"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Showing posts with label Mommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mommy. Show all posts

FREE GODIVA CHOCOLATE at Des Moines National Mom's Nite Out!

>> Friday, April 24, 2009

I am Celebrating National Mom’s Nite Out: the Ultimate Celebration of Motherhood

Des Moines National Mom's Nite Out
Thursday, May 7, 7-10 pm
At All Play (formerly In Play) 615 3rd St., Des Moines

I knew that would get some attention... Yes, ladies, it's true, there will be free chocolate at the Des Moines National Mom's Night Out. Our local Godiva retail store in Jordan Creek Town Center will be bringing a mobile dipping booth filled with warm chocolate- and plenty of goodies to dip in it!

I have some great sponsors lined up, with more signing on all the time! Here's what I have currently:
I also have representatives from:
  • Mary Kay
  • Pampered Chef
Did I mention they will all have something to give away?

More local businesses are signing on daily! (If you are a Des Moines area business and want to take part in the great event contact me. Let's talk!)

Don't forget to visit the National Mom's Nite Out site to register for great prizes.

Can't make it to an event but still want to be part of the fun? There will be over 100 giveaways on Twitter (#mno-09).

Keep tuned to Iowa Geek for more information as it comes!


Mom's Night Out in Des Moines

>> Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am Celebrating National Mom’s Nite Out: the Ultimate Celebration of Motherhood

I am so excited to share this with you all! The Des Moines Area National Mom's Night Out will be held at All Play in downtown Des Moines from 7 - 10 pm.

If you've never been to All Play (formerly In Play) let me just tell you that this is a great place for the entire family. Food, mini-bowling, arcade games and big screen TVs make this popular with everyone. (There is even wi-fi if you're a geek like me!)

All Play has graciously donated a conference room for us to use (and we may even get to utilize the mini bowling alley later in the evening!)

I'll be listing giveaways that we will have at our local event as they come in. And don't forget to visit the National Mom's Night Out site to register for great giveaways there! And be sure to check out the companies that are offering discounts!

Keep checking in with me or Paula to stay up to date on all the great goings on!

If you are a central Iowa business and would like to be showcased at the Des Moines Area National Mom's Night Out contact me via email. Help me make this a great event for Moms!



Des Moines Area Moms! Join Me!

>> Monday, April 20, 2009

I am Celebrating National Mom’s Nite Out: the Ultimate Celebration of Motherhood

Want to join Paula & me IRL (in real life) to celebrate being a mom?

The first annual Mom's Night Out is May 7. Because I am currently on my way home from an extended stay in Massachusetts details are still in the works.

If you are a business local to the Des Moines area and want to be noticed by the one person in every household who makes the majority of purchases and influences everything from dining to entertainment, clothing to travel contact me! Let's discuss how you can help make this an amazing event!


When To Begin Chores?

>> Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm thinking forward to summer vacation. To be quite honest I'm dreading it. I don't know what we are going to do with all those free hours in the day. I know many will be filled with outdoor play and, hopefully, exhausted naps but I want the girls to have some sort of schedule as well.

I'm also playing with the idea of making them do "chores". It probably wouldn't be anything more than I get them to do now, but I'm thinking of adding more structure and maybe a chore chart.

What do you think? When did you add chores to your child's routine? And do your kids earn anything from doing their chores? I guess that I just figure if I start them young it won't be such a surprise when they get older...

And if you're looking for a free chore chart- look no further. Lots of fun designs with more to come.


'Cuz Mommys Rock

>> Friday, April 11, 2008

While browsing through my long list of bloggy friends I have noticed a recurring theme. The theme, of course, is money and how to bring in some income while you’re at home with the kids.

Well, my friends, let me introduce you to something that I am lucky enough to be involved with now. It’s called SocialSpark. Social Spark is coming from a company I have become very fond of- IZEA.

I’ve been working with IZEA for about a year now and have had the opportunity to earn some great money, just for writing on my blog. You’re interested, yes?

