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Showing posts with label Bessie Pease Gutmann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bessie Pease Gutmann. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2011

Angels Among Us

 I’d never given much thought to collecting angels, and didn’t really see myself as an angel collector. However, as I look around my house getting ready for this post I have to confess, I may have a little problem. It all began with Botticelli images and religious carvings that always seem to astound me. This plate with image on glass spoke to me.

 These guys are my absolute favorite. They are carved and hand painted German figurines.

 The detail is extraordinary and so soulful.

 This 3-D pair I chose to showcase in a gilt frame. They are very “Les Misérables”, 
don’t you think?

 I bought this lovely pair of Limoges trinket boxes from a beloved friend “Anya” who deals in antiques. They were probably commissioned as gifts.

 I love the French titles and elegant trim, but the muted color is the best, so unique for Limoges, which is usually quite colorful.

 Next is a “flue cover”. A flue was a hole in the wall where the stovepipe exhaust would be. When the pipe was not in use, they began making beautiful covers for the gaping holes. This is a Bessie Pease Gutmann. I love that little doll face, her work always calls to me.

 I find these little ceramic angels everywhere for a song. Don’t pass them up. They make great tablescapes. This planter with ivy…

 changes to hydrangeas. Very versatile. Hmm… gives me a great idea for Christmas. I can’t wait!

 This is the sweetest little bottle I found and thought I’d glam it up. I found this angel pin and knew it was a match made in… heaven!?

 Outside we go for some lawn décor. These guys hold a plant near the door

 while this sweetheart watches over some succulents.

 Here in the guest bath I kinda have an angel theme going. The kissing angels are so romantic, I couldn’t resist. They’re displayed on an easel flanked by these Italian beauties.

 Although I love them all, the little guy sitting on the soaps is my favorite. However, the Bacchus angel with the dangly grapes is a close second. Can you believe it’s a barrette by Kirks Folly?

 This is the door to my little grandson’s room, 

 because he’s Nana’s little angel!

 Last but not least is the doorstop I use at my bedroom door, my guardian angel so to speak. I always get a chuckle as he is, (wouldn’t you know it)… ASLEEP! Explains a lot, LOL!

Thanks for joining my little intervention for Angels Anonymous. 
Are you a closet collector too?



We're linking to the following parties:
Inspire Me Monday @ Singing Three Little Birds
Masterpiece Monday @ Boogieboard Cottage
Glitter Link Party @ Running With Glitter
Amaze Me Monday @ Dittle Dattle
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Making The World Cuter Monday @ Making The World Cuter
Making Monday Marvelous @ C.R.A.F.T.
Show Off Your Cottage Monday @ The House in the Roses
Market Yourself Monday @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Pink Hippo Party @ Pinkapotamus
Mosaic Monday @ Little Red House
I Made It! Monday @ Ninth Street Notions
Monday Craft Linky Party @ Polly Want A Crafter?
Motivational Monday @ Three Mango Seeds
The Sunday Showcase Party @ Under The Table and Dreaming
Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop @ Homemaker on a Dime
Sunday's Best Link Party @ My 1929 Charmer
Sister Sunday Link Party @ Sisters of the Wild West
Thrifty Treasures @ Southern Hospitality
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Tuesday's Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Time to Shine @ A Diamond in the Stuff
Tuesday Timeout @ Reasons to Skip Housework
Anything Goes @ Type A
Twice Owned Tuesday @ Creating a House of Grace
Knick of Time Tuesday @ Knick of Time Interiors
Table Top Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Fall Into Fall @ DIY by Design
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Wow Me Wednesday @ Ginger Snap Crafts
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch to Yours

Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Time Travel Thursday @ The Brambleberry Cottage
Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Creek Cottage
Vintage Thingie Thursday @ The Coloradolady
Pearls and Lace Thursday @ Faith, Grace, and Crafts
Pin'Inspirational Thursday @ The ArtsyGirl Connection
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Farmhouse Friday @ LaurieAnna's Vintage Home
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence
Potpourri Party @ 2805
Simply Link Party @ Simply Designing
Feature Yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the Fridge
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Whatcha Got Weekend @ Lolly Jane Boutique
Show and Tell Saturday @ Be Different Act Normal


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