Showing posts with label Memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memes. Show all posts

Monday, September 07, 2009

Holodeck On The Blink (Part Two)

Bev and I are stuck in the holodeck, which at the moment is not working. She has her red bikini on, and I have my Speedo micro swimming trunks on. We went in with the program to laze on Copacabana beach, but the Enterprise did the inevitable and passed through a cloud that has affected all the electrical programs.

As a result, the two of us are sitting in the black room of the holodeck waiting for the program to come back on.


"Well what do we do now, Jean-Luc." asks Bev as we sit in our sunbathing gear, "I mean this is all very well for the beaches of Brazil, but I feel a right idiot in this black room."

"I'll try and get through to Riker and see what's going on." I tell her.

I go back to the Arch and try and get through. The speech is crackling, like it usually is when the system has gone haywire.

"Haven't you fixed it yet, Number One?" I ask, "Bev and I are waiting to sample a holographic ice cream on the Copacabana Beach."

"We're free of the cloud now, Captain." he says through all the noise, "We're trying to repair all the damaged applications, though it may take some time. The holodeck should restore itself in a moment, though."

I go back to Bev, who starts putting suncream on herself. I smile and help her with it.

"Back to Copacabana!" I say and we both laugh.

The holodeck starts to flicker, and the program comes on.

We find ourselves lying in snow. Bev screams out.

"JEAN-LUC!" she yells, "I'm freezing!"

"So am I!" I reply, and rush over to the Arch.

"Number One!" I shout, "We are either in the arctic or an ice planet, yet we just have skimpy swimming outfits on! Stop it now!"

"I'll try and pull the plug." he tells us, and a few seconds later, we are shivering in a black room.

"Next time I want to lie in the sun." comments Bev, "We'll go to a REAL beach, and not on powered by the Enterprise. Can't we get beamed out?"

"Riker has said that the transporter is taking some time to repair, as is the doorway." I tell her, "Every time a crewman has tried to burn the door down, he gets struck by an electrical charge."

We get a signal from the Arch, and I go over to listen to Riker.

"We can't get you out yet, sir." he tells me, "But I have thought of an idea. The door needs to be repaired from within. Only a hologram can do it, so we're sending in the holographic doctor."

To be continued...


Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

The Queen's Meme No 9...The W Meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #9.

Step out of the box. Be creative. Have fun!

And please, stay out of the dungeon.

It's getting really crowded in there.

The Who, What, When, Where, Why Would You Meme

Who ....

is easy to love? The people at the office who make up my monthly pittance
do you just wanna smack? those that take the tax off the above
do you trust? if it was Thanksgiving, and I was a turkey, it wouldn't be the farmer.
do you talk to when you're alone? this is beginning to sound like a psychiatrist to his wrong word and I'm in the rubber room.


dangerous things do you do while driving? driving would be the most dangerous, as I can't drive...look out pedestrians!
are you allergic to? people who ask "What are you allergic to?"
is Satan's last name? Why? Do you want to look in the phone book?
is the last thing that moved you? My boss when she said "You're going to another desk."
is the freakiest thing in your house? The man-eating twelve foot plant (that'll keep the burglars away!)


is it time to turn over a new leaf? Perhaps you ought to ask Adam & Eve that one?
will you be all that you can be? When you're pushing up the daisies!
is enough enough? When it's written down, written down
do you go to the dark side? Oh, sorry! I thought this WAS the dark side.


are your pants? If I'm not wearing them, then what will you be imagining??
is your last will and testament? It's under the......ah, nearly said it then!
is your junk food stash? In the 'reject' pile of the local McDonald's
is Carmen Sandiego? The police are currently digging up the garden and questioning all suspects.

Why..... was the Lone Ranger alone? He never applied on eHarmony
was The Scarlet Letter scarlet? Because it had been red!
are musicians sexy and plumbers not? Have you tried to play music on a copper pipe?
are there no seat belts on school buses? Come to think of it, why are there no gags to keep them quiet, either?

Would you....

swim the English Channel for a doughnut and coffee? If not that, what? It would take a lot more than a stale doughnut and yukky coffee to make me swim over 20 miles in cold water. Lady Hightower might persuade me.

forgive someone who deliberately hurt you? Not if they used a high powered machine gun.

rather believe a lie if it hurt you less than the truth? No one believes "I'm working late at the office." anymore!

you still be alive if you were sucked out of an airplane window? Would you just float around in space for while? I don't think it did Goldfinger a lot of good when he was sucked out of the plane.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Trouble On Wondawowman (Part Six)

Guest Poster: Wesley Crusher

Now that my honeybunch wife Karena, her sister Nexa, their mother Queen Diana, Juliana, our Captain Hernandez and Commander Hathaway and I have all broken out of prison, we are racing to stop the amazon Yalana from taking Queen Diana's throne.


"Where are they right now, honeybunch?" I ask Karena as I shake the dust off my outfit. It will take forever to clean it.

"There is only one place, pumpkin." she replioes, "That is the Oracle of Wisdom, where all important events take place. We were married there."

As we go towards there, Nexa talks to her sister.

"Please forgive me, sister." says the raven-haired woman to blonde Karena, "I was taken in by the words of Yalana, Yorga and Felicia. Though we have always had our differences, for once we shall fight side by side in honour of our mother."

"For once, we shall indeed." Karena answers, "Though we shall always be very different."


We all approach the Oracle of Wisdom, and see all the amazons assembled. They are all booing the stage, as if a villainous wrester has just entered the ring. Yalana is standing there, flanked by Yorga and Felicia.

"Fellow amazons." she announces, "As Queen Diana and her daughter have deserted you, I have put myself forward and declare myself the Quee...."

Queen Diana strides on to the stage and kicks Yalana down on the floor with her boot. I think this is going to get ugly..I think I'll look the other way....

Nexa and Juliana rush forward to overpower Yorga, the huge amazon, while Karena takes on Felicia, giving her a massive thump and pinning her to the stage floor with her spear.

"You never thought you could beat me, did you, Felicia?" she laughs, "This attempted coup is over!"

Queen Diana pulls Yalana up, and grips her tightly. The amazons all assembled give a loud cheer.

"My amazons." The Queen announces, "I and my daughter were held under guard by this usurper who tried to wrest my throne from me. These three women will suffer the ultimate amazonian penalty of having their spears broken in two and exiled from Wondawowman forever."

Further cheers erupt. I think everything is looking good again. The Queen turns to us.

"Thank you for supporting me in my hour of need ." she tells us, "Nexa, you only just missed being exiled yourself. Be careful of your action. Dearest daughter Karena and Life Servant Wesley, you saved us, as did you, Juliana, Captain Hernandez and Commander Hathaway."

Time to beam up to the USS Rhode Island. Why is the dust of this planet so hard to get off my uniform?


Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

The Queen's Tuesday Meme #8 ~ The Bloggingham Love Shack
Warning: Hide the children!
There are love shenanigans in the dungeon.

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #8.
Step out of the box. Be creative. Have fun!
And please, stay out of the dungeon.

I've tried to avoid this subject. It is the fickle fodder of many a meme these days. Romance, s*x, relationships and breakups are really nobody's business. Wouldn't you say? Or perhaps it's the questions that are too personal and a bit juvenile at times. Middle school smooching is not exactly the end all and be all of civilization. (Is it? I don't know. I seem to have forgotten.) To tell you the truth, I'm getting just a little sick of all the love shenanigans going on in the dungeon down below. I can hear you. You are all just a wee bit too happy if you ask me. If I didn't know better I'd swear you want to stay!
But seriously, we could all use a little lot of romance in our lives. I promise not to ask questions that would make your mother blush. I suggest you tell her not to read your blog tomorrow.

Bloggingham Love Shack (aka The Romance Meme)

1. What is the craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love?

Said "I'll right I'll go out with you."

2. How much mystery should there be in a relationship? Is it a good thing or not?

It depends what the mystery is. Is it a whodunnit? Is it a horror story?

3. Is there someone in the blogosphere you'd like to get to know more intimately? Have you been too shy to ask? Let me help you. Write a 3 sentence anonymous love letter to them in this meme.
Leave a link if you dare. (I promise not to tell!)
"Dear Blogger, I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time that I really dig your blog, baby. I know you like mine as well. So how about it, sweetie?"etc etc"

Or if you wish, do some matchmaking instead. "Dear Blogger #1 and Blogger #2, I think you would be perfect for each other. This is why..."

