Showing posts with label Angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

A very special sign

what a glorious sunny day today when I installed this very special sign in a most idyllic spot called "Angels Rest"

it was a pleasure to be chosen to work on such a fulfilling commission 
more images of this sign in the making are on my facebook page, just click on the top or bottom photo for a direct link.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

at Peace

 I have been playing a little bit with my Fresco techniques again. There are still a couple in progress in the studio, but this one I finished yesterday. She is a Madonna inspired iconic portrait in true Fresco on linen stretched on cradled board. There is gold leaf in the halo, I made the sides look aged with my faux verdigris/patina combination and finished her with a cold wax protective layer

she is available here 

learn Fresco with me here

Sunday, July 28, 2013

on my workbench / easel

commission work - earlier stages
at the moment
Just a few little follow ups on my works in progress.
Abstract in oil still in progress

After a second week full of holiday art classes for the kids, I also managed to work a little on my projects and today I even went for a nice walk with my family. My little man (my son) and I walked up to the summit, my big man walked around the Mount with my daughter. Great way to spend the last day of their holidays.

winter in the Bay of Plenty :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

On my easels


 After a very busy week teaching kids-holiday art classes, I had a lovely quiet day by myself in my studio. And after cleaning up stuff from the week and sorting through things and preparing for next week of more holiday classes, I finally also cleared my mind, got back into the zone and decided to play with my oil paints all day. 

Yay ! worked on two unfinished canvasses I had started a while ago and started another small one. Since they probably are going to take a bit of time to be finished stillI thought this time to share these works in progress


Thursday, June 27, 2013


part of a spread in one of my journals

I just wanted to share with you that I love wood, I love trees, old trees I can hear them talk... I also love wood to work on, I collect driftwood and fallen branches and pieces of reclaimed wood. Every now and then of course I will have to buy "new" wood. Like this Monday I went to check out a nice big macrocarpa slab for a sign I am commissioned to make....stay posted I will share ! For now I am sharing a couple of new Angels I finished ♥ Have a great week ♥
"Friend" 50 x 10 cm

thank you

"Goodnight Moon" 45 x 9 cm
  message me ;)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Finding peace with the Angels

it's been so busy with so many things in my life that I find a little peace and quiet every time I create another driftwood Angel. This is the latest, her name is "Precious" 
check out the others HERE

Sunday, April 07, 2013

She brings Love

70 cm wide x 7 cm high

She soars through the sky
pointing her arrow with hearts
bringing love to all she encounters

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ange Noir ~ the dark One

Ange Noir 58 x 12 cm 
I finally got my hands on the perfect piece of driftwood for the dark Angel, I call her "Ange Noir" {French for Black Angel} just because it sounds so wonderful like that. I adore her, really happy with how she turned out.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sculpted Angel

"Angelo Italiano" , that's what I called this 10x10 cm canvas with a 3D sculpted image of a vintage kind of Angel made with my homemade papermache. There are two more to join this guy ♥

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mother and Child

I had a few very strange pieces of wood, they took a while "watching" before the Angels showed themselves and I could start "pulling" them out of the log
Mother and Child 48 x 11 cm
Angel Lisa - detail
Angel Lisa 60 x 16 cm
Tall Flower 62 x 8 cm

Monday, November 19, 2012

Flock of Angels

I love languages and I can start on little journeys when I am not certain which word to use for certain things, Like this one: What does one call a group of Angels, Drift-Angels to be precise ? Because the driftwood originates from the sea, do we call them a shoal or a school ? or, because they fly, do we call them a flock ? I go for the latter I think. This pondering aside, in time for Christmas shopping, I delivered a flock of Drift-Angels to Turners Gallery in Te Puna today, together with the horses and an abstract. If you're in the area, do pay them a visit, I saw loads of gorgeous things.
Happy Xmas shopping ♥

Friday, November 09, 2012


She is available for sale
 30x7 cm - contact me :)
US$ 40 + P&H

I have made a seperate blog for the Angels, follow the link here:

Friday, November 02, 2012

~ new Angels drifted on shore ~

Here are a couple new Drift Angels of mine, they are both a little lighter and -b- is a little smaller and are both up for grabs. Just email me :)

Angel -a- 
40x11 cm / 15.7 x 4.3 inch

-sold thank you-

and Angel -b-

35x6 cm / 13.7 x 2.3 inch

approx 20 cm wide - Sold already - thank you !

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Drift Angel -iv-

This Angel is the largest so far, she is on a piece of driftwood 14x85x6 cmI needed a little time to see her in this piece of wood, but when I did I got quite excited. She is soaring the skies with her hair trailing behind her, she looks a little like a superwoman or a wonderwoman. 

She has a ring on the back for safe mounting on any wall you wish (above a door or on a mantelpice, I can also see her on a bed-head for a brave girl :) Contact me HERE if she's the one for you ( US$80 +P&H)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Drift Angel -iii-

Drift Angel -iii-

This lovely Angel carries a heart
she is on a choice piece of driftwood 24x6x2 inch (62 x 15x5cm) 
She's sold already (Thank you !)
 She found a lovely home together with Angel n° 2 
For those who were wishing for an Angel, I think I might have some more Angels inside of me 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Drift Angel -ii-

Drift Angel -ii-

Here is my latest Driftwood Angel. Part of the of Angels I want to make for the festive season this year. She is on a piece I found on Mount Maunganui Beach last Sunday. She is 50 cm x 12 cm and is woodburned in (I love woodburning) and then painted. She also has a metal ring on the back to hang her with wherever you wish. 
And yes, she can be yours 
anybody interested can message me HERE at this stage.
She's sold, Thanks so much !
For those who were wishing for an Angel, there will be some more to come 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drift Angel -i-

Drift Angel -i-
I want to make many Angels for the festive season this year. All kinds of different ones and I had already done the little Choir Boy cloth+clay doll a little while ago. Now on Sunday I went beachcombing for some driftwood and today I woodburned an Angel in one of the pieces. She is about 35 cm long (haven't measured her precisely yet) She has a ring to hang her with on the back. And yes, she can be yours for US$ 40.-  I just have to sort out postage for her yet, so anybody interested can message me HERE at this stage. I will list her properly this weekend if she's still available. 
She's sold, Thanks so much !
For those who were wishing for an Angel, there will be some more to come 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Choir Boy


So, just real quick, okay, because I should be doing a lot of other things in preparation for tomorrow, but I just HAD to share with you all my latest art doll !  I call him Choir Boy. I don't have this feeling often that I really REALLY love something I have just created, but this one.... I don't even know if I want to hang a pricetag on him tomorrow.......
{♫♫♪♫ can you hear his falsetto ? ♪♫♪}

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Counting down to Christmas

This year it has taken me some time
to get that Christmas feeling....
It's been such a weird year here
Well anyway, last Friday we had rain (Yeah !)
and it was chilly and I had the lights on in the tree
and Xmas songs playing all day
The kids were already home -school broke up on Thursday-
and finally.....
there was that Christmas feeling I was longing for......
So now, I'll be counting down...
...6 more sleeps...
and here are some Xmassy things I have been making lately

some cards I made for a group of crafty friends....

A try out of some sort, that I want to use for cards still

and some fabric balls I made today with the kids.
from an idea by my Brazilian/Swiss friend S☼l Santiago
(meet her here at
Borealis Shine)