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Showing posts with label saved. Show all posts
Christ , crucifixion , death , Easter , eternal , God , Jesus , life , love , resurrection , salvation , saved , sins , Sunday , unconditional
Every time I look at the headlines in the newspaper or watch the news on television, it saddens me to see how this world is declining so rapidly. Many people have become lovers of money, lovers of evil, and even lovers of themselves. Some individuals have no regard for human life, whether the human is an adult or even a newborn baby. Even in my short 32 years on this planet, I can see the numerous changes that have taken place since the 1980’s. Some of these changes have been good; however, some of them have simply led to destructive ends. In reality, this world resembles a sinking ship. I am so thankful that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to carry me through the storm. He is my Peace for the present and Hope for the future. Jesus Christ is the Lifeboat for all who believe in Him.
Looking back in history, there was another time when the world became corrupt to the point that God wished His Creation did not even exist. There was so much wickedness on this earth, the Bible says, “The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled” (Genesis 6:6). Just imagine. The humans on earth had gotten so evil that their very own Creator regretted creating them and was troubled by what He saw. Only one man was found to be worth saving. God’s Word goes on to say, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8).
But Noah: those two little words saved a family’s life forever. Noah was found to be faultless. He was different than the rest of the population. Let’s just say he stood out from the crowd. God saw something special in Noah and his family. Genesis 6:9 reads, “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.” I’m sure Noah wasn’t perfect. He probably slammed a few doors in his time and he may have gotten upset if one of his sons didn’t do their chores the first time they were asked. But he didn’t engage in wicked deeds and sinful ways. Noah trusted God and knew that the Lord would take care of them.
What would you do if God came to you and said that He was going to destroy the earth because of the destruction people had brought into the world (Genesis 6:13)? Would you make a phone call, Facebook about it, or just sit down and cry? Well, this actually happened to Noah. But he didn’t question God. He didn’t have a panic attack either. He didn’t even Tweet about it or text his best friend to tell them the news. Instead, he listened intently to all of the instructions, detailing the size of the ark that he was to construct, what animals to bring aboard, how much food to pack, and all of the other tasks that must be completed. Then the Bible says, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22). Noah didn’t just do half of the job and then sit down to watch his favorite program on television. He didn’t delegate someone else to do the job. He simply did what God asked him to do.
So many times, we complain about jobs that the Lord asks us to do. Sometimes, we are tired and it’s hard to find energy to get the job done. Other times, people often try to discourage us, even though we know God has enabled us for the task at hand. I am sure Noah was discouraged when his friends laughed at him for building an ark. They had never seen a flood like that before. They surely thought Noah had lost his mind. What would your neighbors think if they saw you building a big boat in your front yard, standing tall at approximately 45 feet high? I am sure the Neighborhood Beautification Committee would have something to say about that at their monthly meeting! Look at Noah, building that atrocity! And bringing all of those animals so close to where our children play! Something must be done to prevent such outlandish behavior!
But God had asked Noah to accomplish a monumental task. Noah ignored the backlash from the opposing side and immediately obeyed God. He didn’t tell God that he had to fit it in between watching the Sunday afternoon football game and improving his golf swing at the range on Saturday. He didn’t tell God that he just didn’t have the energy and would try to get around to it next week. He didn’t even tell his neighbors what was going on. He just got the job done. Oh, and Noah didn’t try to cut corners when building the ark. He accomplished the task precisely as God commanded. Noah did all of this without complaining, even at the age of 600 years old.
God provided a lifeboat, so to speak, for Noah and his family, along with two of every clean animal. Everything else was destroyed. Because Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord, he and his family were spared. God tells Noah that the rainbow will be a sign of the covenant between God and all life on earth, promising never to destroy the earth by flood waters again. The rainbow is a promise not only to Noah and his family, but also to you and me. God will be our Shelter from the storm. Just as this world seemingly spirals out of control, we have a safe haven in the midst of the tumultuous seas. Every single person, young or old, who puts their trust in Jesus Christ, will be saved.
Whatever you are going through right now, there is no situation too hard for God to handle. Jesus even told His disciples, “‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’” (Matthew 19:26). God is greater than every prison, every hospital, every nursing home, every bottle of alcohol, and every other thing that may try to pull you away from the love of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:39). He will rescue us when the raging waters rise. He will be our beacon in the night, directing us toward safety. No matter what you are facing today, remember that Jesus Christ is your Lifeboat.
In Christ’s Love,
When was the last time you told someone that you would keep them in your prayers? If you’re like me, you may do this very often. But when was the last time you actually stopped for a moment, amid your busy schedule, and prayed for them right then and there? Recently I spoke to someone on the telephone who asked to pray for me and I also prayed for them. We both stopped, took the time to pray that God would bless each other’s families and ministries. It only took a moment of our time, but what a blessing it was to join together in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The Bible says where two or three gather together in His name, there He will be in the midst. I know for certain that He was in our midst as we prayed that day. We didn’t just make a promise to pray later. We determined in our hearts to pray now.