4. Describe a "perfect evening" with the one you love.

Sweet music, good food, soft lights and.......shall we leave it at that?

5. If you are in a relationship, describe the one thing that makes it work well for you. If you are not in a relationship, do you want to be? If so, what type of romance are you looking for? What would it look like in your life?

I'm looking for a woman with her own castle? Any suggestions?

6. If you had to choose between having good s*x (I told you not to let your mother read this) OR intelligent conversation on a regular basis, which would you choose and why?

Can't we have a good intelligent conversation DURING???

and finally.....a purely selfish question:

7. I've got the Bloggingham Blues. What type of man is right for Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt? Do any of you see love in her foreseeable future? What do you suggest I do to spice up my love life? What am I doing wrong????!

I think you shouldn't handcuff them to the wall as soon as you see someone. That is a bad start in any relationship. Let them say "Hello" before you do that.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Trouble On Wondawowman (Part One)

Guest Poster: Karena

I've just had to fetch Commander Mark Hathaway out of the brig. He tends to spend a lot of time there, usually whenever Captain Erika Hernandez catches him in the arms of another woman.

All right, the top two Officers on the USS Rhode Island are not supposed to fratenise in that way, but everybody on the ship knows it goes on. Nobody wants to go and report it to Starfleet, unless they want to spend a lifetime cleaning out warp conduits.

I approach the Captain's quarters, and she comes out.

"All right, Ensign." she says to me, "I'll take over from here. By the way, we are heading to your home planet of Wondawowman. Your mother, Queen Diana has explained the reason to me. She will call again in 45 minutes to tell you."

With that, she takes the Commander by the hand and leads him into her room. The door closes and I hear the sound of heavy kisses.

It looks like the Captain has forgiven the Commander for his transgressions.

But what's going on at home? I grab my spear and run to the quarters I share with my husband, Wesley Crusher.


"You're overreacting, honeybunch." Wes says to me, "I'm sure it's very trivial."

"I don't, pumpkin." I reply, as I slam my spear on the floor, "The Rhode Island doesn't just change course for my planet for no reason whatsoever."

The time approaches, and my mother's face appears on the screen. She looks rather concerned.

"Daughter." she says solemnly, "I fear that there are ill winds over our society."

"What do you mean, mother?" I ask desperately. Sometimes it can be hard getting a straight answer.

"There has been a rebellious faction building up amongst the amazons." she continues, "They wish to have me deposed."

I am shocked. No one has ever tried to depose the Queen of the Amazons in all the centuries they have been in place. It's a bigger shock than if I ever heard that Commander Hathaway intended to remain faithful to the Captain.

"Who would they have in your place, Mother?" I ask.

"That's the worst part, daughter." she says, "Your sister, the mischievous Nexa."

To be continued....


Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

We're up early this week.
Welcome back to The Queen's Tuesday Meme. Each week the type of meme will change; sometimes silly, sometimes serious, but always fun!

This meme is all about using your imagination. Free your inner blogginess. Step outside the proverbial blox (that's blog + box for all you non-blog speakers). Answer these ridiculous situational questions and post them on your own blog. Here's the situation for today. We won't tell a soul. And remember:
Don't end up in the dungeon

#6 The Bachelor's Dating Meme

In honor of my 500th "Bachelor of The Day" to post this week on my site called Dating Profile Of The Day we bring you The Dating Meme. For three years I've been rummaging through online dating profiles to find the zaniest and most ridiculous profile headlines out there. They write 'em. I spoof 'em. Do you know that some folks are grammatically insane?? And some are just insane.

Ergo, today's meme was born.

Are you up for the challenge? Take a look at these seven dating profile headlines from real dating sites. Imagine you are trying to find a date and these gems have just landed in your inbox. How would you respond to them? Write a comeback response to each one. Be sarcastic, be funny, be brave! Spelling errors not my own. Names and locations have been changed to protect the terminally single. If you need inspiration, go HERE for hundreds of funny examples.

1. Birdbrain looking for a mate.

This candidate is for the birds!

2. Where Are All The Bad Girls?

Hiding behind a fence until you've gone away, I should think!

3. A Good Woman Is Hard To Fine

Especially if you're a police officer...this one needs to be put in the slammer!

4. Does God Know You've Escaped From Heaven?

I don't think it was heaven that this guy escaped from. Send for the men in white coats!

5. I Put the Fun in DysFUNctional

And he put the moron into oxymoron.

6. Does this profile make me look fat?

No, but your body sure does!

7. I'm a no nonsince person with little tolorrance for stupitity

Lit me spill it owt too yoo....forget it!!!!

Good luck! And thank you for playing The Queen's Tuesday Meme.

How To Stay Out Of The Dungeon

Once upon a time in a faraway Bloggiverse there lived a maiden named Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt. She slayed her own dragons, stoked her own fire and well.....wrote memes by the light of the Bloggingham moon. One day a kind blogger from England noticed her meme lovin' ways and royally crowned her Mimi Queen of Memes. As time passed in the peaceful kingdom of Bloggingham, her Royal Highness found comfort in the company of fellow bloggers who also loved memes. But the Queen had a wicked disposition too. It is widely reported in historical Blogosphere archives that any and all bloggers found guilty of not completing their memes were promptly thrown into the dreaded Bloggingham dungeon.
If I were you, I'd do the meme

Monday, August 10, 2009

Body Swap (Part Four)

This is Jean-Luc Picard...but my mind is in the body of Deanna Troi!

It started when the two of us found an artifict on Arkos IV that swapped our minds into each others body. The machine said the effect would wear off in time, but if we talked anyone except each other about it, there would be a psychological lock in our minds that would make the effect permanant.


As a result, Deanna has had to take control of the ship in my form, while I've had to learn how to walk in high heels and also listen to some secrets in my role as Counselor. believe you me, there are some things I've heard people confess to while listening to their problems that would make your hair stand on end. not that I can say anything, though, of course. Doctor-patient confidentiality.

I've been getting some funny looks from Bev, as well, as she is convinced that Deanna and I are having an affair, due to the fact that the two of us have had to meet in secret to discuss the problem. Not only that, I have had to fend of the attentions of Will Riker, as Deanna, in my form, has been trying to get away from Bev.

"What are we gonna do?" Deanna says to me in a secluded moment, "The effect shows no sign of wearing off. Last night, Beverly came up to me and kissed me passionately, saying she kisses much better than the Troi woman."

"What did you do then?" I reply.

"I went red, ran off down the corridor, and hid in a Jeffries tube until she vanished."

I smile while thinking of this scenario, until I hear the march of heels in the corridor and the door flings open.

"I thought I'd find you two here!" she shouts, then looks at me, "Well we're going to settle this right here and now, Troi."

"It's not what you think, Bev." I say to her, "We just can't say anything because..."

"Ha!" Bev laughs, "I've heard that line before. Get out, Jean-Luc. Troi and I have got something to settle."

Deanna, in my body, scurries out as fast as she can.

Bev looks firmly at me.

"I should have guessed this would happen, Troi." she says, rolling up her sleeves, "Although I thought you were a friend of mine, especially after all we've been through."

"Bev." I say, "I don't want to hurt..."

She comes towards me and thumps me in the eye, and hits me in the stomach. The impact sends me down on the floor. Bev kicks me repeatly and leaps on me, tearing at my hair.


Eventually, Bev gets up, and smiles with satisfaction.

"That'll teach you to mess with my man!" she smirks, and walks out of the room.

I stagger up, trying to stop the bleeding through my torn uniform, go over to the mirror and see the two black eyes I have.

Deanna creeps back in.

"Has she gone?" she says, then screams at my appearance.

"Don't worry." I tell her, "I'll go to the SickBay and get cleaned up right away. It might be a good idea if I get the holographic doctor to do it. I don't think Bev will be too keen."

To be continued...

Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

The Queen's Meme #5: The Woodstock Meme: I Dig It!

Forty years ago this week, three days of peace, love and rock 'n roll (and mud) happened near Bethel, New York. It was the Summer of 1969.
Attire: Hippie jeans. Long hair. Legal or illegal smoke. Psychedelic vibe.

