Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Wow! I can't believe that Logan is in Preschool! Today was his first day and he was soooo excited to go! We went shopping yesterday and bought some new clothes. He kept saying, "Can I go to school now?" He is growing up so fast! It seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital trying to deliver him...he wasn't easy and still isn't an easy child! I just keep reminding myself, It's a good thing he is cute! He can be really sweet when he wants to be though!! I love him and I am so happy that he is wanting to try something new. I will let you know how his first day went!


Iron Chef TKD said...

Cute!!! I got a little choked up looking at that. I can't believe how big he is...

Julie said...

Congratulations Logan! How cute is he with his backpack!!! They sure do grow up fast. If only we could push pause on those sweet moments in time and make them last a little longer...

Julie said...

P.S. I heard Josh did an awesome job in sacrament meeting on Sunday!

Pauline said...

He looks so grown up there. He is a cutie. We love him lots even in his bad moments.

Spencer and Mindy said...

Logan!! your a Cutie Pie!!

Des said...

What a cute little man! I'm so glad that he had such a great time at preschool (even with the accident!). He is such a cute little munchkin. Love ya Logan!

Elisa said...

WOW!! I can't believe he started preschool!!It seems like only yesterday that you were pregnant with him!! It's hard to believe he will be 4! Very cute post!

Danette said...

SO..tell us how it went!

Cluff Family said...

Great picture!!! He totally looks like Josh with that smile HA HA!!! Way to go Logan.... Preschool ROCKS!!!

Kirk and Joan said...

O.K. Brittany - you're definitely not old enough to have a child in preschool! Wasn't it just yesterday that you and Brian were scooting down the sidewalk in Kearns on your little hot wheels? (I'll try to find that picture and post it on my blog - its one of my favorites). Do you think Brian will ever make it to that point? (getting married and being a father I mean - not going to preschool!).