March 14, 2019

Spring Break 2019 - Oklahoma Science Museum

We had only two days in OKC, and our first activity was the Science Museum. I had heard really great things about it from friends and we were able to visit for free with our museum pass! The place was huge and did not disappoint! There were so many different hands-on activities to try for both kids and adults. We were there for almost 5 hours, but could have easily spent two days there playing. The only let down from the whole day was the planetarium show, which we ended up leaving part way through. We will have to come back again for another visit!

They had a Segway course you could try for free! Sophie, Davey, and I each took a turn and it was really fun. I would like to try a Segway tour sometime. 

Shadow wall, and our only family photo from the day

There was a glow, mirror maze that was actually pretty tricky. Davey kept running into walls trying to figure out where to walk. 

Chomp, chomp!

Making a tall tower with daddy's help

Piloting a mars robot

Sophie and I doing some climbing

Bed of nails!!

Tightrope conga line

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