The scene: You are at Woodstock. You go alone but meet up with a beautiful man/woman. You spend three days together.
Put yourself inside the peace & love vibe. You can choose to be stoned or straight. I put it in the story for the sake of reality. Just don't inhale in this meme.
This is the conversation you have upon meeting or you can make it into what you overhear others say.
It makes no sense and has no continuity by design.
You must fill in the familiar blanks to finish the story. Some are song lyrics. You may use more than one word to fill in the blanks.

Oh! I forgot to tell you (must be the smoke in here) You have a new name. It must a combination of the first letter of your first name, the third letter of your middle name and the last letter of your last name.
Peace out! Somebody might wanna turn on a fan in here.

1. "Hello, my groovy name is Gur (not very groovy is it?)

By the looks of those flowers in your hair, you must be a gravedigger.
Didn't they tell you? No shovels allowed!

2. Come on, Baby, light my beard.

When I lay me down to claim benefits I pray the man will give my money to keep.

If I wake before I wake, I pray the trip I'm taking won't be my last to take.
**puff puff**

3. Because the first time ever I saw your far out face I realized that what the world needs now is a groovy sweet babe. Besides, I always feel guilty watching you meditate when I should be claiming benefit.
But I dig it!

4. Have I told you lately that I dig you? Hey! Don't step on that flower child !!
Dude. That guy is really weird but.....

5. There's a party in my sleeping bag and half a million of my hippie friends are coming over tonight and we're gonna rock my baby off my mind. Darn the luck. It's raining Sonny's (s) and Chers_____ (s)
Luckily, Papa was a rolling joint and I'm on a first name basis with the cops.
**puff puff**

6. I'm really digging your threads but that earwig has got to go. Those flowers in your hair are beginning to smell like an unkempt garden.
Have I told you lately that I uuhhh..the drug has made me forget... you?
** puff puff**

7. I'm beginning to see leaves in those trees over there. Do you see it?
Out of all the millions of hippies here, you are the most weirdest, most normal babe.

But I dig it, man.

**puff puff**

8. I'd use all my blood, sweat and alimony cheques just to get next to your tent.

Love is free but I'd really like to buy that guy's chequebook.
It says "Make a mess not make amends. " Far out!

9. I'm grateful to be a record producer 'cause there's a bad song rising in Jefferson's Airplane. But that's okay, 'cause Joe Cocker said I could get by with a little punch from my friends.

10. Oh, by the way, your van is on fire. But I dig it.

** You might stay out of the dungeon if you post a picture of yourself or someone you know in your hippie clothes (if you're old enough)**

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Body Swap (Part Two)

Guest Poster: Deanna the body of Jean-Luc Picard

To say I'm not myself today is quite an understatement!

After the Captain and I went to visit an ancient machine on Arkos IV, a beam shot out and swapped our miinds into each others bodies. We were told by the machine not to talk about it to anyone but each other, or the effect would be permanant. Eventually it will wear off if we keep quiet.


The two of us walk back to the beam-up point. I start to sniffle.

"Look, Deanna." says the Captain in my usual voice, "Well just have to try and get round this. Don't let anyone be aware of the situation. You have Commander status, so you should be able to handle the ship. If you come across any problems, just say you need to see the Counselor. Remember not to cry and sniffle. It won't look good."

I put the tissue away.

"What about Will Riker and Bev?" I ask.

The Captain, who had been learning to walk in high heels after falling over several times, stops.

"We could have some difficulty there." he tells me, "We'll have to avoid them as much as possible."


As we beam up on board, Riker tells us that some hostile aliens are approaching, and that we need to defend Arkos IV. As we head towards the Bridge, a face appears.

"Welcome back, Jean-Luc." Bev says to me with a smile, and gives me a long lingering kiss. As she pins me against the wall, I can't escape.

"That's a different sort of kiss than your usual." she tells me, then whispers, "But I'll look forward to more on our date tonight."

Bev wals off in a different direction and I catch up with the Captain.

"Bev just kissed me and reminded me that I have a date with her tonight." I tell him.

"You think you had it bad?" the Captain replies, his face reddening through the make-up on his face, "Riker just squeezed my bottom and said he and I had a date as well! I hope this effect wears off soon!"


We all get on the Bridge, and I sit in the Captain's Chair, with Jean-Luc sitting to my left, feeling very uncomfortable in my dress.

"What's the situation errr...Number One?" I say to Will.

"Three Harkannon ships are heading this way, with enough firepower to destroy the Enterprise and the planet, Captain. We need good tactics here."

I look to see that Worf is awaiting my instructions. My mind goes blank, as it does when I'm not sure what dress to buy in a mall.

I look at the Captain to my left, who quietly whispers an attack sequence in my ear.

"Errr..attack Omega Delta VI." I command. At that, Worf sends the ship towards them, and all ships are destroyed, with no harm to our ship.

"That was brilliant, Captain." Riker says, "I wouldn't have thought of that manouvre."

A trickier manouvre will be getting out of our dates with Beverly and Will!

To be continued...


Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

The Queen's Meme #4:

Welcome to WBLOG TV

The place where unbloggable news happens and sources are never a secret. You are the creator, producer, writer and news anchor of the WBLOG nightly news. It is your job to deliver the news in your own style from your own blog.

And oh, you get to make up the news! Here's your assignment:

1. The Weather Channel: Give me your personality forecast. Are you sunny, wet, windy, or cloudy? Why?

Bright often, but has cloudy moments. Doesn't like a lot of drips. When hard work is mentions, I run away like lightning.

2. The News Channel: What is the breaking news story of the day in your world?

BREAKING NEWS TO THE NATION: The council have come and repaired our road!!!

3. The Economic Channel: How are things on the economic front? And more importantly, do you have ideas to save the planet from financial ruin?

Time to start digging in the sofa for more coins! We definately need to hold an Economic Summit, preferably in Barbados.

4. The Entertainment Channel: Give us the latest blog celebrity gossip. Dish it!

Well, dont tell anyone, but ------------ is having a secret relationship with with ---------- when she goes and makes a film!

5. The Sports Channel: Make up a sport, give your team a name and choose five players from the list of names on the Mr. Linky list. What are the rules of the game?

The team are Linky's Layabouts. The sport is called Computer Couch Potatoes. They have to play against another team to see how long they can blog without falling asleep on the keyboard. My team are: Mimi Lenox, Twisted Sister, Psychic Mama, Angelia and Bud Weiser

6. The Comedy Channel: How will you make us laugh today? Tell us a blunny (that's blog + funny for all you non-blog speakers)

Queen Mimi says "Is it cruel in baseball to say they have hit a homer?

7. The Religious Channel: Make up a blog religion. Tell us why your blog church will save our souls.

The Church of Spray (let us spray): Our motto: If you think you've sinned, you should see our Minister!

8. (but who's counting?) The Soap Opera Channel: What is the name of your soap opera?

Hard Cash: It's all about some crooked bankers...very true to life!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Admiral Application Form (Part One)

I really don't know why I'm bothering.

Every time I fill out the application form for the post of Admiral, it gets rejected. I get a curt reply, usually saying something along the along the lines of "Thank you for your application, but we do not think you are suitable for the role. We hope you will try again in the future."

Loosely, this means, "Forget it, matey, you've got no chance."

Still, Deanna has urged me to try.

"Don't be downhearted, Captain." she says, "If you don't try, you will never get the Admiralty position."

I know why she's keen for me to try. It means her beloved Will Riker can sit in my chair. I'm not keen on that happening. I like it here on the Enterprise.

Still, one does get longer vacation time as an Admiral, and one gets a free key to the Admiral's Washroom. No using the same facilities as the riff raff. Believe me, the Enterprise washroom needs some cleaning after the Bolians have visited it.

Now where are we? Oh yes, the Application Form. Let's start filling it in..

Name: Jean-Luc Picard

Place and Date of birth: La Barre, France 2305

Current Position: Captain, USS Enterprise

Previous employment First Officer, USS Stargazer

Why do you think you would be suitable for this position? I've saved the universe enough times! Err.. I mean I think...errr..I know I have the necessary experience to carry out this role. I have diplomatic as well as leadership skills which can be put to...

"What are you doing, Captain?" asks T'Pol as she walks in. I know I have an 'open door' policy, but this is ridiculous.

Mirror T'Pol

I explain to her.

"You're wasting your time!" she replies with derision, "Admirals are a little club who like to look after their own. You've got no chance as they see you as a Captain who has done well in that position, so they'll keep you there."

