I was born in Modesto, CA and after a few years my mother uprooted us to Fresno, CA where I lived up until a few years ago, minus the brief nanny stint in Connecticut. I moved to Utah in June 2008, but the story behind why, can be found under the tab, "How We Met." I am a quarter of a century old as of last year and I am so glad I won't get slapped with outrageous underage fees when I rent a car and now James has finally joined me! I am exactly 6 months older than James. I am a proud mommy of the cutest and smartest little girl. Seriously the most rewarding thing ever but also the most challenging. At least for someone like me. On top of being a full-time domestic engineer, I am also a full-time student. I am finally pursuing a degree in Elementary Education after taking years to settle on something. I am in my second year of school and hoping to finish as quickly as possible before another baby joins our family.
Prior to moving to Utah, I attended Fresno City College in Fresno, CA and was part of the dance program there. I performed in 4 concerts and in my last semester there, was recognized as The Best Emerging Dancer. Sure it's not an award from Julliard, but it still meant a lot to me. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss dancing immensely. That has been one of the hardest things about growing up, becoming a wife and a mommy. Giving up the things that I loved for new things that I also love. On top of dancing, I also sang in church, school and private gatherings. I still sing with the congregation at church, but I don't have very many opportunities to sing in the avenues I once did. I love to sing and I sing all the time! Moving to Utah was a tremendous challenge for me, but it also brought great blessings. So because I can't do the things I once loved, I have found new things to learn and improve upon. I love to cook especially when there are people coming over for dinner. I love to beat my husband at a hearty game of scrabble and play catch when it's nice outside. We recently were lent some bikes for the summer and we are already having tons of fun riding around town with Janen strapped to one of our backs. I love me some sunshine and can't wait until the gloomy weather stops!
Ok, so this picture is from 4 years ago, but I don't really like the way I look these days...Still trimming the baby fat.
Ok, so this picture is from 4 years ago, but I don't really like the way I look these days...Still trimming the baby fat.