Showing posts with label TB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TB. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27

Cats on Tuesday: Taking Care of Daddy Bean

CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.

Cubby sez, Recently we haf been very worried bout Daddy Bean. Him got an owee in hims toe and it spreaded to his foot and ankle. So him hadda take a lotta medicine!

Munchkin sez, a couple times Mommy Bean hadda take him to the mergency room! And he almost hadda stayed inna hospittle, oh noes!

Mouse sez, Mostly he was just sapozed to rest and take his medicine.

Indigo sez, I holded him down to make sure he got lots of rest!

And we guarded him to make sure no one disturbed him!

Daddy Bean is gettin better very slowly but it's happenin! I fink he'll be just fine!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!

TB update: We went to an appointment with the podiatrist last Thursday and the main concern is that TB's toe is still very swollen. The doctor debrided the toe and discovered that the infection is still trying to drain. She wants him to continue the oral antibiotics and he's probably going to need another MRI of his toe, foot and ankle to see what's going on. Sigh.

Monday, March 12

Man Cat Monday and an update

I haven't had much opportunity to take pictures of the gang in the last several weeks. The other day, though, I just had to get one of TB snuggled up with Indigo (hoping to post it tomorrow for Cats on Tuesday) and while I was at it, I took pictures of everyone else in the room too. I really like this picture of Cubby. To me, he seems to be saying, "yes? May I help you?"

It's been really hectic here for a month now. Heidi's car wasn't repaired yet (we're hoping it will be done on Tuesday) and so I was getting her to and from the bus stop. That wasn't such a big deal but then came the ordeal with TB's toe. It became infected and didn't get well.

We're not sure exactly how it became infected. About six weeks ago, he was clipping his nails and that one bled, either because he cut too close or because of the infection. At any rate, we made an appointment for him to see the podiatrist. It gave me the heebie jeebies to look at it and I was sure it was infected. It was all swollen and discolored. The doctor told TB to soak his toe and to apply an antibiotic ointment. He was already on an oral antibiotic for a cat bite that became infected. See? It's never dull around here!

So things seemed okay for the next week. TB finished up the antibiotic from the cat bite and a few days later, he began to have pain radiating up his ankle. I looked at his leg and felt scared. The tip of his toe was black and it was very swollen. His foot was also swollen and red. There was a red line running up past his ankle toward his knee. His leg was hot to the touch. There was also a bit of a smell and that really scared me. I was scared he might have gangrene in his toe so off we went to the ER.

I was sure he was going to be admitted but he wasn't. The doctor ran blood tests and cultures and they gave TB a dose of antibiotics by IV. The doctor prescribed more augmentin and said TB should see the podiatrist or primary again in a few days. The podiatrist has some weird hours so we went to TB's primary care physician. There hadn't been a dramatic improvement in the toe so that doctor decided to add a prescription of cipro. We were to come back in 4 days to re-evaluate.

There was slight improvement when we went back but not enough to make the doctor satisfied so he sent TB for an MRI of his foot and ankle and also for bloodwork. When the MRI results came back the following day, all the doctors began calling but were in conflict with each other. The podiatrist thought TB should go to the ER again. The primary felt we should try another week of oral antibiotics but that going to the ER would not be "unreasonable". The primary thought it was possible TB would end up losing his toe. An orthopedic doctor was called in to consult and he agreed with the podiatrist.

Off we went to the ER again. This time the experience was awful. For whatever reason, the ER was crowded and the hospital was filled to capacity. While they tried to decide what to do with TB, the doctors warned him if he was admitted he'd spend the night on a stretcher in the ER. There was no way we wanted that!

After reviewing more blood work and cultures taken at this second ER, the doctors decided to give TB 3 doses of IV antibiotics and then have him report to a clinic almost 25 miles away every day for more IV antibiotics.

In the middle of all this, my niece was getting married in Baltimore. Originally I'd let her know that the whole family was coming. Now it was 2 days before the wedding and two of us would have to bail. Bill said he would drive TB for his antibiotics on Saturday and Sunday. Because of their rules, the clinic was really strict about what time TB could come so it wasn't like we could all go to MD after the Saturday dose and come back later Sunday for that dose.