T'Pol laughs and walks out.

A sense of despair fills me as I look at the remaining questions. T'Pol may well have a point. Admirals may well be their own little club, not seeing me as suitable.

Anyway, on with the questions...

To be continued...


Editors Note:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

Welcome back to the 3rd edition of The Queen's Meme with Mimi Queen of Memes. Each week the type of meme will change; sometimes silly, sometimes serious, but always fun! Enjoy your time in the castle.
And remember, don't end up in the dungeon.

The Queen's Meme No. 3 is called the Culinary Meme. Contrary to popular belief, the Queen has been known to accidentally cook something edible. Although I've given the gift of food poisoning to a boyfriend or two in the past, I actually made the food you see here. Don't ask me how because I could never do it again. I made up the recipe and lived to tell it. I'll bet there are some good cooks out in the blogosphere. Show us your saucy side. Flip a hot burger and smooch on a mushroom. Strap on a sweet little apron with 3-inch heels (please don't do this guys) and pre-heat to perfection. I'm getting hungry now. How 'bout you? I can't wait to read your savory concoctions.

Dinner is at eight.

The Cooking Meme (What Is The Meaning of Thyme and Other Deep Questions)

1. If you could put thyme in a bottle, what is the first thing that you'd like to do?

I would be singing a song called If I Could Have Thyme In A Bottle.....themn accused of plagurism by Jim Croce fans.

2. Do eggs really crack or do they merely have a nervous breakdown?

If they do have a nervous breakdown it might start them using crack cocaine!

3. Why are you whipping the butter? What did it ever do to you?

I didn't know that butter was that submissive? It all sounds far too kinky.

4. Do your spoons spoon in the drawer? Have you ever noticed? And more importantly, if wooden spoons spoon do they get splinters?

That's a lesson to all wooden spoons: use protection.

5. You hear: "Dumpling, my Dumpling, come hither." The candles are lit, the fondue is dipping, the Godiva is pouring, the scallions are steaming and the music is playing.....but wait, the windows are open.
Why did you close them?

You're not going to let that stalker Romeo eat any of your cooking. It's been too much hard work. Let him pester that young girl Juliet next door instead.

6. Do you need a recipe to cook or are you a bohemian chef? Show us your reckless and wild side in the kitchen. Don't have one? Here's a recipe I made just for you: You will need a spatula, a whisk, a gallon of Chardonnay, a banana and a rump roast. What is the name of your dish?

Oddly enough, as soon as I told someone, they had me arrested.

7. After dinner, the dishes are so dirty that the dishwasher refuses to wash them.
What did they say to get in hot water?

"Here's a joke for you, dish, what did the male dishwasher say to the female dishwasher?"

8. Is your pot black?

Ask the kettle

9. What is the sexiest spice or condiment in your cabinet? What makes it so?

Have you heard of the spice Marwa? I don't have it, but it's used in love potions.

10. How much crock is really in your crock pot?

It depends how big the pot is!

Thank you for playing the Queen's Meme this

Monday, July 13, 2009

Borg Cultural Exchange (Part One)

"Locutus." Seven of Nine says to me as she walks into my Ready Room, "I wish to speak with you."

Seven never knocks when entering a room. She just walks straight in, as if the people in the room are waiting to be addressed by her. It's a relief she has not barged in while Bev and I have had one of our kissing times. I think I'll have to get the door locked.

I'm getting distracted.

"What is it you want, Seven?" I enquire.

"While I have been regenerating in my alcove." she starts, "I have been talking to my leader, the Borg Queen. She has a request to ask of you."

The sounds ominous. The Borg Queen tends not to 'ask' anything, but do it, whether we like it or not.

"What is it?" I reply.

"As I have been on the Enterprise to learn about human methods of behaviour." she tells me, "The Queen has informed me that she thinks it only fair that a member of this starship should spend some time on a Borg Cube to see how we function."

I nearly drop my hot Earl Grey tea in my lap. I must learn not to drink whenever I am talking to someone, as I never know what they are going to say. This is the second uniform I've ruined in a month. The Enterprise Dry Cleaners are making a fortune out of me.

"That's out of the question!" I exclaim, "We can't allow one of our people to go on a Cube and get assimilated!"

"The Borg Queen has given her guarantee that this would not happen." Seven replies, "Whoever goes would just be there for a few days and be allowed to return to the Enterprise afterwards. You must decide who to send within 24 hours."

Seven strides out and I summon the rest of the senior staff.


The staff are all assembled and I explain the situation to them.

"You can't be serious!" Riker exclaims, "Who would want to go?"

"It could be a good thing, Number One." I tell him, "It would give us a chance to learn more about the Borg way of life than they've let on before. We've had to let Seven study us, now we can see them as they normally are."

Everyone looks around at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer

"All right." says a voice from the back, "I'll do it."

We all look to see who it is....

To be continued...


From the editor:

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

The Blog Outside The Box Meme
This meme is all about using your imagination. Free your inner blogginess. Step outside the proverbial blox (that's blog + box for all you non-blog speakers). Answer these ridiculous situational questions and post them on your own blog. Here's the situation for today. We won't tell a soul. And remember:
Don't end up in the dungeon.

1. You are in court. You are in deep doo-doo. What did you do? ('Cause if you want, I might could talk to the judge and get your sentence reduced to Bloggingham dungeon time.)

She wanted me to see the new warp conduit in Engineering...yes I know it was midnight.

2. Your blog just became a best-selling book . What is the title of your book ?

How to make masses of money.

3. It is midnight. The phone rings. It is Michael Jackson calling from the Great Beyond.
What would you like to ask him?

"Michael who?"

4. You are having your future told. The fortune teller looks in the crystal ball, screams and leaves the room in fright. What did they see?

Me doing a kareoke performance at the Enterprise Christmas Party.

5. You're blogging along minding your own blusiness (that's blog + know) when Google unexpectedly puts a Objectionable Content Warning on your blog. Your own mother is afraid to enter! What, pray tell, did you do to warrant it? How did this happen? Do you think you deserve it? Just how objectionable are you? Do tell.

The Enterprise destroyed the Google HQ as it was taken over by aliens.

6. You suddenly become God Of The Universe. What would your first Commandment be?

Let's get rid of the Q Continuum!

7. And finally, what secret would you like to tell the Queen?
Not to worry. What happens in Bloggingham, stays in Bloggingham.

"Well you know when I was supposed to be on duty with Bev on the Bridge during the night shift......?"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Princess On The USS Rhode Island

Guest Poster: Karena

"Isn't it exciting, honeybunch?" my hubby and Life Servant Wesley says to me, "We are actually having a princess on board the USS Rhode Island."

This irritates me somewhat.

"In case you forgot, pumpkin." I reply sharply, "There is already a princess on board. I am a princess of the amazons on the planet Wondawowman."

"Err..well, yes." Wes hurriedly answers, "What I meant was besides yourself. We are escorting the Princess Talia to her home planet of Qualena."

"I don't like her." I tell Wes, "She does not behave how a princess should. She is rude and shouts at people. Besides that, Commander Hathaway is paying far too much attention to her."

"You're right there, Karena." concedes Wes, "But the Commander pay attention to any woman on ship. I know you had to use your spear to fend him off when you first came on board. Still, as a princess, you ought to talk to her."

"Perhaps you are right, pumpkin." I say, "Let's go to Talia's quarters and talk to her. As a princess, she will welcome my company."

The two of us walk towards the VIP area, and enter her room. We find Talia and Commander Hathaway in a very compromising position.

"What is going on?" I ask, although from the image I can see in front of me, it's very clear.

"Steady on, Ensign Karena." Hathaway says to me, "It's not what you think it is."

What an old adage. It IS what I think it is!

"The Commander is doing me a favour." explains Talia, "On my world, all people are created artificially in laboratories. We have no concept of love. When I said this to the Commander, he offered to show me what love is."

"This is against regulations!" I say, gripping my spear firmly, "I must report this to Captain Hernandez."

"Ensign." Hathaway tells me, in a pleading voice, "Please do not. I know it was wrong, but she IS a princess, and she did want to know. No harm has been done."

Wes and I consider this.

"Honeybunch." Wes whispers, "Just remember that if we ever get in trouble, and the Commander is about to reprimand us, we could just say Talia and he'll back down."

I consider this. Wesley may be smarter than he looks.

