Showing posts with label hebrews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hebrews. Show all posts

Pray Now!

When was the last time you told someone that you would keep them in your prayers? If you’re like me, you may do this very often. But when was the last time you actually stopped for a moment, amid your busy schedule, and prayed for them right then and there? Recently I spoke to someone on the telephone who asked to pray for me and I also prayed for them. We both stopped, took the time to pray that God would bless each other’s families and ministries. It only took a moment of our time, but what a blessing it was to join together in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The Bible says where two or three gather together in His name, there He will be in the midst. I know for certain that He was in our midst as we prayed that day. We didn’t just make a promise to pray later. We determined in our hearts to pray now.

Have you heard of Epaphras? While he is only mentioned three times in the Bible, he is truly what we would deem a prayer warrior. For his ministry was one of truly gigantic proportions because he knew the secret to touching God with his prayers. We don’t know much about him, other than the fact that we know he traveled with Paul as a fellow servant of Christ. Paul wrote concerning Epaphras, “He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured” (Colossians 4:12 NIV). Epaphras didn’t just tell someone he would pray for them. And he didn’t just pray once in a while. He prayed always. He was “always wrestling in prayer” (Colossians 4:12 NIV). Paul compares Epaphras’ prayer time to that of a wrestling match. Epaphras struggled and fought, making sure that every word uttered to Heaven counted. He knew the power of prayer and he knew that it required concentration, stamina, and strength, just as a wrestler would need inside the ring.

Sadly, it’s hard to find any Epaphras’ in the world today. For there are not many people who will set aside time every day for uninterrupted prayer time. While I certainly pray every day, I am also guilty of not setting aside enough time to pray each and every day. There are work and school schedules, church functions, meal times, and so many other things that must be attended to in our daily lives. But even in the midst of the hectic rat race we find ourselves in, one thing is clear: there is always time to pray. Through prayer, we can see our lives change for the better. Through prayer, our grief turns to joy, our tears turn to smiles, and our wayward loved ones can find their way home. You may have seen it on a bumper sticker, a bookmark, or a t-shirt, but I know firsthand that this motto rings true: Prayer truly does change things.

My parents prayed for me when I was born. The doctors gave up on me. My parents did not utter some complicated prayer out of a prayer book. They prayed, “Jesus help.” Jesus used these two words to change my life. He answered their prayer when they heard what sounded like a small kitten coughing. While it was a long road in the neonatal center, baby Jennifer finally got to come home. The doctors may have given up on me, but my mom and dad joined together in prayer. Two people were praying on my behalf, with Jesus Christ in their midst. And He heard their cries. I thank Him every day for giving me the opportunity to live. I know that I have a purpose on this earth and I take every chance I get to tell others about the saving grace and love and mercy of Jesus Christ. He is the reason I am alive today. And I am living proof that He answers prayers!

But even though we know that He answers prayer, it seems it’s hard to find time to follow the advice given in the book of Hebrews that tells us to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV). We may spend hours at ball games, watch numerous television shows, and ride in our cars for long periods of time, yet the majority of us cannot give even 15 minutes, half an hour, or an hour to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Even Jesus had a difficult time convincing His disciples to pray for an hour with Him shortly before He was to be crucified. The Bible says, Jesus “returned to His disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’” (Matthew 26:40 NIV). He went away to pray two more times and each time, came back to find that their eyes were heavy and that they had fallen asleep. Jesus tells His disciples, “‘“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’” (Matthew 26:41 NIV).

When I read this passage, I am reminded of the exercise bike that I purchased a while back. I thought it would motivate me to exercise, having it sit in my living room. I always plan to ride it in the evening while watching television. I have “good” intentions. While I plan to ride it, I always find an excuse: I’m too tired; I’ll ride it tomorrow, and many others. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. In the meantime, I am gaining no benefit from the exercise bike other than the effort it takes to dust it off, since it rarely gets used. In a similar way, Jesus is telling us that we may have good intentions to pray, but “life” gets in the way. Our earthly bodies become tired, too stressed, or complacent. Yet a life without prayer is one that can lead to temptation, as Jesus warns us. Prayer is the key that keeps us closer to Jesus and further away from evil.

