"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Amanda- Are You Looking for Wedding Jewelry?

>> Wednesday, October 08, 2008

OK, so I know your “big day” was a year ago but since you’re celebrating it on your first anniversary I think you might want some nice Wedding Jewelry. The Freshwater Pearl & Crystal set (available in a variety of crystal colors!) would look great with a simple dress… (What’s your budget for that, by the way & when are we going shopping? I’m going to Minneapolis on the 21st if you want to ride along!) Oh, and it’s affordable!

Are you sure you’re not in the market for a Unity Candle? I’m thinking a small lighting ceremony in the middle of karaoke would be great! You guys could sing “You’re The One That I Want” while you light it!


Looking Great Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune

>> Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So… I’ve got this clothing budget… It’s $100 per month. Divided among 4 people- two of whom seem to be growing faster than I can clothe them- it doesn’t go far. So you know I am searching for some great Discount fashion.

Quite often than means scouring sale racks for discount clothing… Or perusing websites for end-of-season specials.

I also check out Heavenly Couture’s website. It’s full of good quality clothing priced at $17.95- or below! It’s amazing! And while it is predominately a “juniors clothing” site I can find pieces that will work on a not-yet-ancient woman. Like these:

So if you’re on a budget like me or if you just like to get more for your money and buycheap clothing I suggest a stop at heavenly Couture.


Just Bead It

>> Saturday, September 20, 2008

I like pretty things. This probably comes as no surprise to those who know me. My ideas of “pretty” and “beauty” don’t always match with style guides, though, and often I am left searching for someone who has my taste. Because, although I may be somewhat crafty, I just don’t have all the time I need to do all these crafts and ideas that are swimming through my head.

I may have to make some time soon for some beading, though. I just found this great site that has beautiful wholesale beads. The selection of semi-precious gemstones in a wide variety if cuts is huge. They have gorgeous topaz in many colors, stunning ametrine, tourmalines in various hues and more stones that I have never heard of. And they have freshwater pearls in so many colors. I didn’t know pearls came in burgundy, bronze and blue! It’s almost overwhelming.

If you create jewelry you’ll want to check out the huge selection and variety of wholesale gemstone beads at BeadsOfCambay.com. They offer discounts up to 30% and you will not be disappointed with their selection.

And don’t overlook their discounted beads. There are some copper coin freshwater pearls listed there now – a 16 inch length for under $20. They would make a very simple but quite stunning necklace all by themselves.


Looking for Affordable Clothing That Is Age Appropriate?

>> Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I have come to dislike shopping. And it’s not just because practically everything I buy has to be tailored… I’m at a crossroads when it comes to clothing. The styles for “women” just feel too old and styles I am drawn to are just too young. And there is nothing worse than a grown woman dressing too young (hello Madonna…).

So I have to shop carefully and discriminately. That’s one of the reasons I like to peruse Heavenly Couture. They carry great quality clothes in a wide variety of styles; all at deep discounts. And you know, with my frugality, that I only buy Discount Clothing.

Here are a few styles I found at the site today:

Nice, huh? And all perfectly acceptable for a woman my age.

I mentioned that this is Cheap Clothing, right? In fact, all the items I showed you (as well as everything else on the site) is $17.95 or less. And, right now, you can take additional savings up to 10% off during their "back to school" special.

Go on... Peruse the site... You know you want to...


Well... Crap...

>> Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I have been trying to get an appointment with my hairstylist and between my limited availability - because there is no way my girls are going to sit still while I get a cut and color - and her MOVING AWAY I can't get in. I've been seeing her since she was in cosmetology school...

Because I have been a stylist I tend to be a bit pickier while also maintaining the stance of "it's only hair" and "hair is just another accessory". Which can freak people out. I'll try new things... But just because it's new doesn't mean it shouldn't be done well.

So now I have to find a new stylist. Argh. I hate that. (Hey Paula- where do you go?)


Do You Know Art?

