Showing posts with label Oop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oop. Show all posts

September 29, 2020

Griffin's Lion (and Lion's Twin)

Griffin recently became attached to a little stuffed lion we got from an out-of-state urgent care when Charlie had an ear infection. He loves holding the mane and would spend forever turning it over and over in his hands. It started getting gross from all his slobber, so I threw it in the laundry, but lion manes are apparently not meant for the dryer, and all the fibers fused together into a shrunken poof. He hated this new lion. 

Feeling guilty for destroying his lovey, I went on eBay and miraculously found a replacement! Even more amazing, the seller was located right here in Amarillo just 10 minutes away. It was meant to be. When he got his new lion and it was love at first site. And now I give myself 3 months before I accidentally put it in the dryer again...

Original lion

Original lion after going in the dryer (on the right) compared to how he used to look

So happy to have New Lion