Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday Centus - Shake Up - MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jenny Matlock

Welcome to week seventy-two of Saturday Centus. For this week let's see how you are at writing lyrics...

WRITTEN TO THE MELODY OF: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
STYLE OF WRITING - Lyrics, rhyming

If you've done this 'challenge' correctly, you should be able to sing your 'lyrics' along with the Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star melody!

The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.

Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.

E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!

PS. I'm wicked behind on reading SC's. I will try and get all caught up this weekend! I haven't forgotten you, my pretties!

PPS. Please don't hate me because I'm evil...mwahahahahahahahahahaha! I was told that Centusians could handle any there!
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Friday, September 16, 2011

4D is kind of Difficult...

...or maybe it's just me.

Perhaps I am incapable of using Aroma-Scope correctly while juggling a giant tub of popcorn, opening bottle lids that are on too tight, ripping open cellophane candy wrappers with my teeth and reassuring two of three Grandlittles accompanying me that, "No, the little kids are not going to die. Yes, the dog is going to be funny when he talks! I'm sure we'll know when to use our Aroma-Scope cards!"

The three girls got out of school early on Wednesday and were anxious to go see the Smurfs...


Mr. Jenny ended up unable to leave his office and was soooo disappointed that he didn't get to see the Smurfs with us, that I had to take the girls to see 'Spy Kids...All the Time in the World', instead.

When we arrived we were given 'Amazing Aroma-Scope Cards' so we could watch the movie in 4-D.

Obviously I live too sheltered of a life because I've never heard of 4D. The ticket guy told us there would be instructions on the screen before the movie, so I dumped the cards in my purse and we headed to the bathroom, the snackbar and then into the theatre.

After I finally got all the Grandlittles settled with enough food to last for approximately 13 days, we waited for the movie to start.

Some directions came onto the screen instructing us to rub off numbers 1-8 one at a time whenever we saw each specific number flash onto the screen.

The girls wanted to hold their own cards, but I quickly figured out that little girls are incapable of holding onto a small cardboard card while eating and drinking simultaneously .


Every time Morgan saw any number on the screen, be it a car license plate or someone wearing a football jersey, she would let out a very, very loud squeal!

But finally the 'Number 1' flashed on the screen. Popcorn spilled, soda spilled, little kids were screeching all over the theater.

I quickly handed out the cards and we all rubbed and rubbed and smelled 'Number 1' on the card. None of us could figure out what it smelled like. Everyone had to pass their cards around to see if someone elses card smelled different.

They didn't.

Then I had to hold them all again.

Eating and drinking resumed.

Until 'Number 2' flashed on the screen.

Chaos and more squealing commenced accompanied by spilling and typical little kid's 'Number 2' humor. There was more passing of cards because apparently little kids think it would be very cool to smell a babies dirty diaper. Been there. Done that. Didn't think the smell was cool at all.

As then the numbers progressed through a blue cheese bomb and three numbers for smells from a candy store.

Repeat all the stuff I already said each time a new number flashed onto the screen.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

All the numbers smelled alike.

Finally, by the time we had to scratch off 'Number 6', the Grandlittles had lost interest.

Oh sure...

We scratched...

...and sniffed...

...and passed the cards all around...

...but since they all smelled pretty much the same things got a lot calmer.

By the time the movie was over, I'm not actually sure what it was about.

The oldest Grandlittle was fussy becasue she was 'covered in sticky' from spilling her drink so many times...

The youngest Grandlittle was fussy because her 'smeller thing was a piece of junk'...

...and I was just plain, old fussy.


...that was a very, very long movie...


I'm actually pretty happy they didn't get the smell of baby diapers or dog 'stinkers' correct.

4D movies...

I highly, highly do NOT recommend them!

But maybe you'll be lucky and go to one where your 'smeller thing is NOT a piece of junk' and then you will be able to sniff and gag through an entire movie.


Wouldn't that be a special time?

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

V is for Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is harmless enough, although it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness.

Sir Robert Hutchison

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter V. To read other offerings for the letter 'V', just click here.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday's Letter V

Good morning class.

Welcome to round three of Alphabe-Thursday! Today we will be studying the very vivacious letter:

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course, and please try very hard to visit the blogs that visit you for this meme.

I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by the following Wednesday evening, please let me know!

If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.

If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.

The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!

And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and you must visit at least 10 other posts...perhaps consider starting from the last posts and work backwards. The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.

Please link your vibrant letter now!

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Carmelized Onions in the Slow Cooker


Don't be shocked.

I have a recipe.

A real recipe.

It's a cool recipe, too, for something I rarely have the patience to make.

But this new, improved recipe involves a tiny bit of work and a great, big, wonderfully scrumptious yield.

It involves three ingredients, Pam, salt and pepper and one appliance.

Are you ready for the ingredients?

Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Are you ready for the appliance?

A slow cooker.


Buy some sweet onions (I could only fit five into my slow cooker).

