Cholesterol 2021: Part 1
Results as compared to 4 months ago: Sep 2020 Jan 2021 Ref. range Total cholesterol 5.1 4.9 < 5.2 HDL ("good") 1.89 1.81 > 1.04 LDL ("bad") 2.9 2.8 < 2.6 Triglycerides 0.6 0.7 < 1.7 Total/HDL ratio 2.7 2.7 < 5.0 So it's more or less the same, right? Or optimistically can say it improved. Here's the weird part though: (1) During that four months, I took Fenofibrate daily for 2 months and then on alternate days for the remaining two months. (2) Less (rigorus) exercise because couldn't swim due to CMCO and MCO restrictions. (3) No change to diet.