Have you heard of Epaphras? While he is only mentioned three times in the Bible, he is truly what we would deem a prayer warrior. For his ministry was one of truly gigantic proportions because he knew the secret to touching God with his prayers. We don’t know much about him, other than the fact that we know he traveled with Paul as a fellow servant of Christ. Paul wrote concerning Epaphras, “He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured” (Colossians 4:12 NIV). Epaphras didn’t just tell someone he would pray for them. And he didn’t just pray once in a while. He prayed always. He was “always wrestling in prayer” (Colossians 4:12 NIV). Paul compares Epaphras’ prayer time to that of a wrestling match. Epaphras struggled and fought, making sure that every word uttered to Heaven counted. He knew the power of prayer and he knew that it required concentration, stamina, and strength, just as a wrestler would need inside the ring.
Sadly, it’s hard to find any Epaphras’ in the world today. For there are not many people who will set aside time every day for uninterrupted prayer time. While I certainly pray every day, I am also guilty of not setting aside enough time to pray each and every day. There are work and school schedules, church functions, meal times, and so many other things that must be attended to in our daily lives. But even in the midst of the hectic rat race we find ourselves in, one thing is clear: there is always time to pray. Through prayer, we can see our lives change for the better. Through prayer, our grief turns to joy, our tears turn to smiles, and our wayward loved ones can find their way home. You may have seen it on a bumper sticker, a bookmark, or a t-shirt, but I know firsthand that this motto rings true: Prayer truly does change things.
My parents prayed for me when I was born. The doctors gave up on me. My parents did not utter some complicated prayer out of a prayer book. They prayed, “Jesus help.” Jesus used these two words to change my life. He answered their prayer when they heard what sounded like a small kitten coughing. While it was a long road in the neonatal center, baby Jennifer finally got to come home. The doctors may have given up on me, but my mom and dad joined together in prayer. Two people were praying on my behalf, with Jesus Christ in their midst. And He heard their cries. I thank Him every day for giving me the opportunity to live. I know that I have a purpose on this earth and I take every chance I get to tell others about the saving grace and love and mercy of Jesus Christ. He is the reason I am alive today. And I am living proof that He answers prayers!
But even though we know that He answers prayer, it seems it’s hard to find time to follow the advice given in the book of Hebrews that tells us to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV). We may spend hours at ball games, watch numerous television shows, and ride in our cars for long periods of time, yet the majority of us cannot give even 15 minutes, half an hour, or an hour to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Even Jesus had a difficult time convincing His disciples to pray for an hour with Him shortly before He was to be crucified. The Bible says, Jesus “returned to His disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’” (Matthew 26:40 NIV). He went away to pray two more times and each time, came back to find that their eyes were heavy and that they had fallen asleep. Jesus tells His disciples, “‘“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’” (Matthew 26:41 NIV).
When I read this passage, I am reminded of the exercise bike that I purchased a while back. I thought it would motivate me to exercise, having it sit in my living room. I always plan to ride it in the evening while watching television. I have “good” intentions. While I plan to ride it, I always find an excuse: I’m too tired; I’ll ride it tomorrow, and many others. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. In the meantime, I am gaining no benefit from the exercise bike other than the effort it takes to dust it off, since it rarely gets used. In a similar way, Jesus is telling us that we may have good intentions to pray, but “life” gets in the way. Our earthly bodies become tired, too stressed, or complacent. Yet a life without prayer is one that can lead to temptation, as Jesus warns us. Prayer is the key that keeps us closer to Jesus and further away from evil.
No matter where you are in your life right now, Jesus loves you. He wants you to talk to Him, just like you talk to your family and friends. There is no need for an eloquent prayer. Just share your heart with Him today. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for help. Whether you are driving down the road, standing in the shower, running on the treadmill, cooking dinner for your family, going to work, or an infinite number of other things you may be doing, you can always pray. Maybe you’re sitting there, thinking, “I’m not good enough to pray. Jennifer just doesn’t understand. I’m a sinner and I know that Jesus would never want to hear from me.” Let me assure you, friends, Jesus Christ loves you and me unconditionally. It doesn’t matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done. Jesus Christ died on a cross so that we could have our sins forgiven and receive eternal life through Him. We are all sinners, but through the grace of God, our sins have been washed away. Don’t wait to pray to Jesus tomorrow or the next day, for it may be too late. Stop what you’re doing, call on Jesus Christ and pray now!
In Christ’s Love,