Someone's Had a Bit Too Much Kool Aid
>> Sunday, August 31, 2008
I had this comment waiting for me in my comments about McCain choosing Palin as his VP and I just had to share it. Basically because this is the substance of so many liberal arguments.
Of course you know I will not agree with you since Im for the people and democratic. When it come to John and Cindy McCain and Palin, gag me, and lets go shopping for another house or another jet while American families starve and have no jobs. Yahhhhh sounds fabulous. And lets destroy our Alaskan wilderness so we can save money on gas...hahhaha sounds fun. And lets not worry about the animals that contribute to our ecosytem as their slowly dying of starvation...sounds like a winner to me. And lets put laws on women's bodies so that we look "right" in the eyes of the Catholic church. That's all I have to say about that.
And yeah I know my use of english is bad
Personally I think this comment deserves a full reply... So here goes...
Seeker- while I will not berate you for your improper use of English I will pick on you for your invalid and weak arguements.
"For the people" means democrat? Really? Last I knew "for the people" meant freedoms and rights. Unless, of course, your version of "for the people" means "take from those who work and give to those who don't". I've been so poor that peanut butter and Ramen noodles were the only foods we had to eat. My husband and I have worked hard over our lives to have what we have. We sacrificed much. If we can do it, anyone can. Neither of us were privledged; I lived with my mom and three siblings in a one bedroom house. My mom worked three jobs. So don't tell me about American families starving. I've been there. With hard work and determination you can get out of it. Unfortunately too many people feel like they are owed...
As for homes... Quick- tell me all the homes your spouse's family owns. Because that's what you expect John McCain to do. Those aren't his homes... Those are homes owned and purchased by his wife's family that are in a trust that she just happens to oversee. Quit worshiping at the alter of Obama and do your research.
As for jets, Palin sold the jet the previous governor purchased. And I believe your candidate bought a bigger one not long ago ... So maybe you should take that up with him...
Now, about the Alaskan wilderness. Do you know how big ANWR is? Are you aware that where drilling would occur there is not even a tree within 700 miles? Here's a bit of info to help you with this research.
Could you please tell me which animals that contribute to the ecosystem are slowly dying of starvation? Surely you don’t mean polar bears? Because for every article or scientist that says they are declining I can show you one that says they are increasing in number. Like this one: Professor J. Scott Armstrong of the Wharton School says, “To list a species that is currently in good health as an endangered species requires valid forecasts that its population would decline to levels that threaten its viability. In fact, the polar bear populations have been increasing rapidly in recent decades due to hunting restrictions. Assuming these restrictions remain, the most appropriate forecast is to assume that the upward trend would continue for a few years, then level off.
Maybe you mean the bats that are being killed by wind turbines? Because I agree that is a problem. Bats eat mosquitos and we have way too many mosquitos this year...
I'm pretty sure you don't mean deer... Or bobcats... Or prairie chickens... In fact, many cities and states are having trouble controling their animal populations...
Now, I'm not against alternative energy. But I'm not willing to pay insane amounts to drive my car or heat my home until that technology is developed. Drill now, work on alternative methods now. One day we won't be dependent on oil. Great. But now we are and the people (who you claim to be "for") can't afford to pay $4, $5, $6 per gallon for gas. Nor can they afford to fund government programs to develop new technologies. It's not an all or nothing proposition- but there must be give and take.
As for laws on women's bodies... It has nothing to do with the Catholic church... It has to do with right and wrong. If abortion is ok please tell me why, if you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with two counts of murder? Because you are killing two people. Pretty straight forward... It's murder. Abortion kills babies. Abortion is murder. Pretty black and white...
You are always welcome to voice your opinion here, but, please, come armed with some facts. Otherwise you just appear foolish. Read more...