SocialSpark has a whole lotta love for Mommy Bloggers. Why? Because Mommy Bloggers are on the tip of practically everything. During the course of a day we are limo drivers, chefs, nurses, hairdressers, maids, child care professionals, teachers, wardrobe stylists and business partners. If you have a question who do you go to first? Yep, Mommy. Mommy’s talk and people listen.

SocialSpark not only gives you the chance to learn about products but to actually connect with the advertisers in a social setting. You can contact an advertiser in the system if you are interested in learning more about them or if you are already a fan of their product.

SocialSpark also gives you a chance to get to know other bloggers in the community and take part in message boards as well as email them easily.

SocialSpark will be releasing soon so be sure to sign up today so you can begin right away!
Sponsored by SocialSpark


Have It Your Way

>> Tuesday, April 01, 2008

When I was younger my mother had a few of her rings melted down and had a new ring designed from all the gold and stones. It was big and maybe a bit ostentatious but unique. Maybe that’s why I remember it.

You don’t see many of those design events anymore but I found a jewelry store that operates that same principle on the web: YouDesignWeCreate.com. Now, they don’t re-create your old jewelry but they will design a piece to your exact specifications. Their “Our Services” page does a great job of showing you all the steps a piece will go through from design concept to finished product. It’s really impressive.

And although they have pieces for sale and do personalized corporate gifts I’m thinking a one-of-a-kind Mother’s ring would make a great Mother’s Day gift for me…


The Perfect Dress

>> Monday, February 25, 2008

I loved being pregnant. I was so blessed in the fact that I really didn’t suffer from morning sickness and the pregnancies themselves were uneventful. Other than being exhausted it was just like any other time of my life.

The worst part of my pregnancy was finding clothes that I could love. Clothes that looked like my regular clothes but were structured to fit the ever-growing belly. I never really understood why so many maternity shops insisted on creating clothing with a horizontal stripe- hello! I’m round enough as it is!- or using “cutesie” prints- ummm, baby inside me; I’m not dressing her yet!

And no matter how hard I tried I never found the perfect dress.

Until now. If you are pregnant you have to check out the maternity clothes at Due Maternity. Clothes that celebrate pregnancy. Fun Ts, great work wear, and the perfect dress for pregnancy (and after baby arrives).

I love a wrap dress. So versatile; a change of shoes and you can go from day to evening. It’s great for after baby is born because you can nurse easily and there is no more forgiving style- it emphasizes the smallest part of you and flows gently over those spots that keep you from fitting into your favorite jeans.

If you are pregnant you have to check out DueMaternity.com. Their website is more than clothes- they also have skin care products and diaper bags. Check out their "Bag A Day Giveaway".

And if you're not pregnant check out the baby gifts. They have a huge selection of Wry Baby T's. Great baby humor. I love the one that says "Scented".


This Mom Gets It

>> Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Resposibility for your actions is sorely lacking in our world these days. It's not surprising considering the "help" and "bailouts" that are around every corner if you screw up.

So I am completely impressed by this momwho made her son hold up a sign across the street from his schhol that said: "I was rude to my teacher. I can't come to school. I'm sorry."

Harvey says she loves her son very much but she wanted to teach him a lesson about making good choices, and the consequences of making bad ones.

"I want him to be successful in life," said Harvey. "This is something I thought of that would maybe get his attention."

It did.

"I got to be good in school," the boy said as tears rolled down his face.

Bravo, Mom! I think this made a bigger impact on him than anything else could have.


Not So Graceful

>> Thursday, February 07, 2008

I’m still fighting the effects of aging on my skin.

Unfortunately I don’t mean wrinkles. Wrinkles I could handle. A little Botox, a couple of peels… But I am fighting adult acne. Is it truly acne if it only attacks the right side of your face along the jaw line?

