Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May...So Far

May 1st: Day 1 of reopening Idaho state!

May 7: My kids are so tired of our pantry that breakfast and lunch only consist of fruit snacks and toast, even though there is plenty to choose from.

May 10, Mother's Day:
Silly Emmeline
Jane (Notice the 3 girls got hair cuts at home.  Ben and Brian went out yesterday to get their first hair cuts in forever.  Barber shops only opened up 3 days ago!)

We're really trying to teach Helaman to smile on cue.  He laughs all the time, but can never get it on camera!
This is the best I  could get:
Helaman's new Paw Patrol Marshall pjs.
As you can tell, my photographing skills are getting worse.  My hand/arm tremors are much worse during this pregnancy.  Hopefully going to see a neurologist soon about that!

I must tell about our miracle during quarantine.  Toilet paper can finally be found on shelves now.  They aren't fully stocked, but it's enough that we can buy some when we need to.  We never needed those cloth wipes I bought.  Heavenly Father blessed our family so our small amount of TP (probably 9 rolls or less) never depleted.  I never counted how much we started off with, but everytime I went to the TP box, there was still plenty to be had.  That truly was a miracle.  We should've been out after the first week or 2, and here we are at least 2 months later, still living off of the same TP from that box!  Heavenly Father blesses us as we exercise our faith in Him.  Always remember that in the good times as well as bad.


Unpopular opinion game. 10 things most people like but I don’t in no particular order:
1) potatoes (except with this pregnancy)
2) tv shows with mature content
3) video games
4) fireworks (they’re fine, just overrated)
5) pricy name brands
6) MLMs
7) coffee (hot chocolate is the way to go! )
8) essential oils
9) modern music
10) traveling
Apple products
Sports (playing or watching)
Valentine's Day
Thanksgiving (gross food)
Man, I'm picky!

April 2: Social distancing, constantly cleaning, eating, and sleeping. Great, I've turned into a cat. That explains my mood swings.

April 3: Game Time: Name 3 GOOD things that have happened because of the pandemic.
1. The world is unified in ONE thing! Keeping people healthy! It's amazing. 😃
2. Home Centered church is becoming more of a reality, and easier.
3. LOTS of family time together.

It DOES exist! It's called the Book of Mormon and Bible!

 Just joking:

 April 4: Getting out of the house!.....and into the front yard, for some family art time between sessions of conference. Joseph helped too. President Nelson calls for a SECOND worldwide fast for the virus. (Number of deaths and those infected start to lower after the fast.)

April 6: A younger person who had the virus donated his plasma to see if injecting it into those who are sick, would help cure them. A possible solution?

I survived today's first day of schooling! 6 kids in school. Whew. Anyone want to fold my laundry?

Our rabbit is sulking because he was rejected by our female foster rabbit. I've never seen him so depressed. Yesterday, she was all flirty with him, and he was so socially awkward, it was hilarious. He kept going to Rose for pep talks. Now, if only he could figure out that you don't mate with the girl's head. Sweet, but stupid bunny. Sheba is in the 2nd picture. (We also fostered another female named Lillian.)

April 7: Finally received Helaman's diagnosis today! He does have autism, and qualifies for a bunch of services! Can't wait for this quarantine to be over so he can start!

April 8: 60 degrees equals swimwear and water.

 Ben (15) Rose (13) thinking they're all cool hanging out on the roof of the playhouse.
Jane thinks it's too cold for swimwear. I agree with her, and so does Emmeline.
Helaman stimming.

April 9: Helaman get's a "big boy bed." He loves it.

April 12:
Went stir-crazy in quarantine last night, so I cut my hair. I took off at least 6 inches. Ben and Rose helped even it out on the ends. Me with the bad hair, is how I always look after I blow dry my hair. Don't be jealous.

Our sacrament tray:

April 13 I'm clearly going crazy with having EVERYONE at home 24/7 and trying to do online schooling with 6 kids.: So glad I bought massive amounts of chocolate/ sugar. My poor baby is gonna be born diabetic!