No matter where you are in your life right now, Jesus loves you. He wants you to talk to Him, just like you talk to your family and friends. There is no need for an eloquent prayer. Just share your heart with Him today. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for help. Whether you are driving down the road, standing in the shower, running on the treadmill, cooking dinner for your family, going to work, or an infinite number of other things you may be doing, you can always pray. Maybe you’re sitting there, thinking, “I’m not good enough to pray. Jennifer just doesn’t understand. I’m a sinner and I know that Jesus would never want to hear from me.” Let me assure you, friends, Jesus Christ loves you and me unconditionally. It doesn’t matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done. Jesus Christ died on a cross so that we could have our sins forgiven and receive eternal life through Him. We are all sinners, but through the grace of God, our sins have been washed away. Don’t wait to pray to Jesus tomorrow or the next day, for it may be too late. Stop what you’re doing, call on Jesus Christ and pray now!

In Christ’s Love,


God Is With Us!

This past Sunday morning at approximately 1:30 a.m., the doorbell rang.  Chills ran up and down my spine.  Questions filled my mind.  Who was it?  What did they want?  Why were they here?  I was genuinely scared.  Immediately, I began to pray.  While I didn’t have an answer for the questions racing through my mind, I knew that God had everything under control.  I had the reassurance that God was with us.

My dad went to see who was banging on our door violently and ringing the doorbell repeatedly.  An individual who was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol had flipped their car and landed in a neighbor’s field.  This person had come to our house for help.  We called 911 and soon they were being attended to by the EMTs.  I prayed that they would be alright.  And I also thanked God for standing beside us, protecting my dad and me, and giving us His wisdom and peace even in an uncertain situation.
Sometimes, it is difficult to have faith that God will be with us through every trial in our lives.  I cannot tell you that it was easy to trust God while someone was beating on our door in the middle of the night.  There are times when we will be frightened to the point of trembling.  In these moments, our human nature tries to take over and tells us that everything is not okay.  But if we listen closely enough, we will find that there is a still, small voice saying, “Child, I am with you always.  Everything is going to be alright.”
Other times, it is so easy to trust God completely.  Last weekend, I attended a church ladies retreat.  At the retreat, we laughed and enjoyed a lot of delicious food, including delicious, fresh-baked cinnamon rolls and copious amounts of fresh strawberries straight from Plant City, Florida.  Most importantly, we were fed spiritually.  By Sunday morning, we were on cloud nine.  Right before the communion service, we received news that our retired pastor’s cancer was in remission.  At this very moment, God seemed so very near.  Trusting God was so simple.
On Monday morning, I learned that Pastor Jim had gone on to be with the Lord, having stepped through Heaven’s gates peacefully in his sleep.  He was such a kindhearted man of God, who was humble in every way.  He loved his family, his church family, and most important, he loved Jesus Christ with all of his heart.  We prayed for Pastor Jim on Sunday, just as we had been doing for months.  And on Monday, our prayers were answered.  Only it wasn’t the answer that we were praying for.  You see, we don’t always understand God’s answers, but we can always be assured that He knows best.  When we are on top of the mountain, trusting God comes easily for us.  But when we are in the valley, it becomes much more difficult to trust that God has a perfect plan.
I want to encourage you today.  This valley that you are going through will not last forever.  Sometimes you have to go through a storm in order to enjoy a rainbow.  Even in the sunset, there’s sunshine awaiting you.  Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  Don’t rely on what your human mind can or cannot comprehend.  Rely on God.  God knows exactly what you are going through.  He is right there with you and He will walk every step of the way right by your side.  The Bible says that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).  Things may not make sense to you right now, but a day is coming when everything will be made clear to you.  God will show you His plan for your life in His timing.  Trust in Him.  Follow His steps.  Take comfort in the fact that God is always with you!
In Christ’s Love,

Changing Leaves

On this first day of October, I woke up to find a crisp, cool breeze outside, something quite uncommon in this part of the world. Living in Florida, we do not generally have a significant change of seasons, yet I have grown to notice the subtle changes that occur at this time of the year. For instance, the warming nature of a friends’ status update on Facebook concerning a pot of chili she has simmering on the stove in celebration of the fall weather coming on. Or the beauty of the increasing number of pumpkins, scarecrows, and mums displayed on every corner. Everywhere I look, I see the transition from summer colors to fall ones. And you know what? The leaves aren’t the only things that are changing.

