Showing posts with label Fresco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fresco. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

at Peace

 I have been playing a little bit with my Fresco techniques again. There are still a couple in progress in the studio, but this one I finished yesterday. She is a Madonna inspired iconic portrait in true Fresco on linen stretched on cradled board. There is gold leaf in the halo, I made the sides look aged with my faux verdigris/patina combination and finished her with a cold wax protective layer

she is available here 

learn Fresco with me here

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Special frame times two !

make a gif

Somebody asked me if I would sell Madame Zborowska. Yes I would, the little problem -if you want to call it so- was that I had painted Daffne on the back of the cloth on another layer of plaster ;) So....I came up with this frame, a spin on a floating frame, but this one makes it possible to enjoy both sides or one side today and another tomorrow (or change with the seasons, Daffne looks more like Spring or Summer and Mme Zborowska more like Autumn/Winter ) So these ladies in their special frame are 34 cm square (= approx. 13.5 inch square) and the price is US 155.- + p&h. 
Great gift for Christmas !  I you like them, message me

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Minis at Gallery 59

These four little fresco's went to the Minis exhibit in Gallery 59 this week
The photo's I took are very fuzzy, I took them with my celphone. We made floating frames for them which I think is cool ! Fingers crossed I sell them :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Modigliani play and a daffodil

after Modigliani's Madame Zborowska

' Daffne ' - girl with daffodil in her hair
Yesterday, the last day of the schoolholidays and eventhough the weather was not super, the kids wanted to go to the beach, so we did. And it was great, there was a strong seabreeze, I combed the beach for some choice driftwood and it really cleared my head. At night I made these two little portraits, one girl with a daffodil in her hair and another a play on Modigliani's Madame Zborowska. Both done in Fresco style, plaster of Paris on cotton calico substrates. After Saturday's debacle, they at least gave me back the feeling that I could make somehing worth looking at again.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Great opening

 The opening of the new Lightwave Gallery was a success. 
Turnout was wonderful and great atmosphere. 
And...Medusa has found herself a new home, yeah !

Friday, September 07, 2012

And the winner is........

It's time, it's time
Thank you all for playing !
It's 7 September here (only just still) so I will do this before midnight (our midnight, NZ is GMT + 12) 
So I entered all 321 names into an Excel sheet (trust me I did and it was great to see all the peeps that "like" me and comment etc.etc.) It feels good to have so many of you cheering me on ;)  alas there can be only one winner......... 
I did the boring number generator and ......tadadadadadadada.........number 48

which came with the following name...........CARMEN WING !
Congratulations Carmen !!! You now want to come join the Trodden Path (follow this link) and I will make sure that you will get a free pass into the FRESCO class. I hope you are going to enjoy the workshop !!!
To all the others, if you get the chance do join the Trodden Path, it's free to join and a great supportive community of artists. There are some great workshops, including some free ones and maybe you still like to join my FRESCO one, it's loads of fun, packed with information and very reasonable. Hope to see you on

29 Faces # 5

For 29 Faces today I thought to repost this face/portrait with the post, because if you read carefully, today will be your last chance to go into the draw to win a spot in my newest on-line class !!! This is one of the projects in the classroom, this one is called "Medusa"


 I am teaching Fresco projects at the Trodden Path now 
and to celebrate this, I am giving away one FREE spot  !
If you like to be in to win:
* follow me here on my blog and leave a comment for one chance,
* like my Facebook page for a second chance
* blog, share or tweet about it for extra chances. 

I will be drawing the winner on September 7th

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Give away time !

 I am teaching Fresco projects at the Trodden Path now 
and to celebrate this, I am giving away one FREE spot  !
If you like to be in to win:
* follow me here on my blog and leave a comment for one chance,
* like my Facebook page for a second chance
* blog, share or tweet about it for extra chances. 

