Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Day!!

We had a fun Christmas at our house this year! It was fun to wake up Christmas morning with two little kids showing excitement. Logan wrote a letter to Santa and left a Cookie and some milk. He drew a picture of a bike. It was so cute! We had a great Christmas and we hope you all did to!

Christmas Eve 2007

We went to my mom and dads house for Christmas Eve. We had a great Prime Rib dinner! Danette, Chad and Carly were with us! It was so much fun to have them there!

Christmas Sunday

Here the kids are in there Christmas outfits before church on the 23rd of December! I must say they are some REALLY cute kids!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Logan!

Well I can't believe that my little boy is 4! Wow it has flown by! Logans delivery is one for the books of not remembering! I will just say there was a lot of meds, pushing, pulling and pain! Raylie is lucky she is even here after Logan! He was a bouncing 8 lbs 4 oz! Huge(for me).
I just want to say happy birthday to Logan! I am thankful that you are here in my life, eventhough you have a very STRONG willed personality! I love you!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Here are some random pics from his big boy party! I didn't get any pictures of them hitting the Spiderman pinata though! Silly me! It was a sight to see though!
Here is Logans Spiderman cake! I was up till 1:30 a.m. to get it finished. That is better than trying to do it when Logan and Raylie are awake!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4 Years old!

Well Logan is almost four!! Holy cow! Here are his new pictures! I love them they definatley show his personality! He did a really great job at smiling for the camera! He is having a Spiderman birthday party wilth friends on Friday and then on his real birthday next week we will celebrate with family. So more pictures to come!!

Christmas Picture!

So here are our Christmas Pictures! I just got them done this morning! I decided (last year) since Logan birthday is in December I would get his birthday pictures and a picture of them together in there Christmas outfits, they turned out really cute! So Merry Christmas from the cute Isom kids!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Graham Cracker Houses!!

So for FHE last night we made graham cracker houses! It was fun! This was the first year Logan really got to help and he loved it! Although he kept sucking the frosting out of the bag when he finished putting any little drop on the house! After the way cute picture of Raylie and her crazy hair is mine and Logans (we had many structural problems with it, notice in the picture to the left of Raylie is was actually a double decker!).
Next on the bottom left is Sharises, then mom and dads is the last one! They all did a great job. I love this tradition! Josh stayed at home to finish some last minute final stuff for school :( so we missed him!

Seeing Santa!!

At our clubhouse Santa came for a little visit last night! It was so fun! They had cookies and hot chocolate for us to munch on while we waited in line! As you can see Logan didn't mind sitting on Santas lap...telling him he wants a bike with TWO wheels and a helmet. Raylie took one look at whose lap I set her on and she was not HAPPY! Cute kids!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Here is a conversation between me and Logan at bedtime:
Logan: "Mommy my arm is dead!"
Me: "Well that's okay, it will come back to life."
Logan: " But mom, my arm is NOT Jesus!"

What we have been up to...

So we have been very busy just with life and Josh has been hogging the computer trying to get all of his assignments done before finals next week. So here are some pictures of what we have been doing. This will read like a book...Raylie playing in the kitchen while I am fixing dinner, Raylie in her pretty church dress, that Josh picked out! Our Christmas tree. Raylie with all of her hair in two piggies! You'll have to click on the picture to make it big to actually see her hair poking out. Me holding the cute girl. And last but not least Logan asleep on the couch at 5:00 in the afternoon he has fallen alseep a couple times this week like this!
Well that's our life in a little Nutshell!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We went to Pahrump, NV for Thanksgiving this year. It was fun! Almost all of the family was there, we were missing Gary, Aaron, Tasha and Kia. Logan found the Incredibles suit and he wore it all day long! The two Incredibles were insuperable all day! They created havoc were ever they went!


The other day Logan's door was shut, so I went to open it and this is what I found on the wall underneath the window! I couldn't help but laugh! Needless to say I took his dry erase markers away and he had to help me wash it off. Thank heavens for Mr.Clean erasers!


Okay so here are my six habits/things about me!

1. I HATE going to the dentist! I hate the poking and drilling!

2. I LOVE sweets! Anything sweet and sugary I love it!

3. I think the human body is fascinating! I loved taking Human Anatomy in college! I can't believe the body works as well as it does for as long as it does it is amazing. I went to Body Works show when it was in Las Vegas, it was so cool. I recommend it for anyone to see!

