Showing posts with label diy ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy ideas. Show all posts

17 May 2016

jewelry _ contrasts

i love the contrasts in this
marble-leather-steel ring created by

also, the little marble shape reminds me
of a sugar cube, which makes the design even
more attracting.


szeretem a kontrasztokat. tetszik, ahogyan
varga jános gábor a bőrt ezekkel a hideg anyagokkal,
a márványal és az acéllal kombinálja.

ráadásul, a kis márványdarab úgy néz ki,
mint egy kockacukor, ami külön jó.

jános weboldala.
jános online boltja.

8 May 2016

would wear _ these beautiful, hand-painted, hand-sewn leather backpacks from pendular pocket

drawing boy satchel (290.36 euro)

drawing boy bag (238 euro)

joy backpack (138.04 euro)

i just love these!
pandular pocket is the one-man-show of
cristina paniagua periscal,
a spanish girl, who studied fine arts,
but then decided to make her art wearable.

pay a virtual visit to her studio

her webshop.

10 Sept 2015

all patched up (and nowhere to go?)












patchwork on the runway is no new thing.
just remember xuly bët from the '90s recycling
old jersey clothes and patching them
up into new ones.

some brands, like desigual for example
even have a patchworky style as
their signature one.

the above pics are from recent years
and the trend seems unstoppable, maybe because
it can convey so many moods from
elegant to hippy.

what i also like about this trend is that
it can be recreated at home too.

1-3 _ claire storey's graduate collection at westminster, 2013
4, 5 _ valentino ready-to-wear, spring/summer 2015
6-8 _ runway pics from chloé, fall/winter 2015-16
9-11 _ valentino ready-to-wear, resort 2016

5 Sept 2015

nice idea for a crafty weekend _ make a paper patchwork

making a paper patchwork like this one by 
elisabeth dunker of fine little day
must be a whole lot of fun!

these paper patches are first painted
with acrylic or gouache, and only after
having been painted are they cut to shape
and assembled.

27 Oct 2014

that sweater

so beautiful.

i would love to make
a beautiful sweater like this for myself.

or, another idea of mine is to 
buy t-shirts in a thrift shop,
cut them up to make thick yarns
and then knit them into a nice

knit by

11 Sept 2014

nice idea for a crafty day _ make a bead curtain

well, i think this is just a bunch of bead necklaces hung from a rod,
but it gave me the idea of a nice bead curtain,
maybe for my kitchen window.

you can get hordes of inspiration for bead curtains on pinterest,
but the one i'd make would be similar to this thing above.
I'd definitely use colorful glass beads.


ezen a fenti képen legjobb saccom szerint egy csomó,
farúdról lelógó gyöngynyakláncot látunk.

ám eme látvány azt a hirtelen ötletet adta,
hogy lehetne hasonló gyöngyfüggönyt készíteni,
például a kis konyhám ablakára.

a pinteresten, kis kereséssel, rengeteg gyöngyfüggöny
inspirációt lehet találni, de az én elképzelésem inkább
ehhez a fentihez állna közel, és majdnem biztos,
hogy színes üveggyöngyöket használnék, amelyeken
néha átvilágítna a napocska.

8 Jul 2014

some real magazine art by gemis luciani

what at the first glance might look like
colorful collages, are actually,
as the last photo reveals, systematically
folded fashion and design magazines,

images found

2 Jul 2014

14 May 2014

would wear _ this scarf by alison worman

incredibly beautiful scarf by
artist alison worman.
she seems to make all kinds
of beautiful, beautiful things.
proof of this is this older post of mine
with one of her works.

by all means check out her blogs!


jajj, annyira csodaszép ez a sál,
nem is igazán találok rá szavakat.
én annyi mindent szeretnék még csinálni
az életemben... például megtanulni szőni is. :)
én nem is igazán tudom, hogyan
szövik az efféle szöveteket... mert ugye,
ez tulajdonképpen dupla szövet.
ahol nincs minta, ott el tudod egymástól
távolítani a kezeddel a két réteget.
ahol pedig minta van, ott tulajdonképpen
"helyet cserél" a két réteg, ezért aztán
a szövet két oldala egymásnak inverze.
na, majd egyszer jól utánanézek ennek!

alison worman szőtte ezt a szépséget!
mindenképpen nézzétek meg az
oldalát, mert csomó más dolgot is csinál!
további linkek fent.

17 Mar 2014

nice idea for a crafty spring day _ cover a box with beautiful fabrics

i think, covering some storage boxes with
beautiful, feel-good fabrics would be a good
start to a crafty spring.

patterned fabrics are a lot more forgiving, too
if you're not so skilful with your tools.

1 _ a lovely campaign picture for the veronica valencia
collection of lights at barn light electric.
discovered through a refinaria.

2 _ you can make these lovely boxes from scratch,
just follow the instructions of
(she makes lots of beautiful things!).
she made these lovelies for the

13 Mar 2014

a little gelatology _ an initiative by studio fludd

chiara diluviani

gianvito fanelli, elena ramilli

marghita d’alò

tiziana tosoni (whose pinterest is one of my faves), alice zani

ebru turgul

alessandra puricelli, claudia molinari

davide dall’osso

what a great idea from studio fludd.
they organize so-called gelatology workshops,
were the participants get three adjectives to be expressed,
some time to sketch and then materials to work with,
and they each have to come up with their
very own ice-cream cone artwork.

the above ones are from the first
gelatology workshop, but there's more to come!
next up, on 23rd march in bologna, italy.

and check out all the gelatos
here at the gelatology tumblr.


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