Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday, April 07, 2013

She brings Love

70 cm wide x 7 cm high

She soars through the sky
pointing her arrow with hearts
bringing love to all she encounters

Friday, January 25, 2013

just a thought

Yesterday while I was walking on a beach { I walk many beaches nowadays: Eastcoast, westcoast, whenever and wherever we are } The kids enjoy playing in the surf -it's summer here you know- and I wander the coastline in search for driftwood. Sometimes I find a lot of nice pieces, sometimes there is not so much or only small yesterday I was thinking that the ocean decides what I get on that particular day. I feel the ocean to be a male and he provides for me, whatever I seem to need. I thought how strange it has happened that when I was stuck and full of selfdoubt yet again, I suddenly started to see these Angels appear in the driftwood. Not all the pieces I pick up work, often I look at them and see nothing, or I think I see a beginning and hold a piece for a while, walk with it, feel it and I still decide to give it back to the sea. Funny thing though that when I ask others, they don't always see the sea, the ocean as a man. Some say she is a woman....but for me, he is a man {well, I think most often he is} and here is a little love he gave me a couple of weeks ago ♥

Oh, and more Angels and Mermaidens are on "Angels at my Table"

Salty Kisses and sandy toes ;)

Friday, February 17, 2012

and the winner is :

First of all, my apologies for the little delay in drawing for this give away...I had a Birthday to celebrate of course and a couple of days with splitting headaches after....(not related but a big pain !) It's getting better now, so to pick the winner of my Loving Post Give away, I asked my daughter to help me a bit. I wrote the names on the back of assorted red and pink hearts and folded them in half, put them in a cute circle and asked my daughter to pick one and reveal the name underneath, and the winner is..............(drumroll)

Congratulations Mary !

please get your address to me, so I can send you the prize....
your choice: One of these three  originals !

Sunday, January 08, 2012

SHHHHHHHH - still working

I am still working on a variety of things I cannot yet share ..... but soon now ..... so just a little longer ..... but not quite yet, for now I am still working, SHHHHHHHHH ! 
I WILL be back on Monday to draw my surprise Give away, so if you have not left a comment, you still have a little time..... 

♥ xoxo 
will talk again soon

Monday, September 26, 2011

Radical Self Love

A page I started with leftover bits of paint just randomly brushed on the paper. I pulled the shape of a face and the eyes from it and continued. This is what I ended up with. Preparing for better times, this girl is so tired and insecure. She needs some radical self love, a term I heard by Gala Darling.
Love yourself !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

♥ LOVE ♥

Here are some ATCs I made for a swap at Borealis Shine

The theme is "Love"

and a little outside of my usual colour-scheme,

I made them pretty pink

hehe, who would have thought ?

Now that I have my big easel, I am excited to tell you that

YES - I have put the first lines on my BIG wooden panel

This year I want to try out:

* Larger sized works

* Colours I normally would not pick

* Different styles

* Other/more mediums

and I am also working on a book

So that should keep me occupied huh ?