4. I LOVE the Harry Potter series! I think it is the only series I have ever read!

5. I love cars! In high school I new the all of Toyota's models!

6. I LOVE IN-N-OUT Burger! I can't wait till the one is here in St. George! I craved it like crazy when I was prego with Logan! Our IN-N-OUT was supposed to be built this year, but it's running behind! BUMMER!

So there are some facts about me! I don't know of anybody who hasn't already been tagged.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Finally Halloween Pictures

Here are my Halloween pictures! Finally! I went out of town after Halloween so I have the time to put them in now! The first group of pictures are from Monday the 29th of Oct. Mom and Dad came over to have a Halloween dinner and carve pumpkins. It was fun, Logan loved the witches brew! The second group of pictures are of Halloween night. Dorothy and the Tinman!! Aren't they cute! They looked great and had a fun night!

Friday, November 2, 2007

halloween's coming

Sorry I am a little slow with posting pictures! Tinman and Dorothy are coming

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

One Year pictures!

Here are Raylies one year pictures! They turned out so cute! I was a little nervous because Kiddie Kandids doesn't open until 10:00 and that is her nap time, but I wanted to do them while Logan was in preschool. i had Grandma come with me and it helped out a bunch! Thanks mom! I can't believe she is so big! Her doctors appointment stats are:
HT: 30 inches
WT: 21 lbs 2 oz!
There is one more picture that I will post after I rescan it, it didn't scan right.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy !st birthday!

Happy Birthday Raylie! Our little girl is one! Time flies! Here are a few pictures from the hospital. She was 6lbs 5oz! I couldn't believe how little she was! I am so feel so blessed to have her in our home! She is such a sweet girl! She is usually always happy! We love her very much! Happy Birthday sweetie!

More pictures!

Here are more cute pictures of our cute little Raylie! In the middle picture on the top she is in her daddy's arms, her head is smaller than his hand!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy 50th MOM!

I just wanted to wish my mom a Happy 50th Birthday! We threw here a surprise party on saturday and she was totally surprised! It was great there were about 50 friends and family there to celebrate! She has taught me a lot and is a great example to me! She is a wonderful grandma! I am thankful that she is my mother! I love you mom! Hope you had a great birthday!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Raylie

These are pictures from Raylie's birthday party! She actually won't be one for about two weeks but this was the best time for her party and like she knows any different! She had a great time as you can tell from the pictures! There were many friends and family there to celebrate her big day! If you can't tell she had the Sunshine Carebear for her cake and then I made another one for her to dig into! We all had a great time! I will post prego and hospital pictures when it is her real birthday!! Happy Birthday Cutie Pie!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

PARK has cooled off enough to go to the park! I took Logan and Raylie to a great new park in Coral Canyon! As you can tell they loved it! Raylie was loving eating the wood chips and Logan loved running around like a "crazy lion!" He is very creative! I am so happy that fall is in the air!! (I think they are two of the cutest kids in the world!! But that is just my opinion!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day...again

Okay here are my pictures from Labor Day. We went to Bryce Canyon! It was fun, Raylie and Logan LOVE to be outside so they had a great time. It did rain on us a little bit though. We rode with my mom, dad, and Sharise(Josh stayed home and did homework).

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ditto Danette

Okay, so on Danettes blog she posted about Halloween. I am so excited for Halloween! I asked Logan what he wanted to be this year and he said, "The tinman" from the Wizard of I started thinking and have decided that Raylie is going to be Dorothy! I can't wait! Here are there pictures from last year, Raylie was two weeks old. Logan was a Pirate and Raylie was Tinkerbell! Her outfit came from Bulid a Bear! It worked great!!

Labor Day!

Well, Josh has been "trying to fix" our computer and Picasa was one of the thing that was taken off, so I will have to post pictures later. For Labor Day, my mom, dad, Sharise, Logan, Raylie and I went to Bryce Canyon (Josh stayed home to catch up on homework). I was fun and great to get out of the 100 plus weather!! We had a great time. I will post pictures as soon as I can! BTW: Josh really knows what he is doing on the computer...I just like to give him a hard time!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Preschool Update!!

