Showing posts with label popsicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label popsicles. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pina Colada Popsicles

On the 42 degree day we retreated to a small shopping centre to see a movie and just hang out and escape from our very hot house. I had a mission to get some popsicles moulds so we could make popiscles or as we call it here icy poles. I wanted to get some cute shaped ones but the only ones I could find were these cheap ones from target. They aren't as cute as the others but do the job and have a small little end to sip the melted bits when you get to the end.

This is so similar to my pina colada ice cream that I hesitated about posting it but the texture is really different, much more icy and you don't need a ice cream maker!

Pina Colada Popsicles/Icy Poles from good bite

Makes 4
1 cup organic unsweetened coconut milk
1/4 cup dried, unsweetened, un-sulfured shredded coconut (I left this out)
1 cup fresh pineapple, roughly chopped
1/2 tablespoon Agave nectar
1/4 teaspoon pure lemon extract (I left this out too)

Combine all ingredients in a blender; process until smooth and creamy. Divide mixture into four (4-ounce) Popsicle molds. Freeze for 4 hours and serve.

Heres rilakkuma (relax bear) posing with one:

They are sweet, creamy and quite refreshing!