Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ditto Danette

Okay, so on Danettes blog she posted about Halloween. I am so excited for Halloween! I asked Logan what he wanted to be this year and he said, "The tinman" from the Wizard of Oz....so I started thinking and have decided that Raylie is going to be Dorothy! I can't wait! Here are there pictures from last year, Raylie was two weeks old. Logan was a Pirate and Raylie was Tinkerbell! Her outfit came from Bulid a Bear! It worked great!!


Danette said...

so cute!! They'll be especially cute this year in their costumes!

Emma said...

That is thee cutest little Tinkerbell I have ever seen!!!
You are really good at this whole Halloween stuff! I usually just go with what we have, looks kinda ghetto next to your kids!

Des said...

Did you find some shoes yet? I haven't seen any, but I will keep looking

The Isoms said...

No, but I need to go to Kid to Kid and Target. Maybe I will do that today.