Showing posts with label hairspray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hairspray. Show all posts


the end is coming.

well, folks.

it's the last week for the run of hairspray.

i can not believe how fast time has gone.

in the past when i've done shows, by the fourth week, i feel like i've been doing the show forever.

i always said if i had only one opportunity to do a show, i would choose hairspray.

and so far it's been an amazing experience.

i've had SO much fun and not the mention i got off my butt and got some exercise.

like seriously cardio, people.

i'm kind of sad it's almost over and i will definitely miss my theatre friends,

but i think i'm ready to have my nights back and more time with mr. lincoln.

(he's excited about that part too.)

and i bet you'll be excited that i'll have something else to talk about! 

here's some photos i've taken during the run:

my hair definitely won't miss all the ratting.

my cute friend, shanna!

i'm kind of like the giant council girl...

ok, so this dress!!

it is a vintage dress that was donated to the theatre.
it fits me like a glove and is sooooooo beautiful!

i was so happy i could wear it.

the detail:

the only downside is that it's pretty much the exact same color as my skin.
oh well.

so many of my family and friends came to see me!

sadly, i didn't get pictures with everyone, but i'm so grateful for all of you who came out and supported me!

this is my little brother-in-law, preston, and he flew all the way from Oklahoma to see me!
okay, so maybe he came to utah for other reasons, but still!  ;)

and this is my cute lindsey and tyler friends!

i'd also like to point out over on the right hand side, preston, getting attacked by a friend.

and here's to my last week... 


my big break!

what?  it's friday?  no way...

where have i been all week?

well, this morning i was on TV!!! and only for like two milliseconds, but it was still cool.

go here and check out the segment they did on Hairspray.
can you spot me?

i'm been hairspray-ing and saying good bye for 18 months to little sisters and spending time with that handsome husband of mine.

oh, and paying hospital bills... yikes, mr. kidney stone... you costed lots of money-s.

poor midge got attacked by a grocery sack last night...

(story): i had picked up a few groceries and we were unloading them at the kitchen table.  she loves playing in sacks usually, but somehow she got one wrapped around her body and fell off the table.  this caused her to absolutely FREAK OUT.  she started running around our teeny tiny apartment at FULL SPEED because the sack was "chasing" her.  lincoln and i frantically started running after her to try and help her out, ya know?  but have you ever tried catching a cat who is running FULL SPEED?  it's extremely difficult.  

after she ran into a bunch of things and managed to knock over everything in sight, we got her cornered and she was MAD!  but at least she stopped running which naturally made the sack fall off.  she even hissed at me!  if only she knew that we were just trying to help.

don't you wish we had this on video.

we'd be millionaires.

okay, not really.  but you would laugh.

k... these photos are mostly just for mom t. in oklahoma, but you guys can look at them too if you want.

taking abby to the MTC...

she is now Hermana Taylor.

leaving with a smile on her face.
love you, abb!!


valentine's day

lincoln and i had an unconventional valentine's day.

we both spent the day working and then he came to see hairspray!

so as i was singing and dancing on stage, i kept secrectly/purposely staring in his general direction wishing happy valentine's day vibes.

i couldn't exactly see him because, ya know, the lights are real bright up on stage.

he's been such an amazing support during all these crazy every-single-night rehearsals.

and then he came to cheer for me on valentine's day!

since we didn't get to really celebrate our first valentine's day as a married couple, we are going to grab some dinner and movie tonight.

 me & my after-hairspray-ness.  my hair has never seen such heights.
courtesy of bump-it.

my wonderful sister-in-law & brother-in-law also spent their valentine's day at the show.

thanks, guys!

i will get some more pictures of the cast, but here is one:

i get to wear this amazing VINTAGE dress someone donated to the theatre for the last scene.

it fits like a glove and it is beautiful!

here is me and all my other cute council girls:

in other news...

i had the opportunity to be photographed by justin hackworth today.

he is so cool and easy to talk to.

i had a blast and i'm very pleased to have met him.

more on that soon.


opening night!

after two and a half months of hard work, we are opening!

tonight is the night.

i've said it before, but i've always wanted to be in hairspray and this whole production has been so amazingly fun for me.

i'm grateful for:

a patience husband who hasn't been seeing much of me the last few weeks.

an amazingly talented mom who has spent hours helping with costumes.

and an opportunity i've always wanted.

come see me!

and see if you can find me in the photo above.

i've give you a hint...

i'm the girl whose pasty white skin matches her dress.  ;)


hairspray info.

remember this little production i'm in that has been consuming all my nights and saturday mornings??

well, tickets are now on sale!!

if any of you locals want to come see the show you can order tickets

or over the phone

and if you want to come see me pony and mash-potato around the stage, i'm in the monday, wednesday, friday cast.

the show is coming together great and is SOOO MUCH FUN!

i am having a blast!

we will be the first to perform in the new theatre, which is really really exciting.

it's so beautiful and BIG!

anyway, tickets are going fast!!!

so snag them soon if you want to come!


hairspray, wow!

i have been cast in hairspray as the part of 

Lou Ann

i am one of the Corny Collin's dancers and
i am beyond excited!!!

this will be my first show in...

two and a half years!


callbacks this week were nerve wracking, so i'm glad that part is over!

for some reason i am always in shows that take place in the 50s or 60s.

maybe my subconscious is telling me that i was born in the wrong era.

i think my subconscious is right.

the music.  the clothes.  the dancing.  the hair.

i love all of it!

i will be announcing when the show is running later on and maybe some of you locals can come see me!

and the coolest part is i already married link...