I will be drawing the winner on September 7th

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finally ..... 'the Lure'

-some details-
Usually I start a painting with a 'story' in my head, while I work the story evolves and I tend to get excited and dream away with the story that the painting tells me while I am working on it. Sometimes however -like with this painting- the story takes turns and starts to reveal things I do not want to hear or see and this time it got the better of me and I got a bit scared and had to leave it alone for a while, even considering of abandoning it all together. But once the meaning of it all started to make sense and I could live with what it said, I decided to finish it and I am glad I did. The left side of the painting is traditional and in traditional fresco style, the right side of the panel is a liquid and thin with layers of inks and paints, the centre is of course an image everybody knows
- inspired by Michelangelo of course -
  allthough a little adjusted to this particular tale where this then is not a creation of the man, but the lure to the deep by the mermaid
The panel seems to be a little challenging to photograph, as if it wants to say 'you got to see me and touch me to understand me fully'
because I always try to make my paintings tactile, I love to stroke them and feel them and understand them, and now I do this one too which has made me happy in the end. {what the painting has started to mean to me is rather personal, maybe you read the same or similar things from it, I don't want to start telling you all it told me and thus destroying a completely different story it might have for you, all I hope is that you will enjoy it}

- taken at night while still on my easel -

- taken at daylight -

  *) oh and this is part of the Fresco class I have available as on-line workshop here

Fresco Workshop 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

w-i-p everywhere

I have W-I-P's (works in progress) everywhere now !
I have one partly on the easel and on the floor 
(for the Fresco Workshop class)
I have one where the paintwork is drying after a weekend of doing "that kind" of painting and where I still need to majorly clean and put shelves or something and hang artworks etc.etc. and get the telephone line connected -tomorrow- and the electronic payment machine connected -on Friday-
(in the Young at Art Studio)
There are still things I need to order for the studio as well, phonecalls to make, kids to take to school, ballet, TaeKwonDo, music lessons. Thank my lucky Angels for my man, who helps me out and cooks me dinners !!! At this moment he is sawing a wooden sign that I will be woodburning and painting -for the outside of the shop- :) Yes we are hammering away !
 So no time for much blogging at the moment, they will be coming soon though...just watch this spot !

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Secret Life of a Funky Bird

This is the latest spread in my Coptic Journal. A fresco style page on the right (that proud little Peacock Chicky) and the other side and the little insert booklet is matched in colours and paints. I wrote a bunch of inspirational quotes and did a funny little bird collage/painting in the centre insert. Just wanted to show that even with the traditional fresco style you can do some unconventional colours and designs, and hey, I just had a lot of FUN ! and that is what it is all about right ? PLAY pLaY Play ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012


I made a journal page in Fresco Technique with the Koru, the eternal spiral shape from the Māori traditions (the symbol of new life, growth, strength and peace) wanna learn how to make pages like this too ? Join us here *

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


the latest Fresco style on canvas painting
She is this week's project in the Fresco Workshop. 
I still have an idea in my head for a possible last layer.....
will show if I decide to add that of course
If you like to learn how to make works like this, join the class here !

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Delphica - The Oracle of Delphi

A canvas painting I did in fresco style
In the Fresco Workshop (now open and running) I explain more about this technique. If you like her, she is up for adoption here, if you like to learn how to make works like this, join the class here !

The Oracle of Delphi
Delphica - The Delphic Sybil

Mixed Media on Canvas

14x14 inch

January 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SAVE ! - Last day

I know some of you have been thinking about it and maybe putting it on the backburner....but....this last day of January, I thought to just send out this little reminder. If you sign up for the Fresco workshop before February starts, you will SAVE 10 buckaroos, yay ! Just use the button down here and join the Fresco freedom with me !

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Buzzing Bee Buzz bzzzzzz

  I am busy working on many art projects at the moment ! I am on time (even a little early, lucky time-difference this time around) ....I have just uploaded the second week video material for the Fresco Workshop and I am almost done with the text material as well. Also almost finished a painting for a competition (Eeeeeeek !!) Going to deliver it tomorrow......fingers and toes crossed..... Thought I had to give it a shot, 2012 being THE year and all :) But keeping it real, if they are all "Fine Arts" buffs.....well you never know unless you try.... Oh ! My parents are coming over to visit by the end of the week YAY !!!!! They weren't going to, because of health reasons (both of them) but they got the all clear and have a little window of opportunity to travel now! Haven't seen them since they left 4 days before the February quake last year, and we have moved in the mean time, it's going to be wonderful ! So all this happening at the moment, SWEET !!!!!! Another Fresco pic here for your viewing pleasure, there's still time to sign up for the reduced price you know, until 31 January, Come join us ! and have a great week !
I have been staying up very late lately, even later than normally and I already was a night owl.... also made another little one, another little night owl, Oohoo ! Find him on my Etsy if you like him (his older brother went flying)