Just like the changing leaves, our lives change each season, each month, each week, and each day of our lives. Some of these changes are welcome, much like the refreshing nature of the cooler weather in the fall or the birth of a new infant. But other changes are undesired, such as the failing health of a friend or loved one or added stress from a new job. Even so, we do not have control over these situations. We cannot change the future no more than we can change the past. But we can pray for God’s strength and peace to help us get through every difficulty we encounter.

Recently, I have had several close family members and friends face critical medical conditions. Just today, I found out that one dear friend may be battling cancer and another may be going into assisted living. Another has doctors trying to figure what is causing their discomfort, and still another is being asked to try a fairly new medication to see if it will help them. Several others are facing various trials in their lives as well. None of them expected to have their health change so drastically, but their physical condition changed nonetheless. Still, they must ask God for strength and healing, holding on to the joy that still exists all around them, despite the unwelcome change in their lives.

Personally, I have seen change in my own life as well, some welcome and some otherwise. Being blessed with my first trip to Europe this summer was a very welcome change from our usual summer routine. This was a change that filled my heart with joy and provided me with an epic adventure that I will always cherish in my heart. On the other side of the coin, there was one change three years ago that caused my heart to break in two. Losing my mom was a very unwanted, tragic change. There are still days when I cannot believe that she is not here with me. I cannot comprehend why this happened. I only know that it did and there is nothing I can do about it.

Both of these changes came like a gust of autumn wind, but what a difference between the two. Even so, I know that God is always with me. He was with me as I made my way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, just like He was with me when I sang at my mom’s funeral. You see, He wants to be a part of every aspect of my life, from the most amazing joys to the darkest sorrows. He walks with me in good times and bad. And He wants to do the same for you. All you have to do is ask.

Much like the brilliantly colored leaves that fall to the ground, the changes we experience in life will never be distinctly alike. Some of changes will be pleasant ones that we wish would last forever and others will bring with them an unpleasantness that seems unbearable. No matter what type of change you are going through, God will walk through the valley with you. He will hold your hand. He will carry you all the way. While this world may be racked to the core with change, there is one thing that will never, ever change. Remember that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 NIV). Put your trust in Jesus. Don’t let the unwelcome changes in life get you down. Instead, step outside in the crisp, fall air. Listen to the rustle of the wind blowing gently through the trees. Spend some time alone with God in prayer in the midst of the changing leaves.

In Christ’s Love,

Have Faith

As I was visiting with a friend this afternoon, I happened to pay special attention to the perpetual calendar on their desk.  Today’s message read, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).  When was the last time you had complete faith that something you wanted would come to pass?  Can you honestly say that you always put your faith in God, no matter what trials come against you?  Or does Satan often wriggle his way in, causing you to question whether or not God truly has everything under control?  No matter what you may encounter on your journey, have faith.  God will see you through.

In August 2005, one of the deadliest hurricanes recorded in U.S. history struck the coast of Louisiana.  Hurricane Katrina was responsible for the loss of more than 1,800 lives.  I can recall sitting in front of the television, barely able to believe what had happened.  With every levee that gave way, my heart sunk a little deeper into my chest.  The homes destroyed, the lives lost, and an entire city changed forever.  While I prayed fervently for the people residing in the path of destruction, I wondered, how can they have hope?  When they are wading through waist deep water full of sewage, how could they possibly even think God exists?  As they pull a loved one out of the water, only to find they were a moment too late, how can they put their faith in God?  Still, I prayed that God would walk beside them, helping them from one moment to the next.

As I switched the channel from CNN to The 700 Club, I was introduced to a precious woman of God whom I will always remember.  Her name is Gerta.  She lives in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.  She was being interviewed because she had experienced a deadly hurricane many years back.  Even though the location where she lived was being evacuated, she was unwilling to leave.  Instead, she stood inside her kitchen, surrounding by glass windows, praying.  She had complete assurance that God would see her through the storm.  While many homes around her were completely demolished, her home remained unscathed.  Although I cannot recall her last name, nor would I recognize her face if she walked in the door of my home, the words she spoke are forever etched in my memory bank.  She said, “If you’re anchored in Jesus, you’ll be safe.”  At that very moment, I knew she had said something wise beyond my years.

