11 June 2011
Early Summer Poetry Slam #4: The Messenger
Questions raised by gold-rimmed eyes
falling on waiting ears
22 March 2011
Fall of the Crow Tree
The species is unknown to me. All I could tell was that it was straight and slender, probably as a result of being surrounded by other trees. The top of it was sharp, the few branches angled gracefully upward into a fairly compact radius.
The best part of that tree was the birds, I think. Very often a small group, usually five or so, would alight on the top branches and hang there swaying in the breezes. Robins and starlings, maybe, but definitely some crows. The crows looked wonderfully portentous on cloudy days with wind. The black outlines stood out against the sky like sheet music for some delightfully scary opera. My guess is the view was spectacular.
Most mornings I made sure to take a look at the crow tree. The tip a cathedral spire on a golden sunny day.
The Crow Tree was a landmark, and I hoped it would be around for many more years. Nature had other ideas, in the form of a sucker punch landed during a severe windstorm earlier this month. I looked out the window one morning, and it was gone. I did a double take. Yep, gone. Not all the way gone; when it blew over, it got hung up on an adjacent tree. I suspect my neighbors haven't quite figured out how to remove it yet. It was a tree most tall. Still is, even in repose, languishing in the arms of another.
I can see it there, atilt and wondering, and I wonder myself at what the crows must think.
19 April 2010
Monday Sunshine: Songs from Shingled Ridgelines
05 April 2010
Monday Sunshine: Haiku, Shameless Wildlife Edition
02 June 2009
Random Tuesday Thoughts: GumboIsAVirgin Edition
DISH SOAP: I have a big bottle of Palmolive dish soap sitting on the edge of my sink. One of the big clear ones filled with green goo. I bought it because I was in a hurry, needed soap and forgot to consider that the word "Palmolive" gives me the creeps. I don't know why, it just sounds vaguely unwholesome.
FIX THE DAMN THING ALREADY: One of my neighbors has a job that apparently requires him to leave by 5:00 in the f*&%in' morning. I say f*&%in' because he also has a car that has a muffler that sounds like Snuffaluffagus (did I spell that right? who cares, I'm tired) with a head cold having a seizure. Seriously, I'm thinking about lending him some greenbacks, tell him to have that thing looked at. If it isn't broken, then he should be smacked around a bit. Dammit.
STR-STR-STR-STREAMING AUDIO: I listen to my favorite radio station quite a lot, by streaming it over my laptop through a wireless rig to my speakers. It sounds GREAT, mostly, except for the ti-ti-ti-times the au-au-au-audio player software gets the hi-hi-hi-hiccups. Then, it's just weird, I mean, really we-we-we-weird. I thought it must just be the beer talking, but it happens mostly in the mornings while I eat breakfast. And I don't drink beer for breakfast. Very often.
KIDS AND THE DARNDEST THINGS #1: A while back, me and the Wee Lass were bellied up to the dinner table, shoving calories down our necks, when the subject of music came up. In the course of our conversation, I was asking her what kind of music she liked. We sang a little bit of the Spongebob Campfire Song:
I don't know, man...
ITS FUNNY BECAUSE ITS STUPID: Not sure exactly why, but the following video makes me laugh until I nearly wet myself:
So there you have it, my very first Random Tuesday Thoughts, Gumbo-style! I'd say get over to Keely's and give thanks and drop some comment luv! Happy Tuesday!