Why did Barty Crouch Jr. stop drinking? Because it was making him Moody!

April 21:
Helaman said his name for the first time today! He's almost 4 1/2.


March 7: Brian's 40th birthday!
By this point in time, there is NO toilet paper to be found ANYWHERE in the world.  Or anything you would substitute for it, like paper towels, wipes, tissues, etc....  Why toilet paper was hoarded world wide is beyond me.  For my birthday I ordered cloth baby wipes, and some peri bottles.  There were barely any of those to be found on the internet as well.  I figure we'll use the washable cloth wipes when we run out of TP, and use the peri bottles to rinse off what is needed.  We only have about  9 rolls of TP in our house (for 9 people). There's also no hand sanitizer. Luckily, I can still find hand soap which I prefer to hand sanitizer anyways.

Time to use Spock's "live long and prosper" instead of shaking hands.
March 9: I was able to buy TP today guys! I found some!!!! (It's the little things.)

Actually, it turned out only the speakers and prayer givers were allowed into a room for the taping of General Conference.  Everyone was sat 6 feet apart from each other as is the law now.  The choir was pre-recorded before the worldwide quarantine.

Little did President Nelson know....:

March 12: ALL gatherings of church members is temporarily suspended worldwide.  Still that way now....  At least our bishop allowed the ward members to have the sacrament at home.  Grateful the Come Follow Me program came out last year, because that's what we use for home church!  We use a white curtain for our sacrament table cloth, and I bought a "shot glass" thingy so Ben can pass the sacrament more easily.  Only used for the sacrament, obviously.

Reading is how I stay sane these days.  By May I've read my yearly goal of 52 books already.

May 13 President Donald Trump: It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these. No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL!

This is amazing because a LOT of the world is practically atheist. I'm grateful to live in the blessed country of the USA.
March 14: No more snow please! Unless it keeps the virus away....
Me begging the outside world: Anyone have some avacados, squash, or potatoes they don't want? My tummy is only letting me have bland foods. (Neighbors went out of their way to give me all 3!....Spoiler alert: I'm pregnant.)

For those who read this in the future, this is what doctor's would wear during the plague.

March 17: The White House has announced that groups be limited to 10 people or less. I guess I practically can't hang out with my husband and kids anymore.... 😂😜

March 18 was hit by a nice sized earthquake: Utah: guess coronavirus wasn't enough to shake you up.

March 19: Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Now a surprise for you: I'm pregnant with #9! Doing well. Just tired and some sickness. (TV channels are now showing Christmas movies non-stop to help keep up moral.  Neighbors have also hung up Christmas lights around the world despite it being mid-March.)

I'm Irritated Lucky Charms.

March 23: 
13yo daughter: Mom, we need to go to Walmart today.
Me: Why?
13yo: We need to stock up on supplies during this uncertain time!
Me: *can't think of anything we need * Like what?
13yo: Mascara, a hair dryer, etc....
I guess everyone has different perspectives during this worldwide Coronavirus quarantine. 🤷‍♀️
Mary Ann Price Whale, Stephen Diane Wilcken and 25 others

March 25: It's weird to go to the library, not just because practically no one is there, but because I have never heard Librarians so loud before. I'm serious, there was one yesterday he was whistling so loudly I could hear him in a complete different section of the library! (Library wasn't closed yet!) Also, the kids are all out of school by now due to the quarantine. They re-start "online learning" April 6.

We're getting lonely and restless: Who wants to socially distance fly kites with us?

March 26: President Russell M. Nelson
invites members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and friends throughout the world to unite in faith and fasting for physical, spiritual, and other healing from COVID-19 this Sunday, March 29.

 When you find your son's (Joseph's) female doppelganger online! 🤯🤯🤯
March 27: The news has been all gloomy and frightening.  Old people aren't expected to live through this virus at all (ages 60 and over).  TODAY, a 101 year-old Italian man was RELEASED from the hospital after having coronavirus!  This gives us hope.