
Showing posts with the label exam


A schoolboy in Singapore was reprimanded by his English teacher for being mischievous. He was supposed to complete a certain well-known proverb, presumedly by using the well-known words. Instead, he stated it this way: People who live in glass house should not undress. I laughed out loud when I first read this. I thought it was a brilliant substitute for the standard proverb. Too bad his teacher couldn't appreciate it. I know that she wanted him to learn the standard proverb so as to pass exams but she could at have least complimented him on his creativity and then gently explained to him why he needed to answer in the standard way.

SOA back to IAAust

I have decided to go back to try qualifying for Fellowship with the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. After I failed the second time and obtained feedback from Society of Actuaries, I find that the feedback wouldn't help me to learn and improve enough to pass the exam. I acknowledged half of the feedback is valuable but the other half basically said that my answers were incorrect without pointing out the correct answers. Another issue, perhaps a more important one, is that the reviewer seems to impose his/her response as the only acceptable response to certain subjective questions. After I tried to clarify my point of view and hoping to get the reviewer to enlighten me further, he/she basically took a rather arrogant stand by saying that he/she was not there to "debate" with me. Well, in that case, how would I learn from my mistakes? It is so obvious that some of my answers are incorrect (as otherwise, I wouldn't have failed, right?) and surely it doesn't ...

I did it again

Please refer to the failed exam . I failed again :( Since I failed twice, I now "qualify" to receive detailed feedback for each attempt for a charge of US$150. Gah.

Please try again

Slightly more than a month ago, I attempted the FAP Final Assessment . And now... Nooooooooo! :(

96 hours

I started this about 15 minutes ago. I hope I'll pass.

Canberra May 09 Part 1

I'm in Canberra now. In fact, typing this while in a library at Australian National University, my alma mater. I've been here since Saturday, 9 May. My objective is to spend time with my sis and her hubby and twin sons (nothing new here :-) ). Been rather busy that I didn't have time to surf net. During the days when the kids are at school and their parents at work, I'm at the library supposedly trying to do my assignment. The first time I tried that on Monday, I estimated I got a whole 2 hours of work done on the assignment. Hehe. The rest of the time? Read newspapers, walk here and there, deciding on whether I should walk up to the actuarial department to request giving a short talk on practical applications of what you learn in university, and people watching. It seems that all the cute guys have not returned from parading for William in Melbourne . Well, I better get going with my assignment. Hope to finish it today or at least get a draft out. Meanwhile, here...

About 6 weeks later...

...after I've submitted my answers to the interim assessment, I received this: Nick and Lloyd, you are safe...for now ;-)

After less than 2 weeks...

...I've submitted my answers to the exam, which I've posted about here . Nervous about this as the quality of the answers are probably borderline in my opinion. Oh please let me pass. If I don't, I'll blame it on Nick and Llyod who introduced me to Trickster hehe. I've already forwarned Nick :-)

After more than one and half years...

... I'm taking exam again. I've switched to Society of Actuaries after having failed the Instituted of Actuaries of Australia for, oh only gazilliion times. As what I've achieved previously is not completely converted, I have to take a step back and do this particular course: Fundamental Actuarial Principles. I'm doing its Interim Assessment. I have to pass this for the sake of my self-esteem and to arrest the continuous demoralisation for past years. Gambate!