"Very well, Commander." I say, as if I am the Captain, "I'll overlook it this time."

Hathaway looks annoyed, as he knows he will owe us one for this.

Wesley and I walk away from this back to our quarters.

"Well done, pumpkin." I say to him with a smile.


Editor's Note:

Mimi Pencilskirt has imposed this meme on me, in which I have to write ten honest things about myself.

Here goes...

1: I love foreign language movies, my favourite being The Lives Of Others.

2: I love bacon, eggs, mushroom, fried bread etc.

3: I do my best to finish a book, and it is very rare when I give up on one.

4: I never watch movies with Hugh Grant in.

5: I also never watch anything with Ricky Gervais in.

6: I do my best to remember the words to American Pie.

7: I like spiders and snakes, or anything in the reptile house in a zoo.

8: If I'm not sure I've done something, like set the tv recorder, I have to come down at night and check, otherwise I won't sleep.

9: I can't sleep on trains or planes.

10: I dislike any Indian food. It makes me very ill.

At this point I'm supposed to name seven blogs outstanding for content and design and impose this meme on them. However, I will ask that if anyone wishes to do it, please do, and let me know.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

TWQ: Christmas Likes & Dislikes

As this is the last weekend before Christmas, TWQ (The Weekend Question) asks what you like and dislike about the whole thing.

What likes and dislikes do you have about the whole Christmas occasion? List as many as you wish.

My answers are:


* Christmas Eve evening is a favourite time, as all the preparation is over and I can wait for the big day.

* Getting up on the day itself, knowing it's a different one from all others in the year....something I've always thought from childhood.


* The fact that some shops open their Christmas section as early as August, and some towns put their lights up in September.

* Shopping in December on pavements that are too full to hold the people. Little wonder that so many shop online.

* The fact that few people seem to know what Christmas actually means, and see it as just a time to get the presents.

Now it's over to you....

But before I go....

Happy Christmas to you all!

Extra! Extra!

Here's what I would like to do. I want to create a story that branches out in a variety of different, unexpected ways. I don't know how realistic it is, but that's what I'm aiming for. Hopefully, at least one thread of the story can make a decent number of hops before it dies out.If you are one of the carriers of this story virus (i.e. you have been tagged and choose to contribute to it), you will have one responsibility, in addition to contributing your own piece of the story: you will have to tag at least one person that continues your story thread. So, say you tag five people. If four people decide to not participate, it's okay, as long as the fifth one does. And if all five participate, well that's five interesting threads the story spins off into.Not a requirement, but something your readers would appreciate: to help people trace your own particular thread of the narrative, it will be helpful if you include links to the chapters preceding yours. Splotchy

The Apple

The bus was more crowded than usual. It was bitterly cold outside, and I hadn't prepared for it. I noticed that a fair number of the riders were dressed curiously. As I glanced around, I stretched my feet and kicked up against a large, heavy cardboard box laying under the seat in front of me. Splotchy

I couldn't believe my eyes. Surrepticiously, I tried to establish, without giving it away, if anyone else had seen what I had. For ten years I had been looking for that box. What looked like an ordinary cardboard box to most contained something most precious. Only by the small golden "P" was I able to identify what I was looking at. (Freida Bee)

How the box got here, or how I happened to be on this bus with it now--these questions were immaterial. I just had to get that box. The bus slowed to a stop, so I steadied myself. Just as I was about to make a grab for the box, however, it moved. Someone else was picking it up to take it away! I had to stop her! (Dguzman)

"Ack!" I expclaimed. "Unhand my box, Madam!" But my woeful cry was to no avail as the woman with my box had already turned her back to me, and was quickly walking down the aisle towards the door. Oh, cruel fate! The woman with my box was escaping! I hastily grabbed my valise and nudged my way past the other passengers to get to the front of the bus. (Zaius)

The woman was already out the door by the time I reached the front of the bus. I aimed for the door myself only to see it close right in front of my face. I turned towards the bus driver and gave him my best sheepish, innocent looking shrug. He replied with an impatient grunt but pulled the lever anyway and I was out the door in a flash.

“Excuse me ma’am,” I said as I grabbed the woman by her shoulder. “I’m sorry but I believe that you have my box there.”

“Your what?” she replied in a shocked gasp. “No, this is my box. See, it has this P on it, that stands for Persephone. That’s me.”

“I really must insist,” I insisted. “If you would just open the box and look inside, I’m sure that the contents will show you that it’s mine.”

“I’ll do no such thing. You’ve got a lot of nerve, mister.”

Just then, I looked up as the bus began to pull out into traffic. There, looking out of the back window was a small boy armed with an impish grin and proudly holding a cardboard box with a golden “P” on the side. Jon, Intergalactic Gladiator

The real box was still inside the bus! I chased after the bus, hoping I could reach it in time when it got to the next stop.

I pushed past all the pedestrians who were going the opposite way. I could see the bus slowing down as it was coming to a halt. Passengers started filing out, but the small boy was still inside.

I reached the bus just as the doors were closing. I forced them open and entered the bus. The boy was still grinning at me.

"I want that box!" I shouted to him, and all the passengers looked at me in amazement. Jean-Luc Picard

At this point, I should infect five people, but instead if any of you wish to continue this story, please do so and let me know.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Borg And The Cylons (Part Two)

Guest Poster: The Borg Queen

The Conference Chamber at Borg HQ is a mass of confusion.

Our Leader, the Alpha Borg Queen, has given an audience to a representative of artificial creatures known as Cylons. Seven warned me that this person might be troublesome, but I didn't realise how much.

Six, the Cylon representative has informed all of us Queens that our way of life is coming to an end.

The first thing I thought of was that she wanted to ban Christmas parties.


"Why do we not just destroy you now?" shouts out the Troi Queen, "That would send a message to you creatures not to come around here again."

"If you wish to do that, you are welcome to." replies Six with a pitying smile, "I would merely be ressurected and downloaded into an identical body."

The Queens are amazed at this ability, and even our Leader is impressed.

"That is very interesting." the Alpha Borg Queen says to her, "But we have been kind enough to give you this audience. What evidence is there that your race is any threat to us?"

The atmosphere seems very tense, as if someone is about to light a match in a roomful of gas.

Six calls out to something from behind the stage.

"You can come out now."

A huge metallic creature strides towards Six and stands behind her. There are gasps of amazement from the seated Queens, as if they are watching a firework display. The creature has enough metal to keep a scrap merchant in business for years.

"This is Norman, my Centurian guardian." Six tells us. "Millions of these Cylons are attacking and taking over planets in the galaxy, incuding ones that were held by the Borg."

"The Borg do not lose planets!" the Alpha Borg Queen states defiantly, "We are supreme!"

"Oh really?" Six says with a hint of sarcasm, "What happened to Borg Sector 9.oo.99 on the outer rim of the galaxy?"

Our Leader looks embarrassed.

"Something happened. I am not sure." she says, "We did not get incoming reports."

"Here's an incoming report." Six snaps back, "The Cylons came through and wiped you out before you could do anything."

"What do you want?" our Leader says with a resigned air.

"We have a particular interest to acquire Earth in Sector 0:00:01" Six casually mentions, "As well as all the planets in the galaxy."

"The Federation are formidable opponents." the Alpha Borg Queen warns, "And so are we."

"That may well be." Six says with a smile.

She and Norman exit the stage, and our Leader turns to us.

"My Queens." she says, "I let Six go so she can get word of the situation. The Cylons may well be a threat to the Borg way of life, and, for that matter, any planet that we have not assimilated yet. We must all band together and drive them out."

With that, she leaves and I go get another ice cream to replace the one I dropped earlier.


Editor's note:

Mimi has sent me this meme (no pun intended). I have continued her theme of seven book facts about myself. I haven't passed on the rules as I don't intend to give it for people to do unless they want to.

1: One of the first intelligent books I read was Frankenstein by Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley.

2: I love historical fiction, with Philippa Gregory's The Other Boleyn Girl being the best. It is much better than the movie.

3: A book I abandoned because I disliked the characters so much was The Time Traveller's Wife.

4: The worst book I ever read was Patricia Cornwell's Blowfly. I was a biig fan before I read that book. I actually read it all, as I thought it would get better.

5: The weepiest book was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Highly original.

6: Best book this year was The Host by Stephanie Meyer. A real page turner about an alien invasion narrated by the alien and the body of the woman she has taken over.

