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Things were ok for about a week after the l ast psychiatric appointment but then worsened for the next 3 weeks right up to the next appointment: Dizziness worsened Headache everyday Migraine every other day Loss of appetite (but weight is still healthy) Hands trembled significantly more (most noticeable when using utensils) but didn't hinder daily activities We forgot to tell the doctor about the last symptom @@ Mum usually slept throughout the day, except to have breakfast and lunch and her medicine. She was at her best from 5pm onward until she went to bed at about 11am or midnight. After some Q&A, the doctor went off to consult the specialist...who turned out to be the psychogeriatrician. He came over to ask a few more questions. The only difference in medication was that mum had stopped taking Gabapentin but this medicine was supposed to manage tingling nerve pain, not headache and migraine, and so it was unlikely its absence caused these symptoms. Sin