So the girls and I went to MD and had a lovely time. It was a wonderful break from all the stress, getting to see my family. I'd forgotten my camera in NJ but got a disposable camera. I'm glad I did. I took pictures that are being developed now and will share them when I get them back.

All the extra driving has been causing a hardship because of the rising cost of gas. On top of all this, some of our prescriptions have become more expensive. They've jumped from $8 to $40 and all we get is some BS story from the insurance company. They claim the generic drug companies are playing games with supply and demand and causing steep price increases in some of the medications. It seems to be all the extended release meds. I had to change one of my prescriptions; TB has appealed on two of his.

TB is getting today's dose of IV antibiotics now. The doctor will see him again Wednesday to decide the next step. TB is actually on week 2. At the end of the first week, I saw a major improvement. His toe is no longer black at the tip and looks healthier. The doctor, though, wasn't impressed. She's concerned because the toe is still swollen and wants TB to see a podiatrist. Apparently podiatrists are also surgeons. Maybe this doctor that just saw TB thinks he might have to lose his toe too.

I pray that he doesn't but only time will tell.

Wednesday, February 15

Anywhere but here and The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb

Over the lovely Valentine's Day dinner Kristin prepared for us, we had a conversation about how expensive fish has become. Kristin told us the least expensive fish sold at the store where she works is something called swai. I'd never heard of it and asked what it was. She answered it was a sort of Southeast Asian catfish. "What about Louisiana catfish? Or other American catfish?" I asked.

Kristin answered hardly anything comes from the United States anymore--except for lump crabcakes, which are from Maryland. Crabs are from Canada. Shrimp and other fishes are from Asia and Southeast Asia. Even crawfish (which I associate with Louisiana) are from Spain at her store.

I recollected lately about buying leg of lamb and tenderloin beef roast on sale. They were from Australia.

So what is going on? Where do the American fishermen and farmers sell their products? Overseas?

Even our produce is from everywhere else. Fruits and vegetables come from South America.

Maybe it's a seasonal thing? It just seems wrong that we don't have more American products available in the meat, seafood, and produce sections of grocery stores. I asked Kristin if people complain about it and she said yes--they worry about the quality of the water and what might go into it. TB said he'd worry about the same thing.

I finally finished reading The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. I started out loving it but by the end of the book, I was freely skipping sections and grimly plowing ahead to the end. It's a shame because the book had a good premise.

Caelum and Maureen Quirk are a teacher and school nurse respectively. They move from Connecticut to Colorado to try and save a damaged marriage. They both get jobs at Columbine High School. Yes. That Columbine. On that fateful April day in 1999, Maureen is hiding from the gunmen in the library while Caelum is back in Connecticut for the funeral of his aunt.

The first half of the book centers on Maureen's struggles to cope with the after effects of Columbine. Caelum, not the most sensitive soul in the world, struggles to deal with Maureen's manifestation of PTSD. They decide it would be better to leave Colorado, leave the memories behind (hopefully) and go home to Caelum's family farm.

Tragedy follows.

In more way than one--I think the book was a victim of the move too. I thought the story was going to be about Maureen's struggle and recovery from PTSD and that Caelum would grow as part of the experience into a loving, supportive husband. Well, that didn't happen.

The focus went off Maureen and onto Caelum and his dysfunctional family. It should have been its own story, like a sequel or something. Part of the problem I had with this is that I didn't like Caelum. I found him to be angry, cold and withdrawn. He was mean to people he had no business being mean to. I couldn't get away from Caelum. He was the narrator. I was willing to put up with him when the focus was on Maureen. In the second half of the book though ...

What made it worse for me was all the paperwork from and about Caelum's family. I was bored to death reading some of the letters and diary entries so I ended up skipping great chunks of it. I didn't feel I lost anything by it because Caelum usually summed it up one way or another anyway.

I really liked Wally Lamb's other books so this was a big disappointment!

And in the what else is new? department, I totally forgot about Cats on Tuesday and Kosmo has been letting me know about it since!