Spray your slow cooker with Pam. Turn it onto high.

Cut your onions in half and then cut them into half-circles.

Throw them all in your slow cooker.

Put a few small pats of butter on top of the onions.

Drizzle a little olive oil on top of the onions.

Shake some salt and pepper on there, too.



Walk away.

Whenever you can't stand the suspense walk by and stir the onions.

They will reduce.

And reduce.

And reduce.

Your slow cooker might be faster or slower then mine, but after about 8 hours I was left with glorious, delicious, beautiful, golden, savory and EASY carmelized onions.

Let them cool.

Divide them into little freezer ziploc bags and tuck them away for whenever you want to add them to hamburgers or pizza or sandwiches or...


This is making me hungry.

Give it a try.

I mean, if you like carmelized onions.

But I guess if you didn't you wouldn't be reading this anyway, right?

And then, after you make some...

...invite me over for dinner!


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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Story-Time Tuesday - Living Fiction

Jenny Matlock
If you missed where this story started just click here to read it or simply click on the Story-Time Tuesday link at the top of my blog to take you to previous chapters.

Living Fiction - Chapter 51

Here's where Chapter 50 left you.

I returned quickly to my thoughts. Maybe the sayings quit working for me because I wasn’t really using them for me. I think I was always saying the words in my heart as a prayer for my son. The words were never for me.

Maybe for today I would try applying them to myself. I straightened my shoulders, “Okay, Pearl. One day at a time…one day at a time…”

I walked to Millie’s repeating the words over and over again in my head.

She wasn’t home. Edgar seemed depressed. I wasn’t.

I left the make-up on the welcome mat where Millie would be certain to see it.

On the short walk home, Edgar lagged behind. “C’mon, Edgar, one day at a time! We’ll try and see Princess tomorrow!”

I think my pep talk cheered him up. Or maybe he just perked up when we got into the kitchen and he saw Jessie and Griffin seated at the table looking at my blog!

And now, Chapter 51 Continues.

“Hey!” I said a little too loudly, causing them both to jump a bit. “Wow, I’m excited! You’re already looking at my blog!”

But they weren’t.

That probably explained Griffin’s shy and slightly guilty smile.

Instead of my cute sky and grass background, they were looking at movie schedules. Movie schedules? That had absolutely nothing to do with my blog. Grrrrr.

Jessie looked up with an odd look on her face, “Well…Mom, we are going to look at your blog and then we’re going to the movies?”

“We are?” I inquired.

“No…we are, you … aren’t…unless … I mean, well, you really want to go to the movies. With us. You don’t, right Mom? I mean you don’t want to go with us. Right? You have lots and lots of stuff to do Mom, right?”

Gosh. I thought my daughter was a bit more subtle than that.

“Oh, Jessie. I’d loooove to go with you to the movies…but I have all kinds of stuff to do. Lots and lots of stuff. You understand, right?”

Jessie rolled her eyes at me and gave me the death glare.

There is no pleasing daughter’s somedays, you know?

In an effort to salvage an uncomfortable situation, Griffin cleared his throat and said, “Pearl, of course you can come to the movies with us if you want.” He gave Jessie ‘that look’. I let him off the hook. “That’s nice, Griffin, but seriously…I have lots and lots of stuff to do…you understand, right?”

Jessie rolled her eyes again.


Quickly they finished up their movie discussion and then Griffin asked for my blog name. He looked started for a moment when I told him, ‘Mylifeinsideanoyster’. When his eyes glazed over halfway through my explanation of how I had chosen the name, I think he finally understood.

He looked around on my blog, and finally turned to me, “You don’t have much content here, Pearl. And I kinda don’t actually understand what your blog is about.”

“You don’t?” I was puzzled.

“I don’t. You say you’ve been doing the same things for a long time and you’re ready to ‘shake up your life’. I’m not sure if that’s really a ‘theme’, Pearl…you know?”

“It isn’t?”

“No, not really. So what are you going to write about? What do you want to learn about? What do you know the most about? What do you want people to know about you?”

“Well, geez, Griffin. I already said all that.”

“Actually, Pearl, you didn’t. Okay, think about what happens when you meet somebody new. Like Jay, for example. What did you and Jay talk about?”

Holy moly. I just realized that Griffin thought that Jay and I were like…ummm…you know…a couple or something.

“Griffin, Jay and I aren’t like…ummm…well…you know…”

“Like what? Pearl, I’m having a hard time understanding what you’re trying to tell me here. Okay, it’s like this. When you and I talked at the coffee shop I told you about school and you told me about starting a blog..and, oh yeah…now I remember…you told me you were going to do a stream of consciousness blog. I’m not seeing any streaming here. And I’m certainly not seeing any consciousness stuff.”

“Okay, Griffin. Tell me what that means exactly. What am I supposed to do…EXACTLY?”

“I can’t tell you EXACTLY ‘cuz it’s not my blog. But like…ummm…okay…what did you do today before you came to the coffee shop?”

