Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts


oh, looky there! a contest!

Today I am announcing a very exciting contest!

I, Jalene Taylor, am giving away  
full-day wedding coverage (disc included)
to one very lucky couple!
This is seriously a steal of a deal ($1200 value!)
Full-day wedding coverage!

Okay, okay, settle down...
So you're probably wondering, "How do I get to be a part of this action?"
Well, are you engaged?  Almost engaged?  Nearly engaged?
Or maybe someone you know is engaged?  Tell them about this!  Because seriously...
You want them to win.

If you fall under that category this is how to enter...
Email me (jalenetaylor @ gmail... subject line-Wedding Giveaway!):

1. Location & date of your wedding
2. A photo of you and your fiance
3. Your love story (how you met)

I ask for your date and location because if your date conflicts with another wedding I have booked, I won't be able to include you in the contest.  Let's cross our fingers that DOESN'T happen!
And as a side note: I would absolutely love to travel, but travel costs are not included in the giveaway.  Let me know if you have questions about travel costs.

So here's how it works...

Submit your stories now through January 28.  That gives you a week and a half!
Lincoln and I will pick finalists.
I will then post one story (& the photo you provide) on my blog.
So make sure it's a good, well-written story (and truthful) because that's what people will be voting on!
Once all stories have been posted, I will open voting for a week and a half.

This is how you, your family, and friends can vote:
1. Comment on the blog post on my photography blog
2. Like the post on my Facebook photography page
3. Comment on the post on my Facebook photography page
4. Share the post from my Facebook photography page to yours

That is FOUR ways to vote!  Yes, that means each person can vote FOUR times!
Important note: You, your family, and friends will need to "like" my page in order to vote through Facebook.

And of course, the rules:
1. The couple cannot be under contract with another photographer (or myself).
2. Spread the word!  The votes are strictly from your friends, family, and associates!

This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time!
I hope a lot of people will participate, so start talking to all those betrothed people you know.

I hope everything is clear on how to enter and vote.  Please let me know if I can provide clarification.

Okay, are you ready?


Oh, and if you feel so inclined, you can share this contest ad on your blog and link back to my photography site if you want to help spread the word.
I sure would appreciate it!


the return.

holy moly, how time flies.

did you even notice i was absent for over a week?

we returned from oklahoma two nights ago and haven't stopped running around since.

monday was work.  yay.
and tuesday we attended the beautiful wedding of these two.

she was probably one of the most beautiful brides i've ever seen!

and i also probably cried like 52 times during the day.

like for real BEAUTIFUL wedding

and i just really love them.

weddings are the happiest thing ever.


so last week we went to visit lincoln's family in oklahoma.

much to my surprise, i really really liked oklahoma.

except i don't know if i could handle all that tornado and softball sized hail business.
(and yes, there was a crazy rain/thunderstorm while we were there and tornadoes in surrounding states.)

it was really really great to see family.  like really great.

we have missed them so.

if you don't remember, lincoln's parents were called to preside over the oklahoma city mission as mission presidents for the lds church.

they serve for 3 years and took lincoln's two youngest brothers with them.

we shipped all the other siblings out there too and celebrated a (late) christmas and hung out all week.

i'll have to dedicate a post to it later once i have time to upload all the photos.


what i wanted to share with you now is the photos from this little giveaway we won a couple months ago.

elise is so cool.  we loved hanging out with her.

and we really love the photos she took of us.

here they be:

 and yes, i will be blowing this one up in giant form
because my husband looks so so so handsome.

and here is her blog post of the shoot if you would like to see more.


winner announced!

thanks to all who entered our giveaway earlier this week!

and i also wanted to thank those who played the little game with me and introduced your self.

i really liked getting to know you a little and see how diverse my readership is.

although, i know about 500 of you looked at the page and i still had only 47 comments.

come on people, speak up!  :)


the winner of kristin's fine art giveaway is...

dun dun dun...

congrats, mandy!!!!!

please email kristin at:


with your shipping information.

this will look great in your new apartment!!

also, please remember that she offering a discount through the end of the year, if your subscriber to her blog!

thanks again for all who participated.


giveaway. kristin brown photography.

today i am hosting a giveaway for one of my best friends who also is a fellow photog.

her name is kristin brown

and she's really pretty

and funny

and talented.

so you should hop on over here and check out her blog.

she has a gallery of fine art images and she will giveaway  
one mounted 11x14 print 
to a lucky reader!

to enter:

and then hop back on over here and tell me in the comments section which one you like!

easy peasy lemon squeezy!

(sorry, international friends!  this giveaway is limited to U.S. readers. :(   )

you have until thursday at 9:00 a.m. (MST)
and the winner will be announced that day.

kristin also is looking to do some more birth stories.
this is the first one she photographed and i think they turned out BEAUTIFUL!

this session is one of my favorites.
also, if you don't win the giveaway she is willing to give a 20% discount to readers subscribed to her blog for orders before the end of the year.


we WON!

guess what?

we won a giveaway!

and it's the best kind of giveaway!

and the best part is, it's with one of my most favorite photographers that i follow.

i love her style and simplicity.

i'm soooo excited!!!


the winner.

the winner of my giveaway is posted over here.

congrats, anna mae!


a giveaway.

today i am hosting a giveaway
over at   lovely by m.

if you don't know michelle,
you should.

a beautiful new mom that pretty much knows how to do everything.
photography, design, cooking... you name it!

plus she writes the most beautiful words on her blog.

the giveaway ends monday!


it's time.

i think it's time to have another giveaway.

what do you think?


and the winner is...

Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway!

I was seriously surprised by the response!

Thanks to

the winner is...

Congrats Allison!
You are the winner of the first ever "as she thinketh" giveaway!

Please send me your shipping address
along with what photo you want!



california dreamin'

remember that time I went to California for a week...

and it was so warm...

and NOT winter...

and there was NO snow??

yeah, totally wish I was there again.

boo, Utah!

you lose today.

my very talented father who can pretty much fix and create anything in this world

framed a couple of my pictures from that vaca to decorate my apartment.

city street at night/ golden gate

lifeguard tower in Oceanside

thanks, dad!

i love them.
(my personal fave is the city street)

and in honor of having over 100 followers (what the?!)

I am hosting my very first giveaway!

I will be giving away a copy of one of the photographs above (your choice).

enter by leaving a comment below

and I will choose a winner next week!!



Yesterday I got a package in the mail!
(I forgot how much I love mail.)

I was the lucky winner of Stacey's birthday giveaway!
Oh my goodness, I was so excited.

I opened the package and saw this...

Isn't is soooooo cute??!!! I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE it!

And don't worry, I don't have a large bouffant as it may appear in this photo.

Thank you sooooo much, Stacey. I absolutely LOVE it.
Thank you for making it for me and totally making my day.
You're the best!