Logan had a great day in preschool. His teacher said he was really well behaved and a good little boy!!!? I was shocked and thankful that he was good, like he is in primary. He said that they learned about questions and where to go potty. He must have forgotten the latter because just before I came to pick him up they were outside playing and he had an accident! Ahh. Luckily I had packed another pair of underwear and pants in his backpack. But all in all he had a GREAT time and is EXCITED to go back tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Wow! I can't believe that Logan is in Preschool! Today was his first day and he was soooo excited to go! We went shopping yesterday and bought some new clothes. He kept saying, "Can I go to school now?" He is growing up so fast! It seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital trying to deliver him...he wasn't easy and still isn't an easy child! I just keep reminding myself, It's a good thing he is cute! He can be really sweet when he wants to be though!! I love him and I am so happy that he is wanting to try something new. I will let you know how his first day went!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Shark Reef!

We went to Las Vegas this weekend for one last hurrah before Josh starts school this week. We told Logan that once he was potty trained for a couple months he could go to Shark Reef at the Mandalay Bay Casino. We went in December and he has been wanting to go back ever since. So the great parents that we are thought...ahhh bribary(sp). So here is the group. There is my family(Raylie is sleeping in the tilted stroller), notice how Josh and Logan are kinda floating heads...they were wearing green shirts against the green screen. Then there is Jeremy, Crissy, Wyatt and Colton. Then Ukiah, Heather, and sleeping Sarah, and Jeannie (the momma). We had a great time!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


The kids and I along with my mom and Sharise were able to fly to Texas to visit my sis Danette and her family. We stayed from Tuesday to Saturday! It was fun! Here are some pictures of what we did. Thanks Chad and Danette!

Pump It Up!

We went to a fun place called Pump It Up. We reserved a room that had a bunch of blow up slides and bounce houses. It was really fun! Raylie and Carly did have fun eventhough these pictures aren't showing it. They were just so cute I had to post them!

Willowbrook Mall

We went to a couple different malls, but here are some cute pictures from the Willowbrook mall. Raylie, Carly and Logan loved to play on the toys!

Blue Bell!

Josh served his mission in San Antonio Texas, home of Blue Bell Icecream (well the plant is actually in Houston). He wasn't able to go to Texas with us to I decided I would bring him home some of his favorite ice cream..Bananna Pudding! My sis in law brought some from North Carolina in May so I figured that I could do the same thing. On our way to the airport we stopped at Wal-Mart to get dry ice and the ice cream..well they had no dry ice. So we went to Krogers and my mom and I split up she went to get the dry ice and I went to get the ice cream well you guessed it no Bananna Pudding! So here we are with no ice cream and 4.5 lbs of dry ice! So we still had a little over two hours before our flight so we had Chad, Sharise and Logan go back to the Wal-Mart to see if they had it. While me, Raylie, mom, Danette, and Carly headed for the airport, my mom gets a call saying that the power is out at Wal-Mart and they are not letting anyone in! AHHHH! I am starting to panic now because I didn't bother getting him anything else. So we decided to try one more Krogers...couldn't find one, but we found a CVS. TADA they had it, so we bought it and life was great! Until we reach the airport... they wouldn't let us carry it on in a cooler that met the guidelines(and my dad just flew out of Houston with that same cooler with dry ice and fish the week before!). They told me I needed to check it..I had already taken off my shoes, so I ran back to check-in barefoot cooler in one hadn and Raylie in the other! The women there was very helpful she checked the bag in with no problems. Or so we thought. We made our way clear across the airport to our terminal and ten minutes before boarding they call "Logan Isom" over the PA. I knew it had to be the ice cream. So I took Logan up to the counter and they said they couldn't let the cooler through...I was very upset at this point! We were about ready to bored the plane in ten minutes and the only way they might possible let it on the flight was if I went all the way back to check in and pay $35.00! The man at the desk was saying that we probebly wouldn't make it in time...DUHHH! So even though we followed the airlines guidelines to transport perishable items they still wouldn't let it go on the flight!!! Poor Josh didn't get his surprise!

Going Home

This was in the car going home. Raylie must not have liked the movie because she pulled her blanket up over her head and Logan did the blank stare for a couple minutes and then was out!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

What we've been up to!

