -- whether you know them or not.
Here's why I want that commitment:
* The presidential nominee is the leader of the party. How can the party's leader refuse to support any candidate of the party?
* Having a Democratic president is not enough. Nothing will be accomplished unless Democrats also control both houses of Congress.
* Every Democrat on the ballot (whether a progressive, liberal, moderate, or conservative) is better than any Republican on the ballot. Even a conservative Democrat will vote with the party much or most of the time. No Republican will do that at all.
Democrats already have a problem with some candidates requiring a purity test for Democratic candidates (Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard). We don't need our nominee supporting Republicans because they are friends or he doesn't know the Democrat running.
Beto needs to decide -- is he a Democrat or not?
Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Arizona Could Be In Play In 2020 (At Least For Biden)
The chart above reflects the results of a new OH Predictive Insights Poll. It was done on May 1st and 2nd of 600 likely general election voters in Arizona, and has a margin of error of 4 points.
Arizona is a fairly reliable state for Republicans. It has voted for the Republican presidential candidate in the last five presidential election. But that could change in 2020.
This poll shows that there is one Democrat that could win Arizona right now -- Joe Biden. Biden leads Trump by 5 points.
Other Democrats don't do so well, and none come within the margin of error. Elizabeth Warren trails by 5 points and Beto O’Rourke trails by 6 points. Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg all trail by 9 points.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Could This Healthcare Claim By Beto Possibly Be True?
A couple of weeks ago, Beto O'Rourke (Democratic candidate for presidential nomination) made a rather shocking claim. He said the infant mortality rate between Whites and Blacks in the U.S. us currently worse than it was in 1850.
Could that possibly be true? Would the giant leaps in health care made since 1850 have narrowed that gap? Sadly, No. O'Rourke's statement is TRUE! While the infant mortality has significantly improved for everyone since 1850, the rate between Whites and Blacks has gotten worse.
The good folks at PolitiFact decided to check on Beto's statement. Here is what they said:
O’Rourke’s statement is deeply grounded. Academic studies lead to estimates that in 1850, live-born black babies were 1.6 times more likely to die in their first year than white ones. The latest racial infant mortality statistics are from 2016 - not 2019 as O’Rourke suggests. They show blacks were 2.3 times more likely to die in infancy than whites.
This is inexcusable. And it has a cause -- institutional racism. Racism continues to be too big a factor in our institutional systems -- not only our educational, justice, and political systems, but evidently, also our medical care system.
This could be fixed. We could have true equality for everyone in this country. But too many Whites cling to their privilege. Ignorantly, they seem to believe that granting equal rights to everyone will somehow take rights away from them. They are wrong, and their illogical beliefs make the country worse for everyone.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Beto Is Running (Raising The Number To 15 Candidates)
Former Texas representative Beto O'Rourke made it official on Thursday morning. He is officially running for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party in 2020.
He joins 14 other candidates -- Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kristen Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Julian Castro, Jay Inslee, John Hickenlooper, Pete Buttigieg, John Delaney, Andrew Yang, Marianne Williamson, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders.
Here is the e-mail Beto sent to Democrats:
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
O'Rourke: End Pot Prohibition & Reform Justice System
O'Rourke says our criminal justice system is unfair. the has offered several suggestions on how to reform that system -- including ending the federal prohibition on marijuana.
Here is the e-mail he sent outlining the reforms he wants. They make a lot of sense to me.
Monday, February 18, 2019
Would O'Rourke Make A Better Senate Candidate In 2020?
Many are talking about a possible run for the presidency in 2020, and polls have shown that (even though he has not said he would run) he finishes well ahead of several candidates that have declared. He usually posts numbers that rival those of Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren (the two declared candidates that poll the best), and better than Klobuchar, Booker, Gillibrand, Castro, and others already in the race.
But would a presidential run be his best bet? Maybe not. There has also been talk of him running against John Cornyn for the Senate in 2020, and Cornyn may be vulnerable. Cornyn's job approval numbers tend to be lower than those of Cruz -- and a recent poll shows O'Rourke would start out nearly even with Cornyn (he had to come from far behind when he took on Cruz, and nearly won)>
The poll is one done by Public Policy Polling. They surveyed 743 registered voters in Texas on February 13th and 14th, and their poll had a margin of error of 3.6 points. The results are shown in the chart below.
Right now, O'Rourke would only trail Cornyn by 2 points (47% to 45%, with 8% unsure). That margin is within the poll's margin of error. Those are amazing numbers for a Democrat in Texas, and they show that O'Rourke would have a really good chance of unseating Cornyn.
That might be a better path for O'Rourke. The Democratic presidential nominating race is going to be a mess with. It already has 11 candidates, and that could swell by 6 to 10 more. It will be interesting to see what choice O'Rourke will make.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Bernie Sanders Finished A Poor 5th In Liberal Straw Poll
The liberal website Daily Kos recently conducted a straw poll of its readers. They asked those readers who they currently support for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. The results are above, and surprisingly, Bernie Sanders finished a poor fifth with only 11% support -- trailing Elizabeth Warren (22%), Beto O'Rourke (15%), Kamala Harris (14%), and Joe Biden (14%).
This was not a scientific poll. It was just a straw poll to gauge the feelings of the progressive wing of the party. But it shows that Sanders might be in trouble if he decides to run for the nomination again. In all of the Daily Kos straw polls done for the 2016 campaign, Sanders had finished in first place over Hillary Clinton (even though Clinton won the votes of most Democrats).
Has Sanders chance at the Democratic nomination faded? It looks like that may be true. It could be because there are more candidates for progressives to support this time around. Warren, O'Rourke, Harris, and others have credible progressive credentials.
Saturday, January 05, 2019
O'Malley Says No To Presidential Run - Endorses O'Rourke
(These photos are from Wikipedia. The O'Malley photo is by Gage Skidmore. The O'Rouke photo is the official photo from his time in the U.S. House.)
Martin O'Malley, the former governor of Maryland, is a good Democrat. He ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, and some thought he might toss his hat in the ring again in the 2020 race.
That's not going to happen. In a guest column in The Des Moines Register, O'Malley made it clear he is not going to run this time. Then he went further and endorsed a possible candidate -- Beto O'Rourke.
Here is what O'Malley wrote:
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Beto's Final Senate Fundraising Amount Tops $80 Million
Beto O'Rourke topped Ted Cruz in fundraising for seven of the eight fundraising periods -- and wound up raising more than twice what Cruz raised. This was remarkable considering O'Rourke accepted no money from PAC's (only from individual donors), while Cruz did get PAC money.
Here's part of what Tom Benning reported in the Dallas Morning News: