Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Have you ever felt as if you were running low on faith? There are times in my own life when it seems I need greater faith to receive an answer from God. Other times, I have faith so great, that it appears it would be possible for me to move a gargantuan mountain like the Matterhorn in Switzerland. I have a genetic connective tissue disorder that requires me to walk with a crutch and a brace. Although I have had a clubfoot for more than two decades, it has never stopped me from literally climbing mountains and crisscrossing cities. My dad and I have gone hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains and we have trekked through dozens of cities all around the world. Our record-breaking days have been eight and a half miles in Vienna, Austria, and nine miles in Bucharest, Romania. No matter the physical challenges I face, I have always been one to forge ahead, no matter what literal or figurative obstacles I may encounter.

On July 25, 2018, I encountered what would become an enormous roadblock on the road of life when I began experiencing an unusual type of pain in my leg. Discounting it as overexertion from our summer vacation, I tried to ignore the severe pain in my leg and foot. However, as I hobbled through pre-planning week at the school where I teach, I could sense the pain was getting worse. By the time classes began, it was all I could do to stand at the bathroom counter in the mornings to brush my teeth. The pain was so great; it caused my blood pressure and heart rate to reach dangerous levels. Just putting my foot on the floor was often so agonizing that it nearly took my breath away. Other times, the muscle cramps in my leg caused tears to flow from my eyes as my hands shook from the intensity of the pain.

On my first trip to the doctor, I received a prescription to treat possible nerve damage. Unfortunately, this medication did not improve my condition at all. As my pain worsened and a small lump on my leg began to enlarge, my family physician referred me to an orthopedic specialist. The orthopedic surgeon ordered a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test to investigate the problem. As I lay in the futuristic-looking apparatus that took more than three hundred internal pictures of my leg, I prayed continually that God would deliver me from the trial in which I found myself. Although I had complete faith He was with me, even in this sterile, cold environment, I am afraid my human flesh was a bit concerned. Unfortunately, the rest of the day resembled a downward spiral, which did nothing to alleviate my apprehension.

This particular day began when the alarm clock awakened my dad and me at 3:30 a.m. My appointment time was 6:30 a.m., at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, which is approximately one hundred miles from our home. As we left the hospital, planning to return in the afternoon for the consultation with the doctors concerning the MRI results, I received a call on my cell phone. Imagine my dismay when they told me to return for an impromptu blood test and ultrasound biopsy straight away. My mind was racing, for the only thing I could equate with the word biopsy was the dreaded C word. I silently prayed God would take away these fears and give me peace about this whole ordeal.

The next few hours were a blur of appointments and tests, culminating with the previously scheduled consultation with the doctors. As my dad and I sat in the examination room, waiting for the doctors, I think we both felt as if a dump truck had run us over. The events of the day had drained us both physically and mentally. When three doctors came in, instead of two, my anxiety level increased drastically. Although I cannot tell you all that they said, due to my inner struggle to keep myself together emotionally, I particularly recall the picture on the computer screen, which the orthopedic surgeon described as a soft tissue mass. In that instant, the so-called mass looked enormous. He gave us several possible scenarios, but we would not have confirmation of a diagnosis until the biopsy results were available sometime within the following two weeks. There is something very unnerving when a doctor asks if you want him to call with the results, even if it is something serious. Due to the travel time and distance involved, we opted for a phone call, even though he said one of the possibilities could be a very large cancerous, malignant tumor.

For the next week, my heart skipped a couple of beats every time the phone rang. My dad and I prayed, studied God’s Word, and sought the Lord’s wisdom in all of this. Still, the enemy tried to defeat us, placing all sorts of notions in our vivid imaginations. There were countless sleepless nights for both of us. Even with all of my trepidation, I knew God would be with us. I knew He would give us the strength to make it to the other side of this valley. The following Friday, when the caller ID read Mayo Clinic, my hand visibly shook as I answered the phone. I could hardly find a breath to say hello.

The doctor said the biopsy results were inconclusive. Considering the alternatives, I praised the Lord for this report, even though the doctor continued by saying that a computerized tomography (CT) scan and possibly an open biopsy were necessary. Two weeks went by before the CT scan appointment. Following the CT scan, I received a diagnosis. I had a pseudo aneurysm in my lower right leg, caused by an aneurysm in one of the arteries in my leg. One night following this phone call, I remember purposely looking in the mirror and pulling several strands of hair toward my face and kissing them, relieved to know God had spared me from enduring something much worse.

It was determined that surgery was required, but they were able to offer an interventional radiology procedure as opposed to open vascular surgery. Unfortunately, the first opening for a consultation with the doctor’s choice surgeon was December 3, 2018. As someone who had dealt with this excruciating pain for nearly three months, I could hardly fathom the idea of waiting another month and a half. My dad and I stressed to the doctor how the swelling and pain had increased, even over the course of the previous week. Thanks to my mathematician dad, we had actually been measuring the circumference of my leg and had objective evidence that it was increasing in size as well.

On the way home that afternoon, we received a call from the doctor’s nurse, letting us know they found another surgeon who could perform the procedure exactly one week later. My dad later discovered that this new surgeon was internationally renowned in his field of practice. That is just like God. He always knows best. On October 26, 2018, I found myself sitting in a waiting room, before the nurse escorted me to the preoperative area. I must admit, I was nervous. I diligently read my Bible, I had gone to the throne of grace on more than one occasion, and everything seemed to have fallen in place as if God was the One who had put the puzzle together in the first place.

Yet there I sat, repeatedly reading Psalm 103:3 (NLT), which says, “He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.” Although I knew God would heal me, I was worried. So what did I do? I called my daddy in the waiting room to ask him to pray with me over the phone. After he prayed with me, the nurse came to take me to the preoperative room, so I had to hang up the phone.

Soon I was lying on a hospital bed, complete with wires coming out of both arms, wearing one of those dreaded gowns that seem like a rookie tailor made a horrible mistake by forgoing a zipper in the back. The nurse asked me if I wanted my dad to wait in the preoperative area, which would double as the recovery room. Of course, I said, “Yes!” He walked right alongside me throughout this trial, helping me in so many ways, especially through prayer. I am so grateful to have such a loving father, who will seek the Lord on my behalf. As soon as my daddy sat down by my bedside, my anxiety slowly disappeared. Even at the age of thirty-seven, I still need my daddy.

Similar to the way my dad’s presence calmed some of my fears, my Heavenly Father’s presence is what brought about a complete change to my frame of mind. As I sat there, awaiting my procedure, I finally began directing my thoughts to my Savior instead of my surroundings. All of the sudden, I was completely calm as I began to live out the verse that says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6–7). In the midst of this trying circumstance, knowing I was bound for the operating room, I had peace that passes all understanding. I knew the Great Physician was healing me, even from that very moment.

As I lay flat on my back on the operating table for approximately three hours, there were times when I experienced some discomfort and even acute pain. In those difficult moments, God placed six simple words in my mind to bring me consolation: Jesus is my refuge and strength. He was the source of my comfort even in the midst of a very uncomfortable situation. God used the hands of an experienced surgeon to repair the damaged artery in my leg using twenty-five miniature coils. Yet the true healing came from Jesus Christ, for God’s Word says, “By his wounds we are healed” (Isa. 53:5). Divine healing can only come from our Heavenly Father, for He is our Healer. I praise Him for healing my body. God raised me to life when I was born. Once again, He has raised me up for His glory.

For nearly three months, I had mostly sat on our living room sofa, unable to do little more than walk to the kitchen or restroom. After much prayer and rest, there was some very slow, but gradual improvement. I returned to teaching school in early September, even before I was better, knowing my students needed a consistent teacher. The increased level of activity slowed my progress, causing several setbacks. Eventually, the pain, cramps, and swelling increased to the point where I had to stay home on medical leave. Nonetheless, God continued to work on my behalf. Following my surgery, I only experienced a small amount of discomfort. What a blessing not to be writhing in pain after such a long struggle with this battle. Although sitting on my living room sofa for two weeks following the surgery was quite monotonous, it was a joy to know I was on the road to recovery!

Reflecting back on this lengthy health battle, I can see how the enemy sought to harm me, both physically and spiritually. But I echo the words of Joseph, who said to his brothers, “‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done’” (Gen. 50:20). Satan may have attempted to destroy me, but God will always work things together for my good (Rom. 8:28). Even in the darkest days of this trial, I knew no weapon formed against me would prosper (Isa. 54:17). I had full confidence that God would complete the work He started and I would be victorious.

Inevitably, there were times I became discouraged, especially when I saw little progress in my recovery. I wondered if I would ever be able to get back to even doing simple things like sweeping the floor, much less setting out for mission trips with my dad. Still, I held on to the words of Psalm 40:1: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.” There are times in life when it will be difficult to wait on God. There will also be times when it will be hard even to have faith. Yet this is when our faith needs to be stronger than ever. We must cling to the hope we have in Jesus Christ, believing He will see us through. Even though my faith may have wavered, I knew God would bring me through this trial, so I could be more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:37). God has brought me out of the most violent valleys and helped me forge raging rivers. He will do the same for you. God will always remain faithful.

Watch my Facebook Live testimony here:

If this excerpt has been an encouragement to you, I invite you to read a free chapter of my new inspirational autobiography, When You're in the Sunset, There's Sunshine Awaiting You, at You can also order your copy of my book on Amazon today!

Best Laid Plans

Have you ever planned an outdoor event just to have it postponed or canceled due to inclement weather?  Or perhaps you have had to change a lunch date with a friend because of an illness in the family or an unexpected work-related appointment.  No matter how meticulous we may be in orchestrating our monthly calendar; our plans often take a backseat to something that was completely unplanned.  But even when our plans change, we can always rest assured that God will work all things together for good (see Romans 8:28), according to His perfect will.

I am reminded of something one of my friends always says when she is making plans.  She prefaces the intended plan with the words, “Lord willing and the Creek don’t rise.”  In the 1800’s, people often used these words instead of responding with an affirmative yes, in accordance with James 4:15.  This scripture states, “Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’”  The second part of the phrase, “the Creek don’t rise,” also originated in the 1800’s.  Back then, there were 19 tribes of Native Americans who formed the Creek Confederacy.  If they were to have another uprising, a person’s plans may have been interrupted.  In the same way, things happen today that are beyond our control.

In fact, our plans sometimes change drastically, without warning.  Recently, a colleague was in a car accident when they hit a deer on the way to work one morning.  One friend of mine is battling breast cancer and another is facing brain cancer surgery.  There are so many similar stories out there of people enduring seemingly insurmountable struggles.  Life is an extraordinarily fragile and precious gift.  There is no guarantee of tomorrow.  But we can take comfort in the truth that lies within the words of the beloved song that says, “Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand.  But I know who holds tomorrow.  And I know who holds my hand.”

From personal experience, I can tell you that life does not always go as we plan.  My mom, three siblings, three grandparents, and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends are in Heaven.  While I am so very happy for them to be rejoicing around God’s throne, I miss them greatly here on earth.  Nevertheless, I trust God’s will completely, as I know His ways are perfect.  When I pray, I have faith that He will work all things out according to His will, not my own.  Sometimes, His answer may be yes, sometimes no, and other times, He may ask me to wait patiently.  If you’re like me, it’s often hard to wait patiently.  We live in a society that wants everything now.  From fast food to high-speed internet, this world has conditioned us to get what we want without delay.  Yet many times the one thing we need is to slow down and watch God’s hand at work in our lives, for His timing is impeccable.

The Bible says the Lord considers a day to be like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day (2 Peter 3:8).  Therefore, we need to try to realize that everything we go through on earth is somewhat temporary.  2 Corinthians 4:17 says it best: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”  Although we encounter some very dark days on this journey called life, we can rest assured that something better awaits us.  Whether we are in a state of tears or triumph, we can take comfort in the fact that God has a perfect plan for us.

God loves us more than we could imagine.  God loved us so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, so our sins could be washed away.  Jesus rose again on the third day and is sitting at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34).  One glorious day, a trumpet will sound and everyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will be called up to meet our Lord in the air.  Everyone who believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life in Heaven (John 3:16).  The things on this earth will pass away, but Heaven will be our forever home.

So the next time someone asks you to make plans for lunch or dinner, or a myriad of other engagements, be sure to include God’s will on your calendar.  While you may not comprehend the way things work out, you can find sweet rest in the knowledge that God has everything under control.  He knows where we should be, when we should be there, and who we should be with at all times of the day.  His calendar is not measured in days or months, but in lifetimes throughout eternity.  Put your trust in Him today.  For the best laid plans are not made of times and dates, but of the eternal hope we have through Jesus Christ!

In Christ’s Love,


Cast Your Nets

A Mom's Love

Have you ever experienced something in life that tried to rob you of your peace?  There are minor instances where our peace is suppressed only momentarily, such as when we have a flat tire on the way to work.  Sometimes in life, though, we endure hardships that seem too difficult to bear.  I know firsthand what the latter feels like.  Nearly six years ago, on August 2, 2008, my mom went to be with the Lord.  That night, my world was shattered.  But even in the midst of the most horrific night of my life, Jesus Christ wrapped His loving arms around me and my dad.  Although our human eyes saw what looked like a devastating storm raging in our lives, He showered our hearts and minds with peace beyond our understanding.

All of my life, I have read Philippians chapter four and it still one of my favorite passages of scripture.  But it wasn’t until I went through the tragedy of losing my mom that I truly began to understand the meaning of verse 7.  Here is the verse in context, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).  The Apostle Paul tells us that we should not be anxious.  That means we should not worry about anything.  Instead, he tells us to pray in every situation.

You might be thinking, how could I possibly not worry and pray when I am upset, stressed, or grieving?  I know, it sounds nearly impossible.  But I can tell you that a life with constant anxiety is much more difficult than a life with prayer at the center.  That night, as we called loved ones to give them the devastating news, Psalm 121:1-2 ran through my mind repeatedly.  It says, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  I looked up at the silhouette of the mountains under the moonlit sky and prayed that God would give us strength in the coming hours, days, months, and years.

You see, even as I stood outside our camper with a broken heart, I knew that Jesus Christ was not only standing beside us, but He was holding our hands, to keep us from falling.  He is the Prince of Peace.  Although the circumstances were anything but peaceful, Jesus brought peace to our troubled hearts.  My dad and I sat beside my mom and sang, “Living by Faith.”  Our faith was the only thing that kept us going in that heartbreaking moment.  We prayed that God would send the Comforter to us.  Through our faith in God, we were showered with the peace that Paul wrote about.  We had peace in a situation where it doesn’t even seem to belong, according to our human perspective.  This kind of peace is a peace that exceeds all understanding.

One day my parents and I were enjoying a family vacation in the mountains and the next day, my dad and I were going to the local funeral home.  My heart had shattered into a million pieces.  My dad and I were exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  But we still had peace.  It wasn’t the peace like one feels while lying in the sun at the beach or listening to the raindrops go pitter patter on a metal roof.  This was the kind of Heavenly peace that I cannot understand nor fully explain.  Inexplicable peace that comes from Heaven above when the current circumstances seem like peace should not be found.  That is the kind of peace Paul writes about and the kind of peace that we experienced that night.

Six years later, I still miss my mom daily.  But my dad and I have found a new normal and a new purpose.  The same God who gave us peace in the midst of a tumultuous storm six years ago is the same God who gives us peace now, whether we are on the mountain top or in the valley.  Life without my mom is not easy, especially on days like her birthday, Mother’s Day, or even this coming Saturday, August 2.  But our lives are made glorious by the peace and joy that comes from knowing Jesus Christ!  He is the reason we live, the reason we laugh, the reason we love!  I thank Him every day for His countless blessings and His peace that passes all understanding.

I want to encourage you today.  Whatever it is you are going through, put your unwavering trust in Jesus Christ.  He will never fail you.  The peace that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Savior is unlike any other you will ever encounter on this earth.  With Jesus Christ living in your heart, you will experience a truly abundant life.  Through the good times and the bad times, He will guard your heart with peace like no other.  He will fill your heart with joy unspeakable!  You will be able to face each and every day with the calm assurance that God will give you peace beyond your understanding!

In Christ’s Love,


Earlier this week, I had the incredible opportunity to spend a few days at St. Augustine Beach with my Dad and Grandma.  One evening, I was sitting on the sand enjoying the refreshing surf as it lapped against my feet.  Within minutes, the wind started to blow and the rain began to fall.  As the thunder roared and the lightning flashed, I sat there in awe of the undeniable beauty that was set before me, even in the midst of these otherwise inclement conditions.  The infinite array of colors in the sky was barely visible among the graying clouds, but it was still evident that the sun was soon setting.  Even with the impending thunderstorm, the waves continued to roll in, spreading out across the sand in the same orderly fashion as they had minutes, hours, even days before.

But it wasn’t the thunder, the lightning, or the rain that held true beauty.  Instead, it was the beauty of knowing that God himself had created the vast ocean that I had the privilege to behold.  It was His hand that was guiding each and every rain drop, and He was the one controlling the Heavens above, ensuring that each bolt of lightning and each clap of thunder were orchestrated at the precise time and location.  Walking back to the hotel, I had no fear.  I knew that the same God who was watching over each and every detail of the storm was most assuredly watching over me.

Sometimes in life, though, we do not have this same reassurance.  There are things that we encounter that seem too scary to handle.  Fear grips our innermost being and we can barely move, speak, or even breathe at times.  It may be something greater than a thunderstorm passing overhead.  It may be a physical storm, in the form of cancer, Alzheimer’s, or some other illness.  You could also be facing a mental or emotional storm, whether it is a battle with depression, anxiety, or some other crippling condition that has you trapped in a pit of fear, causing you to feel as if there is no way out.  Someone you know may be frightening you with their condescending or threatening language.  Fear can take on many forms, many of which can jeopardize an individual’s ability to live a normal life.  Being afraid can even cause a person to feel that they are knocking at death’s door.

Even Jesus’ disciples were so scared one day that they thought they were going to die.  Although they traveled and ministered with the Lord and Savior, they were not immune to fear.  Matthew 8:24-25 tells the story best:  “Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’”  Even with Jesus on their boat, the disciples were still filled with fear.  Instead of realizing that Jesus was sleeping, completely unconcerned by the storm outside, they began to lose faith.

Think about it.  The King of Kings and Lord of Lords was actually on their boat, yet they were still scared. Jesus had performed many miracles.  In Matthew chapter 8, we read that Jesus healed a man with leprosy, a paralyzed servant, and even Peter’s mother-in-law.  Nevertheless, the disciples still doubted His ability to keep them safe in the midst of a raging storm.  They looked at the situation with human eyes, considering the “what ifs.”  I’m sure they thought about the possibility that the boat could capsize.  What if they are knocked overboard and cannot swim to safety?  What if the boat broke into a million pieces?  Instead of thinking of all of the negative possibilities, they should have been praising God, thanking Him for delivering them from the storm, having faith that He would protect them from all harm.

Jesus wasn’t upset with their reaction to the storm.  He only had one question for His disciples.  He asked, “‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’” (Matthew 8:26).  The same question could apply to you and me.  Why are we afraid?  We have Jesus Christ on our boat.  There is no need to fear.  No matter what situation we are going through, we can rest assured that Jesus Christ is with us always.  He will calm every storm in our life.  Just as He rebuked the winds and waves and calmed the storm with His disciples, He will do the same for us (Matthew 8:26).  So the next time you are in a frightening situation, focus your eyes on Jesus Christ.  Find beauty amidst the darkness.  Have faith that Jesus Christ will calm the storm and keep you safe from all harm.  Don’t be afraid.  Be courageous.  Jesus is with you!  (Matthew 14:27)

In Christ’s Love,

Did you know the bark of the average Redwood tree is up to one foot thick?  Due to the extraordinary thick bark, along with their high water content and lack of resin, Redwoods are able to more successfully resist the destruction of forest fires.  Additionally, the tannic acid in the bark helps Redwoods resist disease and insect infestation.  Redwoods are not indestructible, but they do have many characteristics that help them thrive in the environment in which they live, despite the turmoil that may develop around them.

In truth, we are a lot like the Redwood tree.  Just like this towering tree that endures through hardship, we have the tools we need to stand up against all negative influences we encounter.  Just like the Redwood is protected by its bark, we have protection through the armor of God!

Ephesians 6:11 states, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  Every day, we are going to face situations that tempt us and cause our faith to waver.  Just like the Redwood that often faces fire or infestation; we encounter illnesses, negative opinions, and other things the devil uses to try to alter our beliefs.

The Bible says the devil is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8).  But if we have on the full armor of God, we can stand up against every curveball the devil throws our direction.  God’s armor will protect us in the same way that the Redwood finds protection through its outer covering of bark.
In the book of Ephesians, Paul adds one more aspect of the armor of God.  It isn’t enough to simply have the tools.  You have to have the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit.  He says, “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18).  I am reminded of the popular t-shirt sold some time ago in Christian bookstores that said: “Seven days without prayer makes one weak.”  How true this is!

Without prayer, our lives become even more susceptible to attacks by the enemy.  We find ourselves losing patience with other people, struggling to get out of bed in the morning, and having an overall negative attitude.  But through prayer, we can see our mountains turn into molehills.  Our storm clouds will turn into rainbows.  And our trials will turn into testimonies.  Prayer is the direct line of communication we have to the throne of grace.

You may be going through a battle of your own right now.  It may be that a loved one is knocking at death’s door.  You may be trying to figure out how to make ends meet, with only enough money to cover the electric bill or the mortgage.  Your car may be on its last leg, your job may be in jeopardy, or your children may be engaging in illegal activity.  I want to encourage you today.  Pray about your situation.  Ask other people to pray with you.  God’s Word says that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there will He be in the midst of them.

Through prayer, hearts can be mended, lives can be transformed, and miracles can happen.  No matter what you are going through, there is nothing too big for God.  No place on this planet is out of the reach of the almighty God.  He is watching over you.  Have faith that He will see you through.

Every morning when you get out of bed, put on the armor of God.  Buckle the belt of truth around your waist, put the breastplate of righteousness on your chest, and place your feet inside the readiness from the gospel of peace.  When the flaming arrows of the enemy come to harm you, let the shield of faith be your extinguisher, just like the Redwood bark dissuades fire in a forest.  Finally, place the helmet of salvation on top of your head and grasp on to the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).

God does not expect you to go into battle alone.  Just as He has given the Redwoods the ability to survive undesirable conditions, He has given you everything you need to reign victorious, whether you are in the sunshine or the rain.  So stand firm in every situation, allowing the armor of God to protect you from all harm.  Then you, too, can stand tall like the Redwoods, knowing that God is on your side!

In Christ’s Love,


When was the last time you heard someone say, “I can’t?” Or perhaps you recently heard someone remark, “That’s impossible!” Many times in life, we find ourselves faced with challenges that truly seem insurmountable. Our family may have unreasonable expectations of our abilities, our boss may ask too much of us, and our friends may become disappointed if we cannot be there for them every single time they need us. God may often give us a task that seems impossible. But it is in these moments when we feel so unqualified, so insignificant, that God reminds us that He makes all things possible. In our own strength, we can do nothing, but with God’s strength, we can do anything! By putting our faith in God, all things become possible!

One of the prime examples of the impossible becoming possible comes from the book of I Samuel. A young man by the name of David finds himself in the midst of a battle. Completely unprepared for the encounter, he is pitted against the largest man on the opposing side: Goliath. Now Goliath is a giant, both literally and figuratively. The Bible calls him a “champion” and says that he stood at a height of 9’9” or 3 meters (I Samuel 17:4). Compare Goliath to David, the youngest son of Jesse, one of Saul’s servants. David does not spend time on the battlefield, but spends most of his time tending his father’s sheep. When David says that he will fight the Philistine, even King Saul himself is doubtful of David’s ability to conquer the giant. Saul said, “‘You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth’” (I Samuel 17:33). Even so, David has something that Goliath does not have: faith in God.

David knows that God will protect him from all harm, just as He promises in His Word. He said, “‘The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine’” (I Samuel 17:37). David is offered Saul’s very own tunic, as well as a bronze helmet, coat of armor, and sword. But he wasn’t used to all of that heavy equipment. Instead, he goes down to the stream and collects five smooth stones. He didn’t use special armor. He wasn’t carrying any high-tech weapons. He did not even wear a helmet. He had a slingshot, some small stones, and faith that could move mountains. Most importantly, he knew that the true and living God would be his shield in battle.

David wasn’t acting out of naivety or inexperience. He was acting on faith. Goliath approaches him with his shield bearer going before him, taunting David as he sees this inexperienced warrior bringing “sticks” into the battle (I Samuel 17:43). But David was not deterred by Goliath’s unfavorable commentary. David simply states, “‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied’” (I Samuel 17:45). David had faith that God would carry out His plan. Although he may have been scared or worried, he remained faithful, confidently relying on God’s power to bring him to victory.

What if we had such great faith? How would our lives be different if we had faith that a few small stones would slay a giant standing in our way? David did not have any superpowers. He was just an ordinary human being whom God used to accomplish something truly extraordinary. Through faith, David became a high ranking officer in Saul’s army. But his greatest accomplishment was that he obeyed God and God honored him because of his faithfulness.

God will do the same for you. Whatever you are going through, God is looking out for you. He wants to be your shield in battle, your rock that you can stand on, your shelter from the storm. Have faith that God will make all things possible. Matthew 17:20 says, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Have faith that God will be with you, every step of the way. With faith in God, the impossible becomes possible!

In Christ’s Love,

Jesus, Help

Have you ever asked someone for a little help?  Maybe you needed your husband to move a heavy piece of furniture, or perhaps you were looking for someone to repair the leaky faucet in your kitchen.  Whether or not we like to admit it or not, we all need some help at one point or another.  Other times, the word help is not just used as a way to gain a favor, but instead, it is used during a time of crisis.  Think of a pilot who uses the “Mayday!” signal.  There are times in our lives when we feel as if we are on a plane that is running low on fuel, heading straight for the ground.  Life may seem to be spiraling out of control.  It is in these moments that we need more than a helping hand.  We need divine intervention.  In these moments of desperation, we need to cry out, “Jesus, help.”

On January 2, 1982, a premature baby girl entered this world in the midst of what seemed like a hopeless situation.  The doctors had given up hope for the little girl’s survival, since she was essentially lifeless.  Instead, they focused on doing what they could for her mother, who was also having complications from the labor and delivery.  This little girl had no chance of living a happy, normal life.  But her parents knew that God was faithful.  Struggling to cope with the situation, they didn’t rely on some eloquent prayer written with formal language.  They simply prayed, “Jesus, help.”

At that moment, the little girl began to cough, like a little kitten.  The doctors were amazed, yet some of them said that she would be no more than a vegetable even if she did survive.  Forget going to college or doing anything productive with her life.  But her parents didn’t care.  They only wanted her to live.  After spending several weeks in the neonatal center, the parents of this little girl finally were able to bring her home.  Now, at the age of 32 years old, she has since completed six years of college with honors, earning a 4.0 GPA on her Master of Science degree in English.  Obviously, the doctors were wrong.  God had other plans for this little baby.  Jesus heard her parent’s cries for help and He answered them.

That little baby was me.  I was born lifeless.  God raised me up and gave me life.  I am living proof that the same God who performed miracles in Bible times still performs miracles today.  Nothing has changed.  All of God’s promises are true, even in the year 2014.  The Bible says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains.  My parents had great faith.  The medical world said that I would not live.  But through faith, my parents asked Jesus to help.  They sent up a “Mayday” call, if you will, to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He heard their desperate cry for help.  Because of the miraculous power of Jesus Christ, I am here today.

There was no ceremonious prayer offered up.  It didn’t take an army of deacons or church elders.  No music was even played.  Two people prayed, “Jesus, help.”  Jesus doesn’t require pomp and circumstance.  He only requires faith.  Whatever you are going through, Jesus Christ wants to help you.  There is no situation beyond the reach of Jesus.  He can heal the sick, mend broken hearts, and restore lives.  Jesus loves you more than you could ever imagine.  Call on the name of Jesus Christ.  Ask Him for help.  He will help you, just like He helped me the very day I was born and continues to help me every day of my life.  He will hear your cry for help.  All it takes is a little faith and a simple prayer.  Your life will be changed forever.  Don’t delay.  Stop what you’re doing right now and ask Jesus to help you today.

In Christ’s Love,

Keep Your Fork!

As a young teenager, I remember hearing my dad share a story he once heard that simply reminds us to keep our fork.  Even in recent years, I have heard my dad tell this story on more than one occasion.  The message in it is so simple, yet the meaning behind the message is so profound.  The story tells of a man who was told to “keep his fork,” while attending a dinner on the grounds at church one Sunday.  When he asked why, another church member responded, “For dessert.  The best is yet to come!”

What would the world be like if Christians everywhere held on to this attitude in our everyday existence?  Instead of griping and complaining about every twist and turn our lives may take, what if we simply held on to the promise in God’s Word that the best truly is yet to come?  Just as the man was instructed to keep his fork, we should keep our faith.  The Bible tells us to stand firm in our faith.  Yet we often find ourselves floundering, uncertain of our future, wondering if God can even hear our prayers.

We get caught up in whether or not the new flowers on the communion table match the sanctuary.  We grapple over the choir director’s choices of songs each Sunday and we debate over which deacon should lead the offertory prayer.  From paint colors to upholstery and cleaning products to hymn books, individuals in churches tend to focus on the things that are insignificant.  More important focal points would be whether or not the people of the church were seeking God’s will in every decision they make, not only in the life of the church, but in their own lives as well.

God’s Word says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.  If we micromanage every aspect of the church and never consult the true Head of the church, then it is certain that all efforts to succeed spiritually will fail.  We must put our lives and our ministries in God’s hands.  We must pray and seek His direction.  We cannot throw our fork on the tray every single time, expecting that a new one will be at our disposal.  We also cannot assume that dessert will be served with every meal.  Sometimes, we must delve deeper into the main course first.  In this case, we are talking about spending more time in prayer and less time waiting for the next blessing to ascend.

There will be many times in our lives when God says, wait.  He may not answer our prayers the first or second time we seek His will for our lives.  He may be preparing us in advance for a greater work beyond our imagination.  But whether we see the hand of God move in our lives instantly or years down the road, we must have faith that He is working on our behalf.  Just like the man who was told to keep his fork, he sat in expectation that dessert would be served.  He didn’t complain about the slow service or the fact he would have to eat it with a fork that he had used to eat his main course.  He just sat and waited patiently, with the knowledge that the best truly was on its way.

In Ecclesiastes 7:10, we read that the best is yet to come.  It simply says that it is not wise to ask if the old days were better.  We must focus on the days ahead.  You may be going through a trial that seems insurmountable.  Recently, I learned of an entire family who perished in an accident.  I cannot imagine the grief that their loved ones must be going through.  But even for these individuals, who are overcome with sorrow, I can tell them with a calm assurance that I know the best is yet to come.

God’s will is greater than our own will.  He always knows what is best.  While many things in life cannot be explained in this life, you can rest assured that God works all things together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  One day, we will reach our Heavenly home.  The trials of this life will be a distant memory.  Everything will become as clear as day.  So keep your fork; the best is yet to come!

In Christ’s Love,


Let Us Adore Him!

During the 13th century, one individual wrote down the words to what would soon become a beloved Christmas carol, “O Come All Ye Faithful.”  While it is believed that John Francis Wade is the one responsible for bringing these lyrics to the Christian church, uncertainty remains as to who is primarily responsible for the accompanying tune.  Still, one thing will always remain crystal clear: this song is a call for all Christians to adore the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Every time I hear this song, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with a renewed joy due to the gratefulness in my heart for the love that He has shown to me every day of my life.  That is why I do not see this song as a Christmas carol, but instead, as an anthem for all Christians everywhere.  We should give praise and adoration to Jesus Christ 365 days a year.  He is so worthy of our praise.  So I invite you to join me.  Come, let us adore Him!

The year was 1745.  John Francis Wade found himself in the midst of a battle between the Church of England and the Church of Rome.  During this time, many Catholics were forced to hide their faith from those around them.  Others fled the country, seeking religious freedom.  John Francis Wade was one of these individuals who chose to leave everything behind on a desperate quest for freedom to worship the one true and living God.  Having found refuge in France, he worked diligently to preserve documents of the church and to transcribe sacred music that otherwise may have been lost forever.  God rewarded his persistence by giving him the ability to write many songs, including the beloved Christmas carol, “Adeste Fideles,” also known as “O Come All Ye Faithful.”

Just imagine.  John Francis Wade was surrounded by trouble on every side, being persecuted for his faith and eventually having to flee his home country.  Yet, in the midst of this turmoil, He kept the faith and stood firm in his walk with God.  He knew that giving God praise and adoration was the key to having a meaningful and happy life, in spite of what was going on around him.  In the third verse of this cherished hymn, the lyrics state, “O Jesus!  Forevermore be Thy name adored.”  He did not write, at Christmastime be Thy name adored.  Instead, he wrote “Forevermore.”  Most assuredly, John Francis Wade knew that we should adore the name of Jesus continually, every moment of the day, every day of the year.  Despite the many trials and tribulations in his own life, he remained faithful.

Is there something in your life that is preventing you from praising the name of Jesus Christ continually?  Are you discouraged, due to a failed marriage, difficult financial circumstances, or wayward children?  Is there something at work that just doesn’t feel right and causes you to be stressed or even depressed?  Or is there a dark secret deep inside your heart that no one knows about but God?  No matter what you are going through, Jesus Christ cares about you.  He loves you more than you could ever imagine.  Don’t let the trials of this life weigh you down.  Talk to Jesus and tell Him all of your worries, cares, and fears.  He wants to help you.  He will bear your burdens.  You don't have to do it alone.  Wherever you are, just lift your hands and praise Him for the blessings He has given you.  Ask Him to give you wisdom to handle all of life's twists and turns.  Stand amazed at how God works in your life when you are in tune with His still, small voice.  Listen to Him.  Trust Him.  Worship Him.  Give praise and adoration to the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised!  Don’t wait until Christmas or even until Easter.  Let us adore Him today!  O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

In Christ’s Love,


God Is Always Enough

Over the past few weeks, my Dad and I have been watching The Bible Series on the History Channel.  While I have heard many positive as well as negative comments concerning this popular miniseries, I have personally enjoyed watching this phenomenal representation of the Greatest Story ever told.  To feel as if I am walking beside Moses as God gave him the ability to part the Red Sea.  Or to feel the intensity that Daniel felt as he was in the midst of those hungry lions.  It was so incredible to watch as the walls of Jericho were tumbling down.  What an amazing journey to travel with Mary and Joseph on the road to Bethlehem, knowing that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would soon make an entrance into this world.  As I watch these heroes of faith walk down the road of life, I soon realize that their lives were not a lot different from our own.  Sure, our struggles are much different, but one thing is certain.  No matter what we’re facing, God is always enough.

Like David, are you facing a giant in your life?  Or do you feel as if you have been thrown into a fiery furnace like the three Hebrew children?  Perhaps you feel like you are being asked to do the unthinkable, much like Abraham’s obedience to God was tested when he prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.  I want to encourage you today.  God will be with you wherever you go.  God will give you strength in every situation.  Our God will always be enough.
David knew that God was on his side.  He said to Goliath, ““You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (I Samuel 17:45 NIV).  He knew that if he had faith even as small as a mustard seed, God would provide the courage and strength he needed to stand up to Goliath.  He didn’t need a lot of armor or weapons.  He didn’t need Saul’s army.  All he needed was a small stone and a slingshot.  Why?  Because God was enough.
I’m sure the three Hebrew children were afraid as Nebuchadnezzar said that he would throw them in a fiery furnace.  They said to Nebuchadnezzar, “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand” (Daniel 3:17 NKJV).  Even in the midst of their fear, they did not bow down to other gods.  They trusted in the one true and living God.  They knew that He would be enough.
Consider Abraham.  God spoke to him and said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah.  Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Genesis 22:2 NIV).  What must he have been thinking?  I’m sure he was questioning God.  Still, he obeyed God.  One thing I think is important is the fact that he didn’t decide to think about it or pray about it to prolong the inevitable.  The Bible says that he got up early the very next morning and headed to the mountain (Genesis 22:3 NIV).  Abraham trusted God fully, with the knowledge that God would always provide.  Even as his son questioned what was going on, Abraham replied, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son” (Genesis 22:8 NIV).  Just as Abraham was about to take his son’s life, he saw a ram caught among the thickets.  He knew that God had provided the sacrifice, sparing his son.  God knew that Abraham trusted Him to the point of making the ultimate sacrifice.  And Abraham knew that God would always provide.
What problems are you facing in your own life?  Is it a daily struggle to lose weight?  Or are you trying to stop smoking or taking drugs?  Are you recently widowed or divorced?  Maybe you are afraid because of someone or something that has been haunting you each and every night.  Has your faith waivered to the point where you find it hard to trust God at all?  I want you to know that God has not left you.  He sees your pain.  He knows where you are.  He will always be enough.
I pray the song below is an encouragement to you.  It is one of the most anointed songs I have ever heard.  I know that God must have had His hand on Kelly Garner and Kevin Stokes as they penned the lyrics to this song.  And I know that God has His hand on Karen Peck Gooch every time she sings this beautiful song.

My God will always be enough,
For the longings of my soul.
He alone can fill my cup,
Till my spirit overflows.
From a well of living water,
He renews me with His love
My God will always be enough.

Whatever you are facing, God will always be enough.  Call on the name of Jesus Christ right now.  It doesn’t matter if you are sitting in your pajamas in your living room, or if you are walking down the aisles at the local grocery store.  Jesus loves you more than you could ever imagine and you can talk to Him every day of the year, every moment of the day.  For all of your physical shortcomings and emotional weaknesses, He will always be enough to make you whole and to make your life complete.  If you feel empty, He will fill you up.  If you feel alone, He will be your Friend who remains closer than a brother.  If you feel like you are living in a world of uncertainty, you can be certain of one thing.  Our God will always be more than enough.
In Christ’s Love,