A few days later, I wrote a song titled, “Have Faith.”  The lyrics of the song talk about a woman who is sitting next to a loved one who has gone on to be with the Lord.  Then, it talks about little children who are crying out in fear.  In life, there are situations we cannot avoid.  There are problems we cannot solve on our own.  There are moments when we may want to simply throw in the towel.  I want to encourage you by telling you that there is never a time in your life when you should just give up.  When you feel like giving up, give your burdens to Jesus.  He is waiting with open arms, waiting to help you when life gets to hard to handle.  He will walk with you through the flood.  He will be your Shelter from the storm.  He loves you more than you could ever imagine.  Have faith.  God will see you through.
In Christ’s Love,


Let Go

Have you ever taken a vacation, only to arrive at the destination with the realization that you packed way too many items for the length of your stay?  Or did you ever try to carry an entire load of groceries into the house in one load, just to avoid making a second trip?  Perhaps the burden you carry is not a literal one, but a figurative one.  Do you ever stuff your emotions into a bag and then carry them around, unsure of what you should do with them?  When we find ourselves toting around extra baggage, we need to learn to trust God.  We need to trust God and ask Him to bear our burdens.  We simply need to let go.

Last October, I had the opportunity to attend my first Women of Faith conference in Tampa, Florida.  This was one of the most uplifting experiences of my life, and it came at the perfect moment.  This event allowed me to clearly see the purpose-filled future that God wanted me to enjoy, as opposed to that one sorrow-filled night, which I had focused on far too long.  I thank God for this renewal of joy, as it enabled me to let go of some of the emotional baggage I had been holding onto for over a year.  Of course, that one tragic night continued to haunt me, even after this time of fellowship and worship.  There were things I still held onto, even after letting go of a few burdens along the way.

Several weeks later, I was blessed to be in attendance at the first “Shelter of God’s Promises” tour led by Sheila Walsh.  During the concert, Sheila sang a song titled, “Let Go.”  In this very moment, I felt God speaking to my heart, telling me that it was time to let go of all of the emotional baggage that I had stored up since my Mom passed away.  Every word spoken seemed to be articulated just for me.  The messages brought forth brought to mind the verse in the Bible that says, “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22 NIV).  I knew that this was the moment that I would give my burdens to the Lord.  Not only that, but I was determined to give them away and never pick them back up again.  God ministered to my heart, giving me calm assurance that this was the day that I would begin my journey back to true, unconstrained joy.

Later in the day, Sheila asked how we would feel if our friends and family could see a movie of our life, including every single detail.  She proceeded to say that God has seen our movie.  I began to think about the fact that the burdens I had been carrying around were seemingly pointless.  While I had kept the majority of them hidden from many people, God knew about every single one of them, whether big or small.  He knew that I was carrying these burdens around.  He longed to help me carry them.  He wanted me to release these burdens, and He waited patiently for me to finally decide to let go of the things that had been weighing me down.

Imagine you are planning to run a race.  But, there is one catch.  You are the only one competing in the race who must wear 500 pounds of baggage on your back for the duration of the race.  It is likely that you would not have the stamina needed in order to finish the race.  Your body would not be able to withstand this additional weight, eventually collapsing under the load.  The emotional baggage we carry is much like the extra baggage required to run this race.  Inevitably, we cannot carry our burdens alone and win the race.  Instead, we must cast aside our burdens, so we can endure to the end.

In Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV), we read, “let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…”  Notice that the author of this scripture did not say to “lay aside” a few weights, but to “lay aside every weight.”  Many times, it may be easy to let go of a small burden.  Or it may even be effortless to release two or three pieces of “baggage” that we carry around inside.  But, in order to live a life according to God’s will, we need to look to Jesus and let go of all of our burdens.

I encourage you today to let go of your emotional, physical, mental, financial, and any other burdens that you may be carrying around.  God can do the same thing for you that He did for me.  He will take your burdens, every single one of them, and allow you to enjoy living your life.  Talk to the Heavenly Father.  He wants to hear your story.  Give your burdens to Him, and let go of the things that have been weighing you down.  He will reveal to you the life of perfect peace and abounding joy that you have been searching for so long.  And the best part?  All you have to do is to simply let go.
In Christ’s Love,