7: All time favourite book is Gustav Flaubert's Madame Bovary.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Picard Loses His Memory (Part Three)

Guest Poster: Beverly Crusher

I'm worried about Jean-Luc. Ever since he had that accident on Darius VI, he's been very secretive.

Not only that, he is watching everybody carefully, writing things down when he finds something out. When I ask Jean-Luc what he was doing, he just says "Nothing."

I'm sure things aren't right, though. We went to the Enterprise cinema, and instead of kissing in the back row, as we usually do, Jean-Luc let me watch the movie while he crawled around the cinema, taking notes about who was sitting with who.

"It's not right, Will." I say when talk to Riker and Deanna, along with the other senior staff, "The Captain seems to be a changed man."

"I should say." Ensign Britney complains, "He didn't tell me off for chewing gum this morning when he walked past. The Captain was concentrating more on the message he was about write on his handviewer."

"That's not right, soulsistah Britney." her friend T'Pol comments, "If the Captain is out of sorts, how can we be rebels?"

I try to work that out.

"We have a more serious problem concerning the Captain."Riker starts, but eats a donut. I think that's to calm his nerves.

"We were told by Starfleet Headquarters via a secret message there was an Admiral Rickman appointed to lead a Task Force to root out all Section 31 agents from Starfleet."

"What has happened, Commander Riker?" asks Data.

"Since then, Starfleet authoriies have told us there is no record of such a Task Force, or none of any Admiral Rickman existing."

"It sounds like Section 31's work." Deanna, "But what does this have to do with the Captain."

"We were the only ship to get the message." Riker answers, "And shortly after we announced that, there was an unuauthorised message from a concealed channel on the ship. It was his private channel, and could only have come from the Captain."

"Jean-Luc is no spy!" I exclaim.

"He has been acting differently, Beverly." Jadzia summises, "Perhaps more happened to him on Daruis VI than he knows...or is telling us."

"The Borg Queen would not tolerate a spy!" Seven says disgustedly, "They would be disconnected."

Jean-Luc suddenly enters the briefing room.

"What's going on?" he says, "A meeting without my knowledge?"

Suddenly I rush up to Jean-Luc, but my arms around his neck...and knock him out with a hypospray.


"So that's it, Doctor?" Riker tells be, "Your examination tells that he had clearly lost his memory for some time during his accident?"

"Yes." It looks like someone took advantage of the situation. Still, the concussion is healed. He should be all right now."

Jean-Luc gets up and recalls in horror as he tells us what he has done for Section 31.

"I'm glad it worked." I comment, "My alternative solution was to hit you with a brick to get your memory back."

"What can we do, Will?" he asks.

"I think a few false messages to Sloan will sort things out." says Riker, "If he still thinks you're with them, they will get puzzled with disinformation and not sure what is real."

"Excellent, Will." says Jean-Luc, who then looks at me, "Beverly, I think we both need to go back to the Enterprise Cinema. This time, we'll both stay in the back row!"


Meme alert!

Mimi has sent me this meme where I have to type my first name plus 'needs' in Google and see what the results are. Here are some of the replies:

* I have told Arsene Wenger he needs to spend big on up to four major stars if he is to challenge Manchester United and Chelsea again.

* needs to turn 3 more or gain 75 more Vampire points to reach the next level: Vampire Warrior. This is from my own Facebook!

* needs to tighten some bolts so that the propellers on the very top of the tower start spinning.

* will be hospitalized about one week. He will then need about one month at home to fully recover.

* needs a slap.

* needs to learn from Errict Rhett’s mistakes.

* needs to get his “butt back out to practice.’’

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Three New Ensigns On Board (Part Two)

Guest Poster: Karena

So my pumpkin, Wesley and I have finally made it on to the USS Rhode Island as fully fledged Ensigns. So has that awful Andorian woman, Tarah, but as I despise the girl for making eyes at my Wes, I don't want to speak about her.

Captain Erika Hernadez sounds a reasonable woman. It pleases me that she is in charge, as I can take orders from a woman much more than a man, being an Amazon, and having grown up as a Princess in a society on the planet Wondawowman where the woman is always right.

Well she is, after all.

What disturbs me is Commander Mark Hathaway. He seems to leer at me in my Amazonian outfit, and tends to wink at me when Wes isn't looking as we walk to where my quarters are. He also leers at Tarah.

Well he can leer at her as much as he likes, but if he comes near me, this spear will go where the sun doesn't shine.

After he escorts the three of us, the Commander smiles at me.

"I'd be delighted to give you a personal tour of the ship, later on, Karena, if you wish." he says when Wes is out of earshot.

"That won't be necessary, Commander." I tell him sharply, "My fiance Wesley and I are more than capable of finding our way around the ship."

Hathaway gets the message.

"I'd better see how Ensign Tarah is getting on." he comments.

"You do that, Commander." I reply, "You're bound to have better luck with her."


While my pumpkin and I are together, unpacking, he seems so excited by it all.

"Gee, honeybunch." he exclaims, "Everybody is so helpful on here. Commander Hathaway seems to like us."

Poor Wes has no idea.

"I'm not sure about that, pumpkin." I say, as I put my battle armour and shield in the wardrobe.
"We could go with Tarah and the Commander on a double date if you like."

"Whatever made you come up with that?" I ask.

"Tarah just sent me a message while you were in the bathroom."

I become enraged.

"Now look, Wes!" I tell him patiently, for men can be so slow, "I don't want you going anywhere near that Tarah, do you understand!"

"Sure, honeybunch." he answers, "Whatever you say."

"Just remember, Wes." I say, "Commander Hathaway and Tarah are well suited. They both only want one thing, and they're not getting it off us."

The door opens and Tarah appears.

"Are you lovebirds coming to dinner with Mark and I, then?" she asks, "He says you can sit with him if you like, Karena."

Angrily, I grab my spear and throw it, but it just misses her, and Tarah runs off.

"I take that as a 'no', then, Karena." Tarah comments from outside in the corridor, "You missed me by quite a bit with that spear of yours."

"If I had been planning to hit you." I reply sharply, "You would have been pinned against the wall. Enjoy your dinner Tarah."

The Andorian looks alarmed and disappears quickly.

I kiss Wesley and say, "Well, we seem to be settling down now, on our new ship."


Author's Note:

Another cruel meme, this time from Novy

1: Ten years ago I was: Still Captain of the USS Enterprise. No one will promote me to Admiral!

2: Five things on today's To Do List:

A: Having morning cup of Earl Grey
B: Go in the holodeck
C: Do some time on the Bridge
D: Work on Spacebook on the computer.
E: Go on a date with Beverly Crusher

3: Things I'd do if I were a billionaire:

We don't have currency in the Federation, which accounts for me never getting a salary slip.

4: Three Bad Habits:

A: Keep saying "Make It So."
B: Doing the 'Picard Manouvre' of adjusting my uniform.
C: Keep calling Riker 'Number One'.

5: Five Places I've Lived.

France, Starfleet Academy, USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise, Borg Cube.

6: Five Jobs I've had in Life:

Starfleet Cadet, Starfleet Captain of Stargazer, Starfleet Captain of Enterprise, and various ranks in between

Saturday, May 10, 2008

TWQ: Influential TV Characters

This week, TWQ (The Weekend Question) looks at those characters in a tv series that are your favourites.

Which characters in tv series are your favourites, and are also most influential in the stories. List as many as you wish.

My answers are:

CSI: Sara Sidle (now sadly departed)
Lost: Benjamin Linus (who the whole series revolves around, in my opinion)
Smallville: Chloe Sullivan (a vital character who has saved Clark more than once)
24: Chloe O'Brien (she keeps Jack Bauer in touch with events, even when it's illegal!)
Criminal Minds: Penelope Garcia (what would the team do without her? A great character)
CSI:Miami: Horatio Crane (those one-liners are priceless!)
Stargate SG1: Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter: (Both essential characters. Jack for his comments and also bewilderment at Sam's technical explanations)

Now it's over to you...

Terminatrix sent this meme.