Whatever it’s called, it is hideous. I have awful, sore cysts that are swollen and red. U G L Y. I’ve cut down my dairy intake- which sucks as all the experts say that eating dairy can help you lose weight- to see if it will make a difference. So far- no. I’ve also started seeing an esthetician every 3 weeks or so for a microdermabrasion and peel. And, of course, I’m zapping the nasty little buggas with my Zeno.

All the facial skin care treatments aren't cheap,so I look for savings where I can find them. SkinDimensionsOnline has the same stuff my esthetician sells (and my Zeno refills that Target is always out of) at a savings to me- and free ground shipping.

I may not be able to stop aging, but I'm darn well gonna fight it. And try to save some money in the process.


For the Organizer in Me

>> Thursday, January 17, 2008

I am on countdown to our vacation. Because there are five of us going, two of them under the age of 5, making sure we have everything organized is very important.

Especially in the airport. Regulations being what they are, you can’t take much on an airplane any more. Our flight from Chicago to Dublin allows one carry on bag 22”x18”x10” and weighing no more that 13 pounds. Not a lot.

In order to maximize my personal item I bought a Buxton Bag . With interior mesh pockets and exterior zippered pockets it appeals to the organizer in me.

I ordered the tan and I am pretty sure my mom ordered the black (it also comes in red). The across-the-body strap will be great for security- no slipping off the shoulder- and the outer pockets will keep cameras in easy reach.

I am pretty sure this will be my new favorite travel accessory.


Three Bottles of Woolite

>> Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yep, that's them, my new "toys". Full of bells and whistles (ok, actually buttons and, well, buttons). I can't wait to steam something. Sad, I know. But I have to get caught up on regular laundry first.

The only downside... I bought 3 bottles of Woolite a week ago (regular, darks and colors) and can't use them because they aren't for high effeciency washers.

Three bottles of Woolite... Going to the first person who wants 'em.


And We're Off

>> Friday, November 09, 2007

The girls and I are heading north tomorrow morning. We are taking my young cousin Alexandra who has begun playing "Mother's Helper" for me once a week. It's a role that was held the past two summers by CoffeeGirl but during the school year it's just impossible to do as she lives half an hour away. By the time I picked her up I would have to take her home.

Alex is coming with us for two reasons: 1) I can't shop with the girls in tow and there are a few places I have to go (mainly Nordstrom for another bra and IKEA) and 2) I am having my friend G's new squeeze design a website for my little travel blog. If I don't have someone there to watch the girls I won't get anything done.

In speaking with Alex yesterday I found out that she has never been to the Mall of America. It's like I'm taking her to the teenaged mother ship. Her friends found out that she was going up- and not with parents- so she is currently enjoying elevated status as "the babysitter who gets to travel".

If you are checking in let me invite you to take in some of the stuff that has been going on around here:

I've got a new blog buddy. Stop at his place and say hello.

That pumpkin swirl cheesecake that I make all the time... Here's the recipe.

My birthday was the other day... Here's how I spent it.

And my washing machine burned up.

Yep, it was a busy week. Hopefully that will keep you entertained until I come back. Have a great weekend!


I Feel Icky, Oh So Icky

>> Thursday, November 08, 2007

Well, I "celebrated" my birthday by taking a hot bath with vapor bath (alternating daughters as they both have a cold, too) and climbing into bed early.

Very exciting, I know.

Unfortunately I woke today with the same headache I went to bed with. I dug out the super-duper sinus pills, and when Caelan took her morning nap Brenna and I cuddled in my bed; Brenna watching Blues Clues and me sleeping.

As I woke in my medication-induced fog I noticed that my headache had gone. Yippee! I never would have guessed that my hacking-cough cold was a sinus thing as I had no runny nose and I could breathe. Thankfully An Iowa Mom mentioned that her daughter was given sinus meds for a cold that sounded similar to mine.

Of course I am keeping up the meds- which puts me at a disadvantage to life. I feel about as sharp as a spoon and as necessary as a spork.

We bought Ratatouille the other night. I wonder if I can get the girls to relax and watch it with me?