I had to take Kristin to the doctor for an infected gland. She's being treated with an antibiotic now that will hopefully take care of it. If not, we have to see a specialist. :P

And today I needed a shot in my left hip. I thought I was having a return of SI joint dysfunction but the doctor said it was actually bursitis. Better that, I think, than the other. The last time I had it was in 2009 and I was incapacitated a month! Anyway, the doctor gave me a shot and said I should start feeling some relieve tomorrow. I hope so!

Monday, February 13

Man Cat Monday: Kosmo and his pet, TB

When I first came upon Kosmo and TB watching TV, both of Kosmo's paws were extended down. He looked so adorably cute! Of course, as I was snapping the picture, he brought one paw up. Oh well.

Kosmo sez, Uh-uh, Mommy Bean's got dat flashy ting again. Hey, it's not Toosday! Daddy Bean's lap is comfy but it's time to gedouda here! I fink more of my pikturs will be here tomorrow for Cats on Tuesday!

Monday, February 6

Man Cat Monday and Celebrating T's Birthday

You know how hard it can be to get the purrrfect picture of our feline friends? So often I catch members of the gang in really cute poses and try to snap a picture in time ... but miss by just a fraction of a few seconds! For all the pictures I've posted, I've taken about ten times as many! Here's one recent "just missed" picture:

I did get a really cute picture of Cubby which I'm sharing on a Tuesday's "Cats on Tuesday". I'm not sure just when. Every once in a while I have a couple of choices of pictures and this is one of those rare times!

So we saw T on Saturday and had a belated birthday celebration for him. He's 8 years old and I am amazed at how fast the years have gone. I remember going to the hospital and holding him and falling in love with him when he was just a few hours old. What a long strange trip it's been in terms of his mom and everything else. It's a very long story.

Anyway, when T came over he asked to go for a walk in the park first before having a cupcake and his present. TB and I marvel at how well T knows how all the roads run. He knows the route numbers for everything we drove on (and I don't know them all. I'd be terrible at giving directions because there are some where I don't know the route number or the name either) and where they go to. It's like he's got a GPS in his head.

When we go to the park, T likes to pick up a map. He doesn't need it but he enjoys making a show of opening it up from time to time as we walk along to make sure we're going the right way. I think it would be fun to go to a different park and get their map and let T figure it all out for us. I know he gets a big kick out of that. Even though we're familiar with the trails now, we always have T become "the leader" and he gets a big kick out of that too!

When we got back, TB and T mixed red and blue paint together to form purple. T's favorite colors are red and purple. He'd painted his toolbox red and wanted to paint his name purple. While the paint was drying, we had our little birthday celebration.

T looked really pleased when we sang "Happy Birthday" to him. I'd gotten some mini cupcakes because they'd be easier to handle and maybe a healthier choice for T. He's gotten to be a pretty big boy and we're worried about that. He's a very picky eater and only seems to be interested in junky food. There's a whole lot less cake in a mini cupcake.

We wanted to have another birthday gift in addition to the toolbox and Kristin had suggested Hungry Hungry Hippos. I remember how much my kids loved the game when they were younger and I could see it making a big hit with Tomas...and it did! We played so many rounds of Hungry Hungry Hippos I lost count.

The paint was dry on T's name so he and TB glued the wooden pieces to either side of the toolbox. We left it to dry and next weekend, Tomas will be able to bring it home.

Grandchildren are such a joy. TB and I have a tendency to run out of steam in the afternoons and conk out early at night. When Tomas is over, though, we can find the energy to keep up with him because it's so much fun. I'm looking forward to next Saturday!

Monday, January 30

Making a toolbox with Tomas

On Saturday, our little guy came over with his father for a few hours of fun. We had them come over earlier than usual because we wanted to start out by taking T to the flea market. The project this week was to make a tool box and we thought to pick up some tools for T. He seemed really into it.

I was surprised at how few people were at the flea market. TB said most people show up on Thursday or Sunday. Hm. I would have thought Saturday would be a big day too, but that's all right. We didn't have to fight any crowds. There weren't a lot of people selling tools but TB managed to find a good collection to start T off and it cost us only $12.

We went back home, had lunch, and then headed to TB's workshop. T wanted to paint stripes on his birdhouse so that was the first thing to do.