This is from me:

01] I am scared of Sky.
02]Sky is a terminator.
03] If I were in a room with Sky, I would look for the door.
04] I think Sky should seek another occupation.
05] Sky needs to look at her good side..
06] I want to run from Sky.
07] Someday Sky will be caught by her enemies.
08] Sky reminds me of Seven.
09] Without Sky I might breathe a little easier.
10] My memories of Sky are not good.
11] Sky can be scary.
12] The worst thing about Sky is her ability to wipe humanity off the earth..
13] The best thing about Sky is ther human streak.
14] I am still scared of Sky.
15] One thing I would like to know about Sky is does she have any other hobbies?
16] Sky should go and join a library.
17] Sky worries me
18) What I like best about Sky's blog is her feminine view.
19) What I dislike about Sky's blog is her relentless destruction.
20) My favorite post from Sky is any that doesn't involve humans being killed off..

And this is from Seven of Nine...

01] I love Sky.
02]Sky is so much like me
03] If I were in a room with Sky, I would be very happy.
04] I think Sky should join forces with me to destroy those against us.
05] Sky needs me.
06] I want to help Sky.
07] Someday Sky will be victorious against the humans.
08] Sky reminds me of me.
09] Without Sky I have no friends.
10] My memories of Sky are pleasant.
11] Sky can be good company.
12] The worst thing about Sky is she is not a borg.
13] The best thing about Sky is that she is my friend.
14] I am best friends with Sky.
15] One thing I would like to know about Sky is does she feel the same about me.
16] Sky should go and terminate some humans.
17] Sky and me
18) What I like best about Sky's blog is her victories over humans.
19) What I dislike about Sky's blog is nothing.
20) My favorite post from Sky is the ones with us both in.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Enterprise For The Scrapheap? (Part Three)

Guest Poster: The Doctor

With the entire Enterprise staff beamed on to another planet, the holo entertainer Vic Fontaine and I are trying to save the ship from being taken to a scrapheap by the Myranians, a most unpleasant race who really only want the metal and parts for their own use.

Personally I wouldn't mind, but my program is embedded in the ship, and I have been promoted to Emergency Command Hologram for this mission. A status I rather like, as I can boss someone around, even if it is just a holographic singer.


"What are we going to do?" shouts Fontaine in desperation, "If we don't take out the other five Myranians, us and the ship will be sold as scrap to a merchant."

"Then we have to act quickly." I answer, "Let's go to Engineering."

We open the doors to see two of them working on a screen. They turn round and fire powerful weapons at us. They pass right through us, but both of us start to flicker.

The holo emitter was hit! Isn't that always the way? Why are they put in such prominent places.

Fortunately, our disruptors strike them and finish them off, and we run out of Engineering before we disappear.

"We just made it into the corridor." I say, "Let's get the other three. This will be the most difficult, there being so many."

"I'd rather be singing I've Got You Under My Skin right now." complains Fontaine.

"You're getting under my skin right now." I retort, "Let's get the job done."

It's sometimes hard being in command when your subordinates are troublesome and whine a lot.
Instead of taking the turbolift, we decide to use the element of surprise and beam ourselves in with guns blazing, like cowboys and their six-shooters in the saloon.


We both appear on the Bridge, firing our disruptors at anything that moves.

"What..." the Myranian sitting in Captain Picard's seat said as he turned round.

It turned out to be the last thing he said. The other two get destroyed with ease with our six shooters...I mean disruptors.


Several hours later, we arrive at the planet where the beaming signal came from, and all the crew are returned to the ship.

"Well done, Doctor and Mr Fontaine." says the Captain, "You did an excellent job of saving the ship, "Had we lost the ship, we would have had to pay for a new one out of our salaries."

Never mind that I would have ceased to exist!

Doctor Crusher approaches.

"You did really well." she says with praise, "The Captain will put you back to being a normal EMH again. The burden of responsibility is tough. I know you wouldn't like to be a permant ECH."

Thanks for asking! As if I have any say.

"Jean-Luc....I mean the Captain and I will be going to the cinema tonight." she continues, "So you'll be on bedpan duty during that time."

Sure. That's what all heroes have to do!


Authors's Note:

Mimi sent me a meme regarding her 'Message In A Bottle'. See her blog for the rules. This is my bottle:

Author's Note:

This is the 599th Post. Be here for the next one, which is a combined TWQ and 600th Post!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


"This is one occasion when the Universal Translators will not work, Number One." I tell Riker as we go to the Transporter to welcome our guest.

"Why is that, Sir?" he asks.

"Because the Vral speak generally in hand signals." I tell him, "Though they do speak minimally, they prefer to use hands. As a result, a translator is coming aboard to teach us how to spreak in Vral."

"It sounds tricky."

"Indeed it does, Number One," I tell him, "Their signals are not easy as it is, I'm told."


The two of us wait the beaming in of the translator.

I introduce myself, and he says he is Ambassador Krell from the nearby planet of Dal. There, they speak normally as well as use the Vral sign language fluently. He asks for us and the senior staff to be gathered so that he can teach os basic Vral.


All of us are assembled in my Ready Room.

"If the Borg had assimilated the Vral." complains Seven of Nine, "There would be no need to go through this."

I wince at this, and ask Krell to start off.

"Firstly," he says, "In order to say hello, raise your hand in an open palm like this."

I do this, but Krell looks embarrassed.

"Not like that, Captain Picard." he tells me, "By holding the thumb slightly inward, it means you are expressing an intent to spend the night with that person."

I quickly put my thumb out and go red.

"Now hold both arms open." he instructs, "It means you are welcoming them to where you are."

We all practice doing this. Deanna is told off this time, as she held her arms too far. Again, according to Krell, this meant that they wished to spend the night with that person.

"Hold on, Ambassador Krell." I tell him, "How many gestures are there in the Vral sign language that could be mistaken for an intention of wishing to spend the night?"

"Oh, hundreds." Krell says casually, "Which is why you must learn the language carefully."

"It may also explain why the Vral population is very high." reasons Data.


Several hours later, we are ready to receive the Vral Ambassador. We are all sweating, with the exception of Data, who doesn't sweat.

"I willl welcome Ambassador Noor to the ship." says Krell, "Then introduce him to you, where the two of you can carry on in sign language.

That's the part I'm worried about.

In a few moments, the Vral Ambassador beams on.

Krell goes through a series of complex hand gestures, some of which I recognise from our training, others are way beyond me.

Finally, Krell presents me to Noor, and I start my hand signals, pointing to each of the staff and introducing them.

After that, we are all leaving the transporter room. Ambassador Noor pulls me aside.

"I am most flattered by your offer, Captain." he says quietly, "But I assure you, I'm not that kind of person."

I cringe and turn red faced.

I never was any good at sign language!


Author's Note:

Vegeta has unkindly left me a meme to do in which I should list seven random things about myself.

Here we go..

1: I always insist that the Captain's chair is clean, even if we are having alien invaders.

2: I had to replicate the bottle of Chanel Number 5 that I got for Bev for her birthday present as the shops had ran out.

3: I sing 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning.' in the sonic shower.

4: I do Jimmy Cagney impressions.

5: I still don't know how stardates are worked out.

6: I don't like metrication, although that is all the Federation use.

7: I had a sly scoop of Deanna's chocolate sundae while she turned to talk to Riker.

At this point, I'm supposed to nominate seven others, but I'm not so cruel, and will leave it to you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Party Aftermath

Why does my head feel like a hammer is striking it constantly?

I close down the Christmas Party on the Sands holodeck and stagger towards the Bridge in a dazed manner. All the drew are walking around in a state of semi-consiousness as if they are a group of zombies on the march.

I reach the turbolift and mumble where I wish to go. Hopefully Data is manning the ship while the crew are recovering from the Party.

"Please repeat." says the computer.

Struggling, I pick myself up from the floor and find a wall to hold on to.

"Take-me-to-the-Bridge." I say slowly and methodically.


The turbolift opens at the Bridge and I fall out on to the floor.

"Hello, Captain"

"Hello, Captain."

"Greetings, Locutus."

The trio of voices is not those I was expecting to hear, and I look up to see who they are.

In the Captain's chair is the Doctor in his Emergency Command Hologram setting; to his right, in the ship's com chair is Vic Fontaine, and in Riker's Chair is the Borg Queen, who is still wearing her blue paper hat from a Christmas cracker.

"Just what is going on?" I ask before I fall on the floor again, "Where is Lieutenant Commander Data?"

"I regret to inform you that Commander Data is not capable of functioning right now." the Doctor tells me, "He is currently undergoing recharging after the excess energy that was used during the Party."

