It Wednesday #83
“If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again.”
--Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca
you're a collector the hardest part is finding a way to display your
collections so you can enjoy them. My solution is a memory jar.
love vintage baby items! Little soft shoes and crocheted hats.
lovely water color portrait had to be some mother's pride and joy.
So, too this little Bible and rosary.
items in silver, cups, spoons
this sweet rattle with built in whistle.
is the oldest piece I think. A glass baby bottle with a rubber
nipple. I just love it!
This cute teething ring is so sweet. It has the date, time, birth weight, and name engraved in the little silver hanging rattle.
love that displaying all the items in this apothecary jar allows them
to be out and enjoyed each day.
much as I enjoy finding vintage baby items.
I'm enjoying my latest baby collection the most. They're precious now and grow more so each day. As my little grandson turned two, I realized that his tiny onesies, combs, binkies were the treasures that carry the most valuable memories. The jar I’ll take down and... smile.
Thanks to all of you who partied with us last week. Please link-up and join us again. Remember, it's not a party without you!
Here are this Week's Features:
Forever Decorating!
Junk Chic Cottage
Marvin's Daughter
Tea Cottage Pretties
The Big Giant Food Basket
Artsy VaVa
Forever Decorating!
Junk Chic Cottage
Marvin's Daughter
Tea Cottage Pretties
The Big Giant Food Basket
Artsy VaVa
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