Okay so this will read like a book. Raylie has discovered our tupperware cabinet and LOVES pulling everything out! Logan and Raylie in the tub, with their toys in just the right spot! The next two is of them eating a Flavor-Ice.. quick story..Josh had stripped Raylie down to her diaper and gave her a popsicle, I was in the kitchen and in comes Logan shirt off and pulling his pants and underwear off saying, "I want one of those!" So he got one, but we did make him put his underwear back on.
Next is Logan at Gunlock Res. Logan and Raylie before church on July 22. Logan in his "missionary church clothes." Logan climbed into bed with Raylie. Logan and Raylie in my clothes basket. Raylie with her FIRST piggy tails or sprouts! Raylie at Gunlock Res. The last row is just repeats. Hope you enjoyed!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

So we all can thank Danette for our sudden rain storm! About 15 minutes after Danettes flight left Las Vegas, the rain started coming down in St. George! I guess Danette saved it in her suitcase and let it out after she had left! So thank you thank you! The water was runnig down our street so fast you can see how fast and deep it was by looking at the pictures with Logan. He had a blast!

Cute Baby!

Isn't she so cute?!! Logan was outside playing in the rain so she wanted to join. She found the rocks, so I had to keep her binkie in her mouth. Raylie loves to play outside.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mommies Little Helper!

Okay so these pictures are so CUTE! I was emptying out the dishwasher and since I can't be out of Raylie's sight now, she crawls and finds me wherever I am at! She is so big now! We went to the doctors yesterday for her nine month check up and here are her stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz
Height: 27 1/4 inches

Friday, July 6, 2007

Thanksgiving Point

While we were up north this weekend we went to Thanksgiving point and went in there Dinosaur Meusum. We were with Josh's older sis and her family and his younger bro and his family. Logan had a great time playing the sand!

Cute Cousins!

It is always fun to get these little babies together! The first one is Ellie and Raylie playing at Desirae's house. The next three are Raylie, Ellie and there second cousin Ahllora! Aren't they cute!

Happy Fourth of July!

We were lucky enough to have two celebrations on Wednesday! We celebrated first at my grandmas house! It was fun to have a BBQ and some fireworks! Logan loved this water slide!

Then we drove to Josh's uncles house for a BBQ and fireworks. This is there annual Gibson Reunion! It was fun to see all his family. There was over 90 people there!

The Zoo!

We went to the Hogle Zoo a couple days ago. It was so much fun! I love the zoo. Although it was a little hot we had a great time. In the middle row the last picture on the right is Joshua, Emma and Logan playing with the big water ball, in the distance there is a little pond. Well they decided that they would walk on the rocks in the water. That was all fine, but then my son decides to take his sandles off and JUMP into the knee deep water! He did that three more times before I got to him! Needless to say he was the only one that was no longer hot!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Late Memorial Day

Well I am posting our Memorial Day pictures late because I forgot to take my camera! My sis-in-law Crissy just sent me these pictures a couple days ago so I thought I would post them anyway! The top left picture is the Isom family visiting Grandpa Ray, we are only short two family members, Gary was working and Michelle was in the air (flying home to Vegas). The next two pictures are of the four babies born last year into the Isom family. Three cute girls and one handsome boy.The line up goes Raylie, Colton, Sarah, and Lilly. The last picutre is Sarah smiling at her uncle Dan and Lilly sitting by her dad.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Happy Late Father's Day! The picture on the left is my dad and the one on the right is Josh's dad. I figured that it is better late than never! I want to let my dad know how much I love and appreciate him for his hard work and love he given to our family! He is such a great example! I am proud to say that he is my dad and I love him and hope that he had a great Father's day!
I know that Josh's dad knows how much he was appreciated and loved! He is missed by all those who knew him and those in the family like me that wished they knew him. I love to hear stories about him because it makes me fill like I am getting to know him. So keep telling the stories!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Big Girl!

Raylie wakes up very happy, she actually sits in her crib and plays for awhile. Which is something Logan NEVER did. So it is nice. Today she was just talking away, when I went to check her this is what I found! Now, is she really old enough to be standing in her crib?! She is almost crawling, but she gets anywhere she wants. She is growing way to fast!! Do you like her big girl princess pjs?!