Yeah, I'm dreaming, I know. It's the drugs.


The One Where Brenna Tells My Age

>> Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I got a lovely new toy for my birthday. Yes, it's my birthday. No, we're not doing anything special. After all, I did get to pick out a new washer and dryer last night.

I think I have mentioned before that all my siblings and their assorted broods gather together for family birthdays. We will band together to get a gift that we tend not to buy for ourselves. For both of my brothers we bought Nintendo DS, for my SIL we bought lots of pregnancy massages, for my BIL we bought a RC truck (no, I don't get it, but it was spendy). And I got a Flip Ultra.

Here is my first video- Brenna sings Happy Birthday to Mommy:

I love this thing! It's tiny- not much bigger than my cell phone- has 2x zoom, plugs right into the laptop; plus I can edit the videos and the software resizes them for internet sharing.

Did I mention it's under $200? Seriously, a great little camcorder for fun or travel. I highly recommend it. BTW- it's available in great colors like pink, lime and orange. FUN!



>> Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's not like I really had anything planned for this afternoon. A little rest, some laundry, grocery shopping...

What I really didn't count on was my washing machine catching fire during a spin cycle.

Now, before you worry, nothing was harmed. Well, except for the washing machine...

So, there we were, enjoying a late lunch when I smelled something burning. "Hmmmm," thought I, "I have nothing baking."

And then, just a moment later the kitchen was filled with smoke. And I had clothes in mid-spin in a washer half full of water.


I text Doug "Fire!" knowing that is about the only text he will respond to and begin pulling very heavy, very wet clothes from the machine to drag to my sister's house.

Yes, great fun was had there as I did my best to keep boy toys with small parts away from Caelan. Brenna, of course, wanted to play a video game and was very upset when I told her no. Oh, yes, it was great fun.

And more fun will follow as later we venture out to the store with the big yellow tag to buy a new washer/dryer set.

Yes, I'm getting a new dryer because if I don't it will catch fire next week.

I need a nap...


Alone Again

Well, the "church ladies" are gone. I have a few biscotti left, some coffee and water for cocoa or tea. Make yourself comfy.

We packed lots of boxes full of goodies for the charity and the kids had fun in the basement watching Cars and playing with toys.

Since the girls and I are heading north this weekend I am contemplating the purchase of a third cell phone for babysitter use. I've thought about it before- especially when CoffeeGirl would take Brenna to the park. Our upcoming visit to the Mall of America is really making me think very seriously about it as I know Brenna won't want to shop with me and will be with my teenaged cousin. I want to be able to reach them- so I can find them.

I considered walkie-talkies but I'm really not sure they would work so well in the MOA. So I'm thinking maybe one of those kid's phones that can only call a few people and have no extra features.

With our family plan it will cost about $10 per month, pretty nominal for peace of mind to my way of thinking.

Anyone have any advice or thoughts?



>> Monday, November 05, 2007

It's been a very long day. Caelan was up between 5 and 5:30am. We did some stretches to help me wake up and then I took a shower to try to steam out some of the gook that has collected in my head.

Brenna had school, Caelan and I "evaluated" a local pancake haus and then tried to shop for groceries and toys for Operation Christmas Child. I went a little crazy in Target's dollar bins... Cars and Disney Princess goodies, stuffed lovies, candy, jump ropes, Play-Doh, crayons...

Caelan, having been up for almost 5 hours by then, was understandably frustrated so I whipped through the rest of the store grabbing only the necessities. And forgetting many.

I then drove around hoping Caelan would doze off but only made myself tired. Lunch, as per the typical Monday, was McDonalds. We all share the #2- two cheeseburger meal. I get the soda and the leftovers.

Then blessed quiet time. I took some Tylenol to combat the pounding in my head and tried to rest. Of course it didn't work since I had a soda and caffeine affects me like nobody's business since I cut back to one soda per day and don't drink coffee.

