design, typography, art, style, color, homes, quotes and photography from my stuff i like files
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
12 Sept 2014
under maintenance
folks, i thought it was high time for me to make a few changes to the blog design at long last.
i'm not gonna close it for the time i'm tweaking away at it, but please expect that the images are all over the place, extending into the sidebars, etc... if i chose to keep this narrower template then i'll have to readjust and resize all the images, which is quite a feat at my circa 8000 pics on the blog. Way too bad i can't code.
bear with me, I PLAN TO KEEP POSTING, too. :)
27 Jun 2013
as you all know, google will discontinue its reader as of july 1st 2013,
so please switch to another reader if you care to continue with following
my blog.
i personally use bloglovin, but you can find lots of other
alternatives on the net, too. you might want to
read this article on gizmodo.
5 Sept 2012
i'm back
seems i haven't been in the blogging mood lately.
it's not that i've been so very busy.
i think it's just the contrary, i've been quite lazy.
but i think that now i'm back.
also, i've been on a little sailing trip
in croatia last week.
needless to say, i loved it a lot!
pic above is me in sibenik.
i might post some more pics, too.
see y'all soon.
úgy tűnik, hogy az utóbbi időben nem voltam valami nagy
blogolós kedvemben... nem mintha annyira elfoglalt
lettem volna, azt hiszem inkább épp ellenkezőleg,
elég lusti voltam... nem sok mindent csináltam, és emiatt
itt is ellustultam. node, azt hiszem, most visszatértem...
reméljük. :)
megaztán múlt héten, afféle váratlan fordulatként, elugrottam kicsit nyaralni is.
vitorlástúrán voltunk az adrián. mondanom sem kell,
hogy mennyire jó volt, és asszem, nagy szükségem is volt rá,
hogy kiszakadjak kicsit a városból és a pillanatnyi semmittevésből.
a fönti képen épp sibenikben mutatom be sáskatudományomat.
igyekszem majd még további fotókat is közkinccsé tenni. :)
viszlát hamarosan.
30 May 2012
i'll be back soon
folks, i need to sign off for some time
in order to prepare for my big, big art history exam.
i'm nervous as hell.
do keep you fingers crossed.
it's due on june 12th.
i decided to not post until that time so
i can really concentrate on what i have to.
see you you soon!
in the meantime, feel free to browse the archives... it's worth it.
kedves emberek, úgy döntöttem, hogy
egy rövidke időre blogszabadságra megyek,
mert nagyon vészesen közeledik a művtöri államvizsga
időpontja... émmeg egyre csak idegesebb vagyok.
imádkozzatok érettem, hogy sikerüljön.
szeretem a művtörit, de ez olyan hatalmas és átláthatatlan
anyag egyelőre, hogy nem is tudom mi lesz.
mondjuk sikerülni kell, nincs más választásom...
szóval úgy döntöttem, hogy a vizsgáig még inkább
hanyagolom most a blogot...
júni 12-ére vagyok beosztva,
utána viszlát itt.
addig is, örömmel veszem, ha turkáltok a régi
posztok között... szerintem megéri.
[pic... i swear i can see some resemblance between
this cutie and me as a kid]
20 Sept 2011
seems that i'll have to spend most of my
next two weeks with some
serious, serious studying.
art history, that is... again.
alongside work at the studio.
as for blogging,
i got quite a lot of stuff lined up for posting,
so i dearly hope that i'll also be able to
keep up with the demands of blogging.
we'll just see, because posting takes a whole lot of time, too.
but would i disappear
for a while, you just don't get scared
because i'll be back very soon,
and you can always browse the
by now vast archives that sometimes
surprise even me. :P
pic by satoru kikuchi for hills life magazine,
via excellent male model.
16 Sept 2011
just talking to myself:
but what if i don't want this new type of picture gallery in blogger?
i wanna see things up close.
okay, i know i can still right-click and
open in new window to get the orginal size, but still...
okay, in the meantime i even realized that
i can also click on the link
in the lower left corner and that gets me
to the pic with it's individual url...
but still...
okay, i don't really know what would be better...
but still...
well, okay, i know i'll eventually
get (and gotta get) used to it.
but i'm getting old
and many a time i don't
like change.
so why didn't the warn me? :P
22 Jul 2011
a promise
also, when we (well, i mean i) manage to reach
500 google followers on this blog,
i'll make a giveaway.
some good one.
that's a promise.
i still have plenty of time to think about what
it should be, but if you'd like, you can also vote
what you'd prefer...
maybe something to wear?
or something to put on your wall?
i'm curious.
until then, don't forget to take part in
i love these works by santiago salvador.
found through ida's blog, idaddesign (a very good blog).
7 Jul 2011
i'm following (or just trying to follow) so many blogs on bloglovin'
that the weekly new posts count creeps up as high as
300 hundred thousand posts.
17 Mar 2011
a day of silence
catastrophies are weird...
i really don't know whether they are intended or totally random.
but they make people think of how everything can be lost in a matter of seconds.
and they make people help the others in need and get to realize that we are one.
20 Jan 2011
2 Jan 2011
dear friends,
i wish you the most wonderful year in 2011.
i feel gratitude for all the amazing and kind-hearted readers that i now have over here, so thank you, all. :)
i hope you keep visiting, and i hope that i will manage to keep you inspired this way or the other.
may all your dreams come true (and mine, too).
lots of hugs,
:) :) :)
(the title, "búék" is an abbreviation of "i wish you a happy new year" in hungarian, my mother tongue.)
(photo by the amazing tim flach.)
28 Oct 2010
back home
so, i'm back from our trip to cuenca and madrid, spain.
posts will be more regular again.
photo by me.
20 Oct 2010
new meets old
so, i'm off for cuenca, spain for a week... i hope i'll return safe and sound wednesday night next week.
i'm not taking a computer with me, but if there's a possibility, i will keep posting.
all images from marieclaire maison italia, photos by cecilia frattini.
19 Oct 2010
thank you, monika, for letting me know that the site was down, or at least deemed dangerous...
i hope i managed to solve the problem, i removed the link that caused it.
artworks by karen preston, vis travelinghost
4 Oct 2010
a little downtime
due to a small hardware problem i was without internet for the past few days... so, sorry for no posts.
now, i'm baaack, it seems. :)
image from busybeingfabulous
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