Next, T peeled off all the blue paper to reveal the stripes!

TB and T are using a drill press to make holes in the pieces for the toolbox. The holes will make it easier for T to hammer nails in.

T hasn't entirely gotten the hang of hammering but he's catching on fast. It just takes practice!

Once the toolbox was together, it was time for T to paint his name on it. His favorite color is red and so that is what he chose.

T decided he wanted to paint the whole tool box red and so TB is showing him how best to hold the brush. It's all painted and dry by now so when he comes over next weekend, he'll just need to paint his name again in a different color. I'm hoping it's a nice day so we can then go to the park or playground!

Tomas is such a joy for TB and me. The unconditional love strengthens us when we feel low and his energy inspires us to set aside our aches and pains. Grandchildren are very good for health and well being!

Small blessings:

1. What I just wrote above -- the energy bursts I get from being around our Little T. The rest of being with him, well, those are big blessings.

2. I think Kristin's financial aid is finally coming through. Long story.

3. Alcatraz looks like it's going to be a good series. I need something to follow as avidly as I followed Lost.

4. Jorge Garcia is in the series! He was my favorite actor from Lost.

5. Kristin gets dropped off for work and Heidi gets picked up from the bus stop at about the same time. The good thing about that is that the bus stop is just yards from the store where Kristin works. The other good thing is that I don't have to go back and forth today. That happens sometimes...but not today!

Monday, January 16

Catching Up

I "slept in" this morning to 7 a.m. because I didn't have to get up earlier and drive anywhere! There are no doctor appointments nor anyone needing to get to work. I almost don't know what to do with myself! I'd started out listing five small things that are blessings to me on a daily basis but unfortunately that's gone by the way side. Many days I didn't get a chance to get on the computer. So instead of daily, it'll be whenever I have the time to actually post something.

We got a big blessing recently. TB's mom decided she didn't want to drive anymore and gave us her car. We went down with her to DMV to transfer the title over. Now we just need to save up enough money to register and insure the car. This has been an expensive month and we don't have any extra cash.

We had Little T over on Saturday. It was too cold to go to a park or playground so TB had a couple of projects to work on in the shop. T was thrilled! Under supervision, he got to use several of the big machines and I could tell he was happy about that.

Here TB and T are using the scroll saw to cut out a picture of Sponge Bob. T is a big Sponge Bob fan!

Next, they painted the cut out. T can play with it like a wooden paper doll when the paint dries completely.

TB pre-cut the pieces of wood to build a bird house. The pieces then had to be fitted together. That's where T came in--he did a lot of the hammering. It wasn't easy but he stuck with it.

Tomas proudly showed off the bird house once he and TB painted it red. This week, it needs to dry completely so that next week T can paint purple stripes on it. Yes, purple. Purple and red are his favorite colors!

It's been a pretty mild winter so far but recently we've had some very cold days. For my birthday, Heidi got me an adorable hat with polar bear ears. I love wearing it but it especially was a blessing on these super cold days! I thought to change my avi picture on Facebook for the winter.

Here are the small little things that brighten my day everyday:

1. coffee on a timer--it's wonderful to wake up and have the coffee brewed and ready for us!

2. the local news--we watch WKYS here in the Philly area and the morning news team works so well together. They make us laugh sometimes. I really miss them on the weekends when they're not on when I'm up and I have to wake up some other way.

3. Judge Judy--so wise, so funny, and so very tough!

4. dinner when everyone is home--so rare and so enjoyable

5. reading with TB--companionable time spent together in a hobby we both love!

6. days like this when I don't have to start the day early in the morning, driving around

7. listening to the classical music Bill burned for me from the internet

8. naps--to re-energize

9. watching movies at night with the kids when they don't have to work. Last night, TB, Kristin and I watched Kung Fu Panda 2.

10. watching the cats play with the little mice Kristin got for them. It's so much fun to watch them (Amber and Mouse especially) somersault across the floor, chase and bat at the mice and carry them off in their mouths.

I'm sure there's other daily blessings that brighten my day but I can't think anymore.

I think I'm going to get my book, settle down and read to a CD of Mozart.

Tuesday, January 3

Cats on Tuesday: Happy New Year!

CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.

Hi effurybody! We had such a nice New Year's weekend and hope you all did too. We thought it would be nice to wish effurybody a Happy New Year! Kosmo, wake up!

(Yawn) Yes, Happy New Year, effurybody! Munchkin?

(snork) Wha? I thought the party was over! Oh...Happy New Year, effurybody! Mouse?



Effuryone is too sleepy from all the fun this weekend. Good night! Zzzzzzzzz...

Even my bean conked out!

I'm going to conk out too! Happy New Year!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!

Monday, December 26

Our Merry Christmas

We had such a lovely Christmas and hope everyone else who celebrates enjoyed peace and joy yesterday.

All of us donned festive head wear whether we wanted to or not! ;)

The kids made merry

and TB and I made merry!

Tomas came over later in the morning. It was fun to watch him open presents!

TB made this checker board for T in his workshop. It came out beautifully!

TB explains how to play checkers

T and his daddy enjoy a moment together

Kristin took this picture of me. See the little pin on my collar? I love it! It's an angel pin for grandmas and T gave it to me! :)

Hope everyone is enjoying this day after Christmas!

Monday, December 5

Fun With Little T Again

This time we planned on a relaxing time with Little T. Smithville Park was having a Victorian Christmas celebration with a visit from St. Nick. We figured we'd be watching or listening to entertainment, looking at crafts, touring the mansion, and taking T to see Santa. It didn't quite work out that way. Today we are aching and tired but still had a wonderful time.

This is T in the parking lot when we got there. We overshot the entrance to the closer lot and so we ended up parking farther away. We enjoy walking so that was fine. T saw a sign for the "Blue" trail leading off into the woods and thought that's where we were going but we redirected him and he led us through the old Smithville village to the mansion.

When we got there, we found out that they weren't quite all set up for the start of the celebration. Well...we had the blue trail to fall back on, right? We'd take a lovely walk through the woods. It was close to 60 and didn't feel like December weather. Here are a couple of pictures I took along the way.

I bet this trail was beautiful during the peak season of leaves!

This was kind of wild. The smaller tree in front had grown into the larger tree behind!

As usual, T was our guide along the way. The path was steep in places, up and down, and full of tree roots. Big, thick ones!

Check out this big old tree!

We got back around the blue trail and headed back to the celebration. There were some "photo ops" set up around the grounds and TB and T took advantage of them!

Another one was near a wagon from the period laden with stuffed animals and gifts.

Unfortunately we didn't get to take the tour. I should have realized it wasn't free but it didn't cross my mind until we walked up to the mansion. Oops. We didn't have enough for the tour and lunch too...and by now our tummies were rumbling. Time to eat!

T is a very picky eater and always has been. This is associated with PDD-NOS and so we're just used to it. But hey! The vendor had chicken fingers, a close cousin to chicken nuggets. We got on line and then began to check out the prices. It was like reading a menu at a place on the turnpike. They know they got you so you can get gouged.

Except...we knew there was a McDonald's close buy. We could stay in budget and get something to eat so off we went.

When we got back, Santa was just going on break. We hung out, revisiting the booths. "A Christmas Carol" was being performed but it was too noisy and crowded for T so we just kept moving. Fifteen minutes later, Santa was back!

This time I got into the picture!

Santa asked T what he wanted. "I want," T began and froze. Maybe he was nervous, maybe he forgot what he wanted, maybe he wasn't sure how to put what he wanted into words. Maybe he would have said he wanted to hear from his mother who hasn't called in almost a year. He hasn't said anything about it but I'm sure he wonders.
Ugh. Off that. Santa said when T was ready, he could think what he wanted to Santa and he'd bring some gifts to make T happy.

Speaking of that, TB made Little T a checker board with little wooden cars as the pieces. I think T will get a kick out of that!

From there our busy day wasn't over. We went back to the house and to TB's workshop so T could sign the gifts he painted last week. We then put the gifts into boxes, taped or wrapped them, and T wrote out the gift tags. It was fun.

Now it was time to take Little T home. It was nearing dark and we'd had a wonderful day. TB and I came home and collapsed. Heh. It was worth it!

Grace In Small Things

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