"I know how he feels" I reply, "Right now, I am not capable of functioning, and require recharging as well."

"As a result." the Doctor continues snootily, "I took it upon myself to change to the Emergency Command Function so that I may run the ship."

"No matter that I am better at running the ship." interrupts the Borg Queen, "As the Queen in charge of Unimatrix 01, I have more experience at command than you do."

"You are a Borg." the Doctor tells her, "I am qualified to run a Starship when in this Mode.

"I would have assimilated you had you not been a hologram!" the Borg Queen says angrily.

They continue to argue.

"It's been like this since the three of us came on the Bridge, Captain." Vic Fontaine tells me, "Both think they are better at leadership."

"Not only that, Captain." the Doctor tells me, "I have had to hear Mr Fontaine singing away to himself, with tunes like 'Fly Me To The Moon' and 'I've Got You Under My Skin.' Well I can tell you, Mr Fontaine, you got under MY skin!"

"What about you, Doctor?" Vic retorts, "You've been singing pieces of opera all the time. It's worse than hearing nails scrape down a blackboard."

"I've had to listen to BOTH of them, Locutus." the Borg Queen tells me, "Which is more than anyone should endure."

"ALL RIGHT!!" I shout. My head was throbbing enough before, but now it is falling apart at the seams.

I motion the Doctor to move off the Captain's chair and then slump on it; then I turn to the Borg Queen.

"Thank you for helping to look after the ship." I tell her.

"My pleasure, Locutus." she says with a smile, "I look forward to seeing you at the Party next year, or when we assimilate you. Whichever comes first."

I'm not sure whether she was joking there. The Borg transporter beam takes her away.

"Take us to Starbase 4" I command, "Make it so."

That's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.


And now a meme!

Splotchy's Story Meme

I woke up hungry. I pulled my bedroom curtain to the side and looked out on a hazy morning. I dragged myself into the kitchen, in search of something to eat. I reached for a jar of applesauce sitting next to the sink, and found it very cold to the touch. I opened the jar and realized it was frozen. (Splotchy)

"That's strange," I said out loud to no one in particular. My fingers slowly reached towards the jar again. My body experienced a wave of apprehension as weighted blanket covering me as I did so. The jar was completely frozen.

I picked it up and stared at it, my fingers stung with little knives of chill. "What the..." again I spoke aloud. Then I realized what had happened with a shock. Suddenly the jar flew from my hand. It shattered creating a collage-like mixture of frozen applesauce and glass shards on my kitchen floor, the lid lazily rolling to a stop across the room.(FranIAm)

I half noticed at first glimpse that there was something odd amidst the solidified apple sauce as I reached for the broom and the dust pan. As I knelt down to clean up the frozen mess, I could clearly see a tiny figure within the goopy mess. It was a human eye, with tiny arms and legs! I resisted my initial urge to pick it up with my hand, and then reached down to scoop it up with the dustpan. The eye looked up at me in horror and gave out a frightening high pitched screech as it ran for the living room.

I was dumbfounded by this turn of events. I didn't even like applesauce - And I had guests coming for dinner! It would not be proper to have a homunculus eyeball running around during the appetizer - I had to think fast. I crept into the living room so as to not startle the small creature. The eyeball was under the coffee table, peeking out from behind one of table legs. When I approached, it quickly darted under the couch!

I got on my hands and knees to look under the couch, but I could not see the eye through all of the old newspapers and dust bunnies that had accumulated under there. I had to hurry! the guests were coming at seven o'clock, and I had not even started the buffalo chicken skewers with blue cheese dipping sauce yet! Not to mention the couscous and the broccoli noodle salad. (Zaius Nation)

I shook my head and leaned back against the wall. Surely this couldn’t be happening, surely there isn’t an anthropomorphic eyeball running around under my couch. It just couldn’t be real, could it?

“Ahem,” a little voice squeaked. “Ahem.”

I looked all around for the source of the voice. I finally found that it was from the eyeball peering around the back of the couch. I leaned in and looked at it closer. It still appeared to be uneasy (I mean, I’m sure that’s how it appeared, but then again I’m not all that certain about behavior patterns of walking eyeballs.

“Did you say something?” I asked it.

“You’re not going to poke me are you?” it asked. “I hate getting poked.”

“Uh no,” I answered dumbfounded. “I won’t poke you.”

“And you’re not going to lock me away in a jar of applesauce are you?”

“No, I’m not going to do that,” I replied, still bewildered by the sight in front of me.

“OK.” He made the eyeball equivalent of a nod, hitched up a pair of nonexistent trousers, adjusted the chimerical hat on his head, and walked up to me. “I am forever in debt to you, sir, for freeing me from the confines of that jar.”

“OK, sure,” I smiled lamely. “How’d you get in there?”

“The evil wizard trapped me in there,” he answered. “He knows the only way to trap a geneye is to use a jar of applesause.”

“You’re… you’re a geneye,” I managed to blurt out. I may not get the appetizers done, but this may be one heckuva party anyways.

“At you service,” it bowed. “And to thank you for freeing me, I would like to reward you with two wishes.”

“Oh, so you’re like a genie.” It all started to make sense to me now. No, not really.

“Yes,” it rolled its eye. “Like a genie, only we’re geneyes. They sure do know how to warp a good story in Hollywood, don’t they?”

“Yeah,” I agreed, again dumbfoundedly. “So I get two wishes? What about three?”

“Ugh!” the geneye slapped the top of its head, or the top of its eyeball at least. “You get two. Two. Only two. That’s how it works. And no wishing for more wishes, we’re onto that. Aladdin tried that once, it wasn’t pretty.”

“OK, so I get two, let me think,” I said thoughtfully. Screw the party, this is way more interesting.

“Yeah, hurry up, I don’t have all day,” the magical homunculus eyeball tapped it’s foot. “I’ve got places to go.”

“OK, OK,” I answered. Well, I could always wish for a lot of money, except that never works in the stories. The villain always wishes for riches and gets trapped in the cave with the gold, or sent to the bottom of the sea with it or audited by the IRS because of it. As much as I’d like to pay off the mortgage, I don’t think I can.

“Well?” it asked impatiently.

“I want peace on Earth and good will toward men,” I say with a forfeiting shrug.

“Peace on Earth and good will toward men?” it repeated. “Is that one wish or two?”

“One,” I replied. “You know, ‘tis the season and all.”

“Nice choice,” it nodded. Then the geneye snapped its fingers. “It is done.”

I felt it. For one moment, I felt nothing but peace and joy all around me. Others felt it, too but no one would ever be able to explain it. All around the world, people stopped what they were doing and just enjoyed the moment. Evil men stopped thinking evil thoughts and just smiled nicely. The hurt, the sick, and all who were in pain be it physical, mental, or spiritual, felt the warmth of a brief reprieve. Bells rang. Angels sang. Then I felt it end.

“Hey, that was nice,” I said. “Why didn’t it last?”

“Come on,” the magical being snorted. “I’m not that powerful. You got one more wish.”

One more wish. What should I wish for? Hmmm. (Jon, Intergalactic Gladiator )

"How about 'as many wishes as I'd like?"

"Hey! That's cheating." the Eye said, "It's not allowed in the Geneye Code Of Conduct. It's one wish only, and that's your lot."

"How about 'trying to understand the opposite sex?'" I suggested.

"Too tough" it replied, "No being is as capable of such an undertaking."

I sighed and thought. This was going to be harder than I imagined. I wanted this wish to be a good one that was value for money.

Suddenly I thought about it. Friendship.

"How about friendship?"

"It's possible." said the Eye.

"Would it last a long time?"

"Oh, sure." the Eye replied, "It's not like that peace and goodwill one where it applies to all. A wish like that means you'd always have good friends."

"That sounds great." I said, "I'll select as my other wish to always have friends, and no enemies,"

"Fair enough" and the Eye clapped his fingers.

Suddenly the telephone started ringing.... Captain Picard

This is an installment of Splotchy's Story Meme. According to Splotchy, "Here's what I would like to do. I want to create a story that branches out in a variety of different, unexpected ways. I don't know how realistic it is, but that's what I'm aiming for. Hopefully, at least one thread of the story can make a decent number of hops before it dies out." You can read all of the details here

The following people may wish to try it themselves: you are under no obligation.
Serina Hope
Titania Starlight