Sunday, April 7, 2013

Elsie 5-9 Months

To say that I am behind in my blogging would be a HUGE understatement. I've pretty much let it come close to dying! In all honesty, it's really hard for me to find motivation to do certain things during the winter months here in Utah. And well, it's just one of those things that got away from me the longer I went without doing it. But I'm back now and hopefully ready to recommit.

I feel that I should first start off by catching up on Elsie. I was so good at posting every month for Janen's first year so Elsie deserves a little catch up as well. Unfortunately, I did not keep as good of tabs (picture wise) on each month. But there are a few things I would like to record and remember.

Sat up with no support at 5 1/2 months

Got her first tooth at 6 1/2 months (just like her big sister). Here she is unhappy and teething.

And here she is a few weeks later with her teeth sprouted.

On February 15th, 2013, Elsie army crawled for the first time at 7 months. I remember it because it was the day James came home after a week long work trip.

It didn't take long for her to learn how to do more than just lurch herself forward. Within a couple of days she was crawling like this. (fast forward to 40 secs if you don't want to watch the whole thing).

 She started pulling herself to stand at 8 1/2 months

Just before Elsie turned 9 months old she started "talking". I mean she's been doing the normal babbling for a few months now, but now she's trying to repeat what we say to her and is sort of understanding what they mean. She loves to say "uh-oh" and "car"

Elsie just learned this past week how to climb up the stairs (with lots of encouragement from her daddy) and she even tries to climb down them head first. Time to dust off the baby gate. Because she is fearless!
Here she is on her 9 month birthday. We stopped by at the Santa Monica beach on the way home from California and she got to see the ocean and feel the sand. 

Elsie has been a complete joy to have in our lives. She is easy in every single way. I feel so blessed to have her in our family. She absolutely loves her bigger sister and wants to be everywhere she is. She's full of smiles and giggles more times than not. I'm grateful that she's such a calm and happy spirit. Now that she is more mobile, Janen is more willing to play with her. Janen is very anxious for Elsie to walk. I know in just a few months, they'll be chasing after each other and giggling. Love my sweet little Elsie.


  1. Wow in that really close picture she and Janen look so similar!! She is developing fast! What a fun update to read!


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