>> Thursday, August 07, 2008

Doug is a big fan of art. Of course there are many things out there that he questions the actual “artistic talents” of the “artist”, but that’s a completely personal thing.

Myself, I don’t know much about art other than “I like it” or “Seriously, Brenna could do that.” Luckily not all art galleries are pretentious or uppity. Park West Art Gallery has a great page just for beginning collectors.

If you have any interest in art Park West Gallery is a great starting point. Their website is very easy to use, is chock full of information and has plenty of ways to contact the gallery with questions. It’s definitely a great resource for wanna be art collectors.


Maybe Just Smooth Out the Wrinkles

>> Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sometimes I can sit at my computer and without really knowing how I will click around until I end up on a site that I really have no intention of spending time on. And then I will get so engrossed in what I am seeing that I spend quite a bit of time there.

Because I have no intention of ever getting plastic surgery yet I spent about 20 minutes looking at before and after photos on the Aesthetic Wellness Center’s website.

It’s not that I have anything against plastic surgery, I just don’t think it’s right (or necessary) for me. But then I see these great photos of brow lifts and Boston rhinoplasty and I think that just maybe a “little work” might not be so bad. Maybe least a little Botox to smooth away the crows feet. Or a few peels to help rid my face of the sun damage that is showing itself now.

And then I click around a little more and see that the Aesthetic Wellness Center works with the Face to Face Domestic Violence Program offering free facial reconstruction to those who have been victims of domestic violence. Which makes me feel incredibly vain about my wrinkles… But it would also make me feel good about giving my business to a doctor that helps the community.


Holding Back the Years

I’m going to admit something… I have tendencies toward being vain. Lately I joke with Doug that I am becoming more high maintenance because my evening routine has become 20 minutes of cleansers, lotions and creams.

Anything to hold back the years, you know.

The other day I read about Ethocyn, a drug that stimulates the production of elastin fibers in your skin, to help tighten the skin. And, apparently, there are none of the side effects that other drugs can cause. Excellent!

This “miracle drug” was created by Dr. Chantal Burnison and is distributed by Chantal Pharmaceuticals – without the funding of any of the “big” drug companies. Which is really amazing if you think about the money it takes to develop and promote anything.

It’s a pretty great story in itself and if the drug is as good as the buzz leads me to believe I may add it to my routine.


The Peak is Peeking at Me

>> Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I’m always a bit skeptical about new “all natural” products that promise amazing results. Mostly you see this with diet pills- I especially love the one that says “And we couldn’t say it on TV if it wasn’t true”. Yeah, whatever… And all the news in unbiased…

So when I saw this ad for Procerin, a product to stop hair loss I looked in to it a bit deeper as my dear husband is beginning to have a bit more forehead than he used to…

After reading the information page I can only say that I agree with quite a bit of it… DHT is the cause of male pattern baldness and it is easiest to reverse the effects in men whose hair is still in a growth cycle. I don’t see any crazy promises and there is a 90 day money back guarantee.

Definitely something to keep in mind before Doug’s hair quits growing all together…


High Maintence

>> Thursday, May 22, 2008

I didn't used to think I was high maintence, but now I'm not so sure.

To me high maintence invokes the image of, well, the "Real Housewives" shows on Bravo. You know... The ladies with too much money, a couple of nannies and time for a daily blow-out at the salon. Real, my a$$.

A real housewife is happy if she gets a shower alone- let alone every day. A real housewife is cleaning the house, caring for the kids, cooking the meals and (probably) working a "real" job as well. A real housewife has a car with Cheerios in the seats and stinky socks hidden somewhere that she may never find. A real housewife...

Ah, but I took off on my tangent and forgot my point...

I'm feeling much more high maintence lately. You see, my night time routine, now that I am of a certain age, is taking longer than ever. Honestly, why can't soap & water be enough?

