Showing posts with label steven volpe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steven volpe. Show all posts

31 Oct 2011

home of interior designer steven volpe

nice vignettes, beautiful collected pieces.

light, light, light.

i guess this is the same view at two different times.
can you see those two high chairs? interior designers always think in twos.

contrasting style chairs.

contrasting color velvets.

dark photo blown up makes dramatic effect.

that small table with casters is just cute!
for some very peculiar reason it slightly reminds me of r2-d2.

galvanized metal table. what a statement!

another trompe l'oeil: a fornasetti cabinet.

bedroom (you wouldn't have guessed).

home office.

designer steven volpe's san francisco loft
was featured in the september 2011 issue of us elle decor.

you can read the article here at elle decor.

 pics from enjoy home.
additional images (2-5, 9, 11, 13-16) from


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