I launched into the story of my makeover with Millie and how I had ended up squeezing into too tight clothes and could hardly recognize myself and…blah, blah, blah.

Griffin started laughing halfway through the story.

“That! Pearl, write about that stuff! You’re actually really funny. Just write what you told me and do that whenever you want to post…but…”

“But what?” I said.

“But…here’s the problem with those kind of blogs, Pearl. You don’t have anything specific…I mean some blogs do a lot of recipes or crafts or all that stuff women do…you know…making cards and … ummm… sewing things with little squares…so if you like to do that stuff you can actually google ‘blogs about crafting’ and then you can find other blogs like yours. Then when you visit them and they visit you back, it’s like visiting with people that you have a lot in common with. Right?”

“I kind of see what you mean…but…”

Griffin continued, “And then you can learn more about what you like to do and you can show off the things you do and then everyone is all happy and it’s like a little on-line club!”

Jessie jumped up. “Okay, Griffin. I think she’s got it. That was a great explanation. Mom? All set? I think we’re gonna run to the movies now and…”

“Wait! No! I’m not all set. I don’t actually ‘do’ anything, Griffin. I mean I am an okay cook and I’ve dabbled a little bit with crafty stuff but I’m not a card maker or a quilter and…”

Griffin glanced at the wall clock again, anxious to join an impatient Jessie. I wasn’t going to let him off the hook. This was supposed to be about my blog…not about seeing a movie with my daughter.

“Pearl, think for a second. What do you know the most about?”

I thought. And I thought. And in a small voice I said, “Loss. Grief. Being lost.”

Jessie stopped fidgeting by the door and Griffin looked at me very intently.

“Pearrrrlll…geez…here’s the thing. You CAN write about that stuff, but you can’t write about it all the time. You have to mix it up. Otherwise it’ll just be too depressing.”

“Well, geez, Griffin. Thanks a lot. This isn’t helping me at all. I need you to tell me what to blog about. I need you to help me with this and not just brush me off because you want to go to the movies with my daughter!”

Griffin looked very uncomfortable. I seemed to be developing a knack of doing that to people. He cleared his throat. Jessie looked pointedly at the clock. I wasn’t going to back down. This was supposed to be about my blog.

I waited.

I think I waited a little too long, though, because just then Millie knocked on the kitchen door and Edgar went crazy.

Oh for heavens sake.

Jessie opened the door and Princess waltzed in. Edgar practically swooned. Griffin and Jessie looked at each other…all googly eyed and ran out the door.

Millie strolled calmly into the kitchen. She took one look at my new, improved, make-up and clothes. Her hand raised dramatically to her forehead. It’s a wonder she didn’t gouge her eye out with her long, bright orange fingernails. I wondered briefly when she had time to change the polish color. I wondered briefly if she had actually changed the polish color so it would match her day-glo orange, skin-tight track-suit edged in zebra fur.

And seriously, did you know that athletic shoes actually come in cheetah print with glittery pink laces?

“Pearl,” she said dramatically, “Don’t blame me when your ‘boyfriend’turns right around and leaves when he sees you looking all frumpty-dumpty.”

“Frumpty, dumpty? Millie. I think I look great…and if I’d wanted to walk around looking like you I would have…boyfriend? What do you mean boyfriend?”

“You know? Boyfriend. That guy that you’re babysitting adorable little Edgar for. That boyfriend. The one who was sitting on your front steps for about an hour waiting for you!”

To be continued on Tuesday, September 20.

(c) 2010 Jennifer R. Matlock
This publication is the exclusive property of Jennifer R. Matlock and is protected
under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Jennifer R. Matlock. All rights reserved.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Awfully Sweet and Silly Faces, Art and Arrows

It's Monday.

I'm not sure where the weekend went and if, indeed, there was really a weekend at all.

We had a Grandparents Day celebration with our middle Grandlittle on Friday, Grandlittles on Friday night, a big garage sale on Saturday, soccer and basketball games and an Anniversary celebration.

I need another weekend.


But instead, I just got a Monday...


I'm going to share a few pictures of my non-weekend weekend with you, though, just so I feel like I'm actually doing a 'real' post!

From Grandparents day...

Sweet faces...our middle Grandlittle is in the bright blue dress...

Silly faces...

This Grandlittle is also super artistic...

And then when she was at the house she came up with the idea of making a little barn for a tiny penguin to live in...and made it all by herself...

While the penguin housing project was going on, the oldest grandlittle helped me make signs for our neighbor's garage sale on Saturday.

The youngest, Mo, wanted to help, too.

I told her to practice writing the word 'sale' and then she could write on some of the arrows. The top one is her work of art...

...when her Grandpa told her he couldn't read the letters she said, "Does that really matter Grandpa? Look how pretty it is!"

I think I'm inclined to agree with her.

And now...

I'm off.

I'm going to pretend all day that it's not Monday...

...which is only fair because I have absolutely no idea where the weekend actually went.

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