So out of bed and off to work- laundry, cleaning, checking email...

Which I continued to do- with a break to "watch" Cars- while playing catch with the "boinging" fish, catching Caelan before she jumps on my stomach, protecting Toby from rogue children....

Then dinner. Chicken Voila and cheese stuffed breadsticks. Yep, I didn't get the necessary ingredients for the stir fry I had planned to make so we used the "emergency meal" that I keep in the freezer.

And after I made banana biscotti while Doug vacuumed Japanese Beetles off the ceiling and Brenna picked up toys.

The "church ladies" (from mom's group) are coming over tomorrow to pack shoe boxes with toys (see above) and I want to make a good impression.

OK, I want to make a really good impression. I even bought really good cocoa and a new teapot (my old one was corroding- the girls had been using it to hide small toys in) and pulled out the nice tea Doug bought me before the European market closed.

Yes, I want people to think I'm a great hostess. Kind of like Monica on Friends (those of you who watched that with any regularity will probably flash to the episode where she and Rachel lose a bet and have to switch apartments with Chandler and Joey. Monica spends days refinishing floors, painting and decorating. Once she is done she bakes and invites everyone over. As they are all eating she settles into the couch and falls asleep murmuring "I'm always the hostess...) Yep, that's what I'm like. Yes, it's scary. I'm thinking about getting help.


Bye, Bye Babies

>> Friday, November 02, 2007

Just a short time ago I stood in the garage, gave my girls big kisses and waved them off for a fun filled night at Grandma's.

As they pulled out I could hear Brenna saying, "Bye Jody!" just like she heard my cousin say it a few minutes before.

Brenna was so excited and couldn't wait for Grandma to come and get her. She was very busy telling me what she was going to do at Grandma's... Jump in leaves... Go to the park to swing and slide...

This will be Caelan's very first overnight at Grandma's house. It's kind of tough for me, but I'm sure it will be great for her. She loves Grandma,too, and really does need to be away from me a bit.

As for me... I have lots to do... Including cleaning the wood floors, baking the most yummy chocolate cake ever and spending time with Doug.



Mentally Mental

>> Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My mind is fried. I have nothing for you. I can't seem to recall if I cleared the table after dinner or if I made sure that Brenna brushed her teeth before bed.

Since Doug put Caelan down (I think... If he didn't she's roaming free somewhere) I'm pretty sure she bundled against the coolest evening of the fall.

I can't believe I am so busy now. It seems like my days are non-stop. Brenna to school twice a week, mom's group once a week, church activities twice a week, all the shopping, cleaning and cooking that must happen for the household to run....

When did I shower last? Maybe I should note that on my calendar, too...

So, for all you busy moms I will show you the online goodie I use to keep me organized. Cozi is a great online tool. I really like that I can text lists and schedules to myself or Doug. The calendar is great because it's color coded. In addition to the "personal" appointments I also have a special color for holidays and birthdays.

I have made a few suggestions to them- like a to-do list and mobile internet friendly viewing. All in good time, I am sure. But, as it's free, I'm not going to complain too much.

Give it a try. Me,I'm off to consume an adult beverage and watch whatever TiVo has saved for my viewing pleasure.


I'm Still on Top! Plus... Let the Invasion Begin!

>> Saturday, October 06, 2007

Check it out! It's been 16 days! Wow, I really didn't think I'd last 6, let alone plus 10! So thanks for clicking my buttons!


It's almost 2 pm. Time to get in the shower and prepare for Doug's family to begin arriving in 2 hours. I've got the pumpkin swirl cheesecake, the artichoke/spinach cheeseball and the Mediterranean Marinated Cheese made. I have a few touches left on the castle cake. And I haven't started the potatoes, the green bean cassarole or the sloppy joes yet.

But the girls are clean and cute. And I have until 5 to get the food prepared.

And I I want to do is sit here and pretend noone is coming over and I am actually able to enjoy this bit of quiet as Doug has the girls out running errands with him.


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