Saturday, August 4, 2007

What we've been up to!

Okay so this will read like a book. Raylie has discovered our tupperware cabinet and LOVES pulling everything out! Logan and Raylie in the tub, with their toys in just the right spot! The next two is of them eating a Flavor-Ice.. quick story..Josh had stripped Raylie down to her diaper and gave her a popsicle, I was in the kitchen and in comes Logan shirt off and pulling his pants and underwear off saying, "I want one of those!" So he got one, but we did make him put his underwear back on.
Next is Logan at Gunlock Res. Logan and Raylie before church on July 22. Logan in his "missionary church clothes." Logan climbed into bed with Raylie. Logan and Raylie in my clothes basket. Raylie with her FIRST piggy tails or sprouts! Raylie at Gunlock Res. The last row is just repeats. Hope you enjoyed!!

1 comment:

*ShaRisE* said...

Aw there so freakin cute!!!