1) Remove eye makeup with makeup remover
2) Wash face with special cleanser from the dermatologist for my problem skin (must wait 10 minutes for skin to dry completely before I can apply Theraputic Lotion)
3) While skin is drying completely brush and floss teeth. This is good as now I actually have time to floss. Yes, I had the time before but who wants to floss when they can just crawl into bed?
4) Apply eye firming cream
5) Apply Theraputic Lotion (must allow it to dry before applying night cream)
6) File any rough edges from nails and apply nail strengthener (not that it works but I will keep trying to, someday, grow my fingernails)
7) Apply Hydrating Gel to face
8) Apply hand creme (to my thrice washed hands by this point)
9) Crawl into bed

My morning routine is no where near that extensive. It involves washing my face, putting on hydrating lotion and sunscreen. Maybe a tinted moisturizer and mascara.

So I'm just high maintence at night? I guess it's working though. A woman in my mom's group was completely shocked when I told her my age. She thought I was her age (31).


I'm Too Sexy... Not.

>> Monday, May 05, 2008

Sometimes it’s really difficult for me to feel sexy. OK, it’s difficult quite a lot of the time… Having the girls changed my body so much that I would much rather leave it covered. And if I do get the urge to be a bit daring for Doug it never works out because local stores just don’t carry attractive full busted lingerie.

Thank goodness for BiggerBras.com. Not only can I order pretty lingerie that actually fits but I can also order a swimsuit in the sizes I need because they sell suits in bra sizes and you can buy a two piece suit as separates instead of having to buy two complete suits to get the right fit.

Now if only they did an online tummy tightening…


Beyond Pale

>> Friday, April 25, 2008

I’m a white girl.

There, I’ve said it. You see, for many, many years I tried to convince others that I was a bronze goddess and spent much time in tanning beds and the sun maintaining the permanent skin damage required to give me that “healthy glow”.

A few years ago I finally began to listen to the reports about the sun’s damaging rays and the rise of melanoma. Of course it helped that a friend of mine had a pretty serious lesion removed. So then I began the annoying process of slathering my body with self tanner to maintain that “glow”. And I began wearing sunscreen daily.

Now I am noticing the effects those years of sun have taken on my face and chest. Self tanner only seems to make the problem more noticeable as it clings to some spots more than others. Yuck.

This year I have decided that I’m just going to give up and embrace my “white-ness”. With age comes the wisdom I guess, to embrace what you actually are and not spend so much time trying to be something you are not.

So in addition to my sunscreen for every part of my body I am also making an investment in sun protective clothing. With two active girls you can bet I’ll be outside a lot and not everywhere I go will have shade.

I found a company called ANAYA that makes UV protective clothing – dresses, skirts, pants and tops. They have options whether you stay at home with the kiddos or work in an office.

I really like their shirt dress and their pants look very comfortable but not schlumpy. Their garments are tested and certified by the Australian/New Zealand Standard 4399 (people who know about sun) based on a combination of protection and comfort. Every one of their garments comes with the standard certification label.

Although their clothes may cost me a little more I think it’s going to be a good investment- the dermatologist bills to undo even bits of the damage I’ve already done are much higher.


Look Good, Do Good

>> Sunday, April 13, 2008

Design magazines have a tendency to make me cringe. So often rooms just feel overdone and I wonder who lives in them- and how. I guess that I am of a mind that more isn’t better- it’s just more. I love a simple design, some nice art on the walls and one or two pieces in a room that draw the eye and create instant interest.

There are some amazing suede pots at www.JacarandaStyle.com - Unique Home Accents & Fine Gifts that are hand-stitched with hand beaded “necklaces”. Absolutely stunning. This is the kind of piece that draws people to it and makes them ask questions.

And then you can tell them about how Jacaranda Style returns a portion of their profits to the communities of their South African artisans as well as donating funds to the Ethembeni School for Disabled Youth, also in South Africa.

An item from Jacaranda Style not only looks good, it does good.

Sponsored by JacarandaStyle


Hair Today...

>> Wednesday, April 09, 2008

So, I began noticing a couple of months ago that Doug’s hair was, well, becoming a bit less full on top. And maybe receding just a bit. I didn’t want to mention anything to him but since I am the one who cuts his hair I figured that if I didn’t mention it no one would.

I bought him some treatments and have been doing some research- just in case. I’m not saying that Doug is so vain that he would get a hair transplant … But I’m not not saying it, either.

I found a website recommended by the American Hair Loss Association that lists the members of the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS), a very elite group of hair transplant surgeons.

Their website is very informational and I really appreciate that they will advise against surgery if they feel it is not the answer to your problem. Definately a great place to begin if you (or someone you love) is noticing a bit of thinning...


Budget Formal? An Oxymoron?

>> Thursday, April 03, 2008

My cousin had her first formal dance last week. She’s not a girly girl nor does her family have a lot of money to buy her an expensive dress. She ended up wearing a silver dress that her stepsister had worn years ago- along with silver everything else (shoes, bag, accessories). I didn’t see the finished product but I do wonder if she looked like she was trying to signal someone from a planet far, far away.

The next time she needs any Formal Dresses I’m going to sit down with her and look at the options at ElegantMart.com. They have some really pretty dresses in great colors- many modest enough for a school function- for great prices. I may even buy it in trade for babysitting. As long as her parents don’t accessorize it.

With proms coming up I gotta recommend this site. The dresses are way below retail stores.


How Casual Dressing Leads to Shoes, Posh, Bridget and Peanuts...

>> Friday, March 28, 2008

I have some great dresses. One I bought in London (well, I bought two there but one is more bright and fun for going out. The other is more suitable to a graduation or a summer wedding.) Two I bought for our trip to London (one to wear to the theatre, the other for tea at Kensington. Which we didn't go to because we were having tea at Parliament. So the tea dress was worn to the theatre and the theatre dress is still waiting to be worn. ) And then I have a couple of more casual dresses which can be dressed up or down depending on shoes and accessories.

Now, we live in a suburb of a very casual mid-western city. No one dresses up for anything, it seems. When Doug & I were dating (long distance) and he would come to visit me I would take him to some fabulous places. We went to The Oceanaire, Pazzaluna, Jax and W.A. Frost on New Year's Eve (very romantic).

We've eaten at Lawry's in Chicago and Castagnola's in San Francisco.

And I can tell you that Des Moines has no restaurants that match those in ambiance and class. Which really leaves me no place to actually dress up and go out. Which, to be quite frank, sucks. I like to have an adult evening that I can dress up, feel a bit sexy and have a great meal (and maybe great theatre that doesn't just do a two day run but a two month run).

And there Des Moines falls short. Although I do have to admit that it is getting better...

Anyway, tonight is my sister-in-law's annual birthday dinner. Her favorite restaurant is Ohana. It's good (but not spectacular) and once a year is more than enough for me. But, since it's an adult evening, I am going to dress up. In one of my casual dresses. sigh

So I figured out which dress to wear and then realized that I had no black hose. So off to Target the girls and I go. I got black thigh hi's (sexy, remember?) and then wandered through the shoes. And found these:

Totally cute, yes? So I got them to make myself feel better. Because, really, shoes are one of my best friends. Now I just have to figure out if I am wearing them with hose or without because I have NO NICE JACKETS that really go with the dress. I'm thinking if I go with bare legs I can pull of the cute denim jacket I have.

And for hair... I'm in a bit of a growing out phase. I had that totally cute and funky very inverted bob, very short in the back cut like Victoria Beckham. (Say what you will, I think she is fabulous. Or as she would say, "Major." Not her singing of course, just her being.)

So I also bought a headband and I think I'm going to try for something like this little 'do she wore to meet the society ladies in her reality show about moving to America.

Yes I watched it. And I watched it again on the flight home from Dublin. She was funny! Fooling the paparazzi by dressing a sex doll as her... Truly classic.

So, I bet you didn't see where this would end up, did you? Me either. But it was a fun trip, yes?

