Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts


taco soup.

some of you have asked for that taco soup recipe i mentioned last week.

here it is!  it's super easy.


1/2 pound ground beef
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 package taco seasoning mix
2 cups water
1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans
1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
corn chips

1. in a large saucepan, brown ground beef with inion.  drain.
2. get a large pot, put in meat and stir in seasoning mix and water.
3. drain kidney beans and corn.  add to mixture.
4. mix in tomatoes.  simmer 20 minutes.

makes 6 cups.

serve with chips and whatever else!  we added grated cheese, but my recipe also suggests: sour cream, sliced avocado, chopped tomatoes, chopped green onion, and cilantro.

we also decided to double the recipe, so we can have left overs for lunch.

thanks for all your recipe suggestions!  you are great!



my definition of success has changed through different life phases.

success in this phase of life is defined as:

finding a meal that is easy and delicious.

i lack pretty much all cooking skills.
i didn't even know there was a correct way to cut a tomato.
(did you know this?)

tonight i cooked the best meal we have had since our marriage 4.5 months ago.

taco soup.

do you know how easy taco soup is???

i'm a huge fan now.

and so is lincoln.

we are stuffed to max and have washed up on our bed like beached whales.

what are you favorite super fast super easy recipes?

i want to hear!

any crockpot meals?  i like those too.

we both get home from work at about 7:30-8:00, so we don't exactly like to spend a lot of time cooking.

thanks, friends.


happy easter!

i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and holiday!

i will be eating more and more of these.

i can't seem to stop...

happy easter!


a choking incident of sorts.

today i choked on a chip.

but it wasn't the whole blocking-your-airway kind of choking.

this is what happened:

i was happily eating my most favorite snack--chips and salsa,
when a small {SHARP!} piece of chip slipped down my throat very impatiently
before i had time to chew it up real nice.

my first thought and vocalization,

then the watery-eyes fit came
and i kept trying to swallow that blasted little chip piece,
but to no avail.

he was sticking around.

and my, oh my! was it painful.

"ow, ow, ow, ow," i kept saying over and over.

my co-worker friend asks me,
"are you okay?"

me: "i don't know?"

him: "did you drink some water?"

me: "yes, didn't work."

him: "uh... do i need to give you the heimlich?"

me: "no."

i obviously could breathe. i realized this when i could talk.

it was just my tender esophagus was being punctured by the little culprit!

still trying to swallow. still not working.
then he rescues me.
my co-worker friend.
with his piece of cheddar cheese.

"try eating this," says he.

chew chew chew... swallow.

sweet relief!

that friendly piece of cheese wrapped that sharp sucker up and made it's way down my tube for further digestion.

i knew i really liked cheese for a reason.

and co-worker friends who offer said cheese when choking.


we made cookies


we made cookies.
the chocolate chip kind.

i watched you drape the apron over your head and i thought, what a cute boy... that smile gets me



you cracked the eggs... one, two, three.
i swooned.
i measured.
i poured.
you "blended" (your cooking terms). hah.
i playfully wiped some flour on your face so you could fit the part.
five minutes later i wiped it off and gave you a kiss in the same spot.
you told me i looked cute in my flowery apron.
i know you loved how motherly it made me look.
then as we placed the dough in little 1" balls on the cookie sheet, you declared you were going to make a heart shaped one... for me.
i glowed inside.

i couldn't help catching glances of you.
oh, so very handsome.
we stole a short peck.
in front of your family.

i was still too bashful to keep my gaze for too long.
we talked, we laughed.
my stomach hurt from eating too many cookies.

but that was the night i thought,

I think I'm falling in love with this boy.

*originally written September 15, 2009.


Taco Tuesdays

So, Little Erin told me about Taco Tuesdays at Cafe Rio.


Say whhhhaaaa???

I like her.

College student heaven.
Cheap good food.

"2 pork tacos to go, please!"

Tacos + Horchata=Delish.

I love Taco Tuesdays.

*photos via iPhone-jular