It's almost 2 pm. I should go up and shave my legs (which would have been done in the shower this morning except I had two little girls that "had" to join me. One in her PJs.) to see if I can skip the thigh hi's (although I will ruin any thoughts of sexiness by adding these.) It's like the whole scene in Bridget Jones's Diary when she has to decide between the sexy panies which may ruin the line of her dress or the big granny panties which will, of course, guarantee her a bit of naughty fun later.

OK, must break away from this post before I find some way to input "Inconceiveable!" or "Anybody have a peanut?". Oh, yes, I could do it!

PS My original title for this post was "Dress Up? To Go Where, Exactly?" It long ago stopped being about that, didn't it?


Tan or Pale?

>> Thursday, March 27, 2008

If there is one thing I could take from my life it would be the time I spent roasting my body in the sun and tanning beds. I am beginning to see the results of the sun as I age and you can bet I slather my body in sunscreen, wear hats and sit in the shade as much as possible now.

I may be a lost cause but while I have some semblance of control I make sure my girls have sun protective clothing and sunscreen. The swimsuits I buy them have “surfer shirts” instead of tiny tops to keep those oft-burnt shoulders covered and I try to keep brimmed hats on them. Brenna’s new swimsuit even has SPF 50 protection.

I haven’t used any wash in sunscreen because I’m not really sure how to add it in my washer- but I think it’s a pretty good idea. I found it at SunsationalStyle.com- along with everything I could want for sun protection: clothing, hats, shades and, of course, sunscreen.

Do you have regrets about sun exposure? Do you do anything to keep your kids from overexposing?


Tankini to Bikini

Well, I just ordered my swimsuit the other day. Because of my rather generous bust line one piece suits are not an option. So I ordered three pieces. A tankini top (with underwire support), a cute belted swim skirt and a halter style top. Because I will have nice abs before the summer is over.

I’m just not sure exactly how. Right now I am using the "eat when you’re hungry and stop when your body is full" method. And making smarter choices to cut back on useless calories.

I’m also exercising every day- either walking outside or using my elliptical. I’m trying to gear myself up to do pilates or weight work in the morning before the girls are up. 6 am is just so early…

If I can’t make this work I may use a website I found where I can read tips for weight loss help and compare top healthy meal replacement systems from Medifast and Nutrisystem. I’ve never used a meal replacement system but the commercials are pretty convincing…

Until then I’ll just use their tips for healthy weight loss:
1) There is no miracle diet (except maybe a personal chef, a personal trainer and a nanny!)
2) Drink plenty of water.
3) Don’t starve yourself.
4) Sit down when you eat.
5) Exercise regularly.


Accessories are a Girl's Best Friend

>> Friday, March 21, 2008

Doug is hanging out with the girls and watching (yet another) episode of Backyardigans. I’ve had enough of the five friends for today so I was cruising around the web. Because spring is (really!) just around the corner I was just checking out handmade accessories.

I love to add spice to my rather dull “Mommy wardrobe” with items that aren’t “traditional” so when I saw this exotic designer jewelry by Jennifer Yuan I spent about 45 minutes clicking through her site.

Her necklaces are gorgeous! They are feminine and graceful and so wearable. I am in love with her “Fairytale” necklace. If money were no object I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Whether you can afford it or not visit Zhenun.com- her designs are so absolutely breathtaking.


I'm Drinking Water and I've Cut Down on Dairy... Now What?

>> Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I’ve been having microdermabrasion and a chemical peel once a month for about 4 months now. I’m not really sure it’s working the way I thought it would. I am still getting those horrible cyst-like outbreaks and I feel like I have more whiteheads.

I hate the fact that not only do I have worse skin than I did as a teenager but it is no longer so resilient and “fresh”. I just want beautiful, clear skin.

Since the treatments and products I have been using aren’t seeming to make a big impression I am considering a different course of Acne Treatment.

I’m really thinking about trying Proactiv®. The commercials make it look like